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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

As much as u are brining up qatar again and again, bashar should thank his stars that qatar managed to screw thjngs up on his behalf big time.
Why do u think the saudis forced the Qataris to take the back seat. But it was just too late then.

Would you agree with me that Qatar shouldn't have gotten involved?
Another Iranian general killed:

Reza Farzaneh


Plus several colonels:




Taghi Arghavani),
Hadi Yaghubvand),
Majid Mohammadi

Ethnic cleansing of Syrian villages is taking hard toll for IRGC terrorists invaders.
This is the stupidest argument I have seen.
The reason the Muslim world is like this is because everyone is blaming the Jews...thank God more Sunnis are seeing the light. You shias keep doing what you do best and blame everyone else but yourselves.

People don't seem to realized that when a group picks up arms and challenges the ruling party, they can't expect to be showered by flowers. Is there anything country in the world where a group can suddenly want to start a caliphate and NOT be challenged by the government, whether it is a democratic government, a communist government, or dictatorship?
Funny how you feel this way about Syria (it's okay to kill civilians because terrorists are among them!!!) but not the same way about what Israel does. Hypocritical much?

Several International Red Cross and Syrian Red Crescent vehicles that were trying to evacuate people from the surrounded city of "Madaya", have been targeted by terrorists and 3 rescuer have been injured.

Humanitarian aids that have been sent to "Deir ezzor" have been looted by terrorist groups such as the "Jeish ul-Fath" (army of conquest). They save the most for themselves and sell a part to people, for a high price.


Some aids have been dropped to Deir ezzor but it's not clear if they reached the people who need them or no.

Oh you Iranians.
There is no Jaish al Fateh in Deir ez Zour. Nor did rebels in Madaya attack aid workers. The aid agencies there have already said this.

The Iranian revolutionaries would have stupid if they expected the Shah wouldn't react. He did. The reason it succeeded was because it was home grown. Chechens and Saudis and etc did not join.
Syria protests - YouTube
Syrians protesting = not home grown
Alright farsi

Wow, calm down. Anytime soon you will strap a bomb to your chest and blow up a mosque.

There are significant data regarding, both foreign fighters and foreign arms into Syria since early days of the revolution. Back in 2011, countries like Qatar were bragging about financing the opposition. Back then they didn't think it would drag on for 5 years with a lot of backlash so they didn't hide it. Now, everyone hides their support.
lol, Gulf states supported Saddam for 8 years. You think they can't support rebels for 20? You'll see what's coming next ;)

Turkey started bombarding PYD positions in Syria Azaz with t155 howitzers

TSK, PYD mevzilerini vuruyor

You can watch the video in the link
Firtinas finally going to work. Nice :D

Comparing the Syrian rebellion and the Iranien revolution is totally ridiculous. They're two completely different things.
1-The Iranien regime was a total monarchy, without any democratic control on the 'Shah'.
The Syrian regime is a Republic with a parliament and the president has been chosen by the people by election.
2-The Iranian revolutionaries were against the principe of the 'Pahlavi' reign and wanted a democratic system.
The Syrian protestors (the real Syrian civilians who participated in the first peaceful protests) were mainly criticising a part of the governmental policies.
3-The Iranian revolution wasn't supported by any foreign government as it was against the both of West and East influence on Iran.
The Syrian rebellion was supported by the West, the Zionist regime and the Arab dictatorships since its very first days.
4-The Iranian government was fully supported by the US, and the US government intervened against the revolution, without even a request from the 'Shah'.
The Syrian government had no ally like the US for Iran; Iran and Russia intervened after several official request by the Syrian government.
5-The Iranian revolutionaries were under high pressure for many years and any act against the regime was answered by terror and torture, and even after the deployment of the Army in the street, people acted peacefully cause of the order of Imam Khomeini. Iranian official protests started after several years of hidden action and peaceful critics against the regime.
The Syrian official protests started from the first day of actions against the gov't and the first actions of the police has led to armed attacks against the government.
6-The Iranian government was Iranian.
The Syrian rebellion was officially backed by foreign states and now there's thousands of foreign terrorists fighting against the government.
7-The majority of the Iranian people asked one thing: an "Islamic Republic".
In Syria there isn't any consensus; one group want a Caliphate, another want separation, another want a secular Arab state.
Are you that ignorant?
1-Assads' elections results for the past 50 years have been 88% or better. They've been 100% thrice. That's not an election.
2-Syrian protesters protested government policies for a month. After getting shot at, they called for the downfall of the regime.
3-You can't provide proof of that.
4-Syrian gov't always had full support of Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia.
5-My grand uncle was executed in 1982. Friends of family members have disappeared or have been tortured. Every Syrian Sunni knows someone who has been injured, killed, or abducted by Assad.
6-https://Syria protests - YouTube
7-Sure, all Iranians are totally happy with all the laws & Shia theocracy. Women not being able to go to sports events is one. Oh, they're so happy about that I'm sure.
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"But do not think of those that have been slain in God's cause as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord." [3:169]


Shaheed 'Reza Farzaneh' was the chief of an Iranian cultural organisations related to AGIR.
He was voluntarily sent to Syria as an advisor and has been martyred by Takfiri terrorists at the age of 51. #RIP
اللهم ارزقنا توفیق الشهادة فی سبیلک.
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If I was doubtful about the legitimacy of our policies in Syria; now, after seeing the consensus of Zionist and terrorist supporters in PDF, I have not even 1% of doubt anymore.
Would you agree with me that Qatar shouldn't have gotten involved?
This is the only thing I will agree on. Had the fat clown not made a mess asshead would have been history.
So Saudis want to fight 'ISIS' all of a sudden? They can't fight themselves out of a paper bag honestly.
So Saudis want to fight 'ISIS' all of a sudden? They can't fight themselves out of a paper bag honestly.

They will just send some Uniform to their beloved ISIS and Al Nusrah .... that's all
Tal Rifaat in Aug 2015:

Now this small town is under insane bombings of RuAF and attacks by Iranian funded sectarian thugs from all over the world.
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