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[Must read] “Pakistan believes I am pro-India. Yes, I am" Abdullah Abdullah

That's the reason the Afghan population will accept to be pro-anything but not Pakistan.

I am also pro-India, but that doesn't mean I am against Pakistan. It's like having 2 neighbors, one friendly and other pain in the a**.

Totally hosting seven million of you at one point -- still hosting three million of you now -- who're idiots here?: Pakistanis.
Wooo somebody help. Indian is giving warning...lol

Warning? No it's advice as you are facing the mess you had created in the region ( Pakistan was one of the three countries who had recognized Taliban), you want to create a armed radicalized mess on your border than you are welcome for that.
Great read "Impressions from Kabul" here, excerpts below:

“Pakistan believes I am pro-India. Yes, I am and there are reasons for every Afghan to be pro-India.” This is how Dr Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of the Afghanistan’s Unity Government begins his talks after formally greeting the Pakistani delegation of Afghanistan-Pakistan Track 1.5/2 Dialogue at his palatial office in the heart of Kabul.

For the visiting Pakistani delegates, Dr Abdullah’s comments were not unusual. Their interactions with senior media persons, members of civil society, cabinet ministers and political elites had made them realise that the only issue on which all Afghans are united is ‘hatred for Pakistan’.

Any Afghan you meet in Kabul will tell you — “Pakistan is imposing Taliban on us”.

But, personally, this unprecedented hike in anti-Pakistan sentiment among the Kabulis is quite alarming. This level of mistrust and hatred was never witnessed during the previous visits to Afghan capital.


While further commenting on the popular perception in Pakistan that he is heading a pro-Indian lobby in Afghan capital, he said, “Those [Taliban] coming from Pakistan are killing innocent Afghans, imposing their ideologies and destabilising the legitimate Afghan government…”

Afghan President Dr Ashraf Ghani echoed the same sentiments while addressing the participants of the Heart of Asia Conference in Islamabad just days after our meeting with Dr Abdullah. “There had been considerable uncertainty whether Pakistan would truly acknowledge a sovereign Afghan state with its legitimate government and constitution,” said Dr Ghani, while sharing the chair of the conference with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.


“We praise Pakistan for what? For sending terrorists, killing innocent Afghans and destabilising legitimate regimes?” he added. “And the Afghans feel that Pakistan is still working on the agenda of bringing Taliban to rule Kabul.”
That's the reason the Afghan population will accept to be pro-anything but not Pakistan.

I am also pro-India, but that doesn't mean I am against Pakistan. It's like having 2 neighbors, one friendly and other pain in the a**.

Wrong. That's not the reason otherwise long before (even when this problem doesn't exists) and soon after Pakistan's independence from British and Indian Occupation Afghanistan attacked Pakistan just to recieve an unforgettable thrash by Waziristani Pakistanis.

Sorry folk but your compatriots hate the very existance of Pakistan. They also cannot accept the fact that daal khor Pakistanis are 500years ahead of Afghanistan in every field. There is simply no comparison between the two. Many in A'Stan are under the false impression and live in fools paradise imagining that Pushtuns and Hazaras in Pakistan wanna join A'Stan. This foolish thought multiplies the hatred for Pakistan when they see them prospering tremendously in Pakistan, holding important positions such as PM, president, COAS, etc, serving in huge numbers in Pak Army, etc etc.

On the other hand Pakistan has tried every effort to establish brotherly relation with A'stan, but failed.
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Totally hosting seven million of you at one point -- still hosting three million of you now -- who're idiots here?: Pakistanis.

True to some extent, remember there were times when Afghans believed Pakistanis are their brothers and Pakistan is their second home, in that way they were extreamly fond of all the assistance given to them by the people of Pakistan; things change 180 degrees after WoT, they realized that the Pakistani military establishment was directly/indirectly involved with most of their miseries which continue to date. The alarming thing is a couple of years ago Afghans excluded the people of Pakistan out of their sphere of blamings and instead blamed the Pakistani government but now they considers every Pakistani to be an anti-Afghan element.

It's not that we mind Afghans being pro-India solely because they're pro-India. It's that we mind Afghans being pro-India while illegally squatting in Pakistan in the millions, refusing to accept the Durand Line and still fantasizing about cutting up the country. To be honest, I'm beginning to think they're more anti-Pakistan than pro-anything else.

A pro-Indian Afghan is not consistantly an anti-Pakistani Afghan.
True to some extent, remember there were times when Afghans believed Pakistanis are their brothers and Pakistan is their second home, in that way they were extreamly fond of all the assistance given to them by the people of Pakistan;

Come on @Sher Malang let's be honest -- how long and how deep were these feeling -- for five days?

Afghans have always been hostile to the Pakistani people and this hostility is deeply entrenched.

Being allowed to seek refuge in Pakistan by the millions may have papered over some of this hostility but there was no depth to it.

things change 180 degrees after WoT, they realized that the Pakistani military establishment was directly/indirectly involved with most of their miseries which continue to date.

The Pakistani military was silent on Afghanistan for years -- they only started after years of Afghan hostility after WoT.

By comparison Pakistanis did not stop hosting Afghans after WoT, still 3 million live in Pakistan -- just imagine if the reverse was true -- how would we Pakistanis be treated in Afghanistan -- one shudders to think.

The alarming thing is a couple of years ago Afghans excluded the people of Pakistan out of their sphere of blamings and instead blamed the Pakistani government but now they considers every Pakistani to be an anti-Afghan element.

Again I don't think this is true -- the government of Pakistan is not staffed by martians -- it is staffed by Pakistanis.

I think there has always been a racist streak amongst the Afghans against the Pakistani people.

Afghans vis-a-vis Pakistan are victims of their own false narrative which has placed the Pakistani people as their enemy -- have the Afghans ever supported the Kashmir cause like Pakistanis have supported the Afghans. Yet Pakistan still continues to let you to cross the border without visas, study at our Universities, live in Pakistan albeit begrudgingly.

Nevertheless, I think the Afghans will sadly reap what they have sown.
Wrong. That's not the reason otherwise long before (even when this problem doesn't exists) and soon after Pakistan's independence from British and Indian Occupation Afghanistan attacked Pakistan just to recieve an unforgettable thrash by Waziristani Pakistanis.

Sorry folk but your compatriots hate the very existance of Pakistan. They also cannot accept the fact that daal khor Pakistanis are 500years ahead of Afghanistan in every field. There is simply no comparison between the two. Many in A'Stan are under the false impression and live in fools paradise imagining that Pushtuns and Hazaras in Pakistan wanna join A'Stan. This foolish thought multiplies the hatred for Pakistan when they see them prospering tremendously in Pakistan, holding important positions such as PM, president, COAS, etc, serving in huge numbers in Pak Army, etc etc.

On the other hand Pakistan has tried every effort to establish brotherly relation with A'stan, but failed.

I also feel that many in Afghanistan are jealous of the status of Pashtuns and others in KPK and even in other parts of Pakistan. Perhaps this is the cause of the animosity?
I think there has always been a racist streak amongst the Afghans against the Pakistani people.

The Afghan leadership and diaspora certainly view Pakistanis as "inferior Punjabi-Hindu scum". I'm not so sure what the common Afghan living in Afghanistan feels.
Pakistan cannot wait for ISAF to get out. Once that happens.. Kabul will glow red with blood and Afghanistan will be returned to its rightful position as a backwards deadzone.
Pakistan cannot wait for ISAF to get out. Once that happens.. Kabul will glow red with blood and Afghanistan will be returned to its rightful position as a backwards deadzone.

I don't think ISAF/NATO will ever fully leave. Listen to Anatol Leiven on his views. To prevent further bloodshed it seems that all the warring parties need to sit down and negotiate. The Taliban cannot take over Kabul and the North and hold it. The Kabul government cannot hold onto the south and the Taliban heartlands.

Afghans are our brothers from another mother ...
and the Father is unknown :lol:

Pakistan cannot wait for ISAF to get out. Once that happens.. Kabul will glow red with blood and Afghanistan will be returned to its rightful position as a backwards deadzone.

I was saying this from day 1 , and no one listen to me :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
"Mujhe insaaf aur Isaf Caiye judge sahab ":crazy_pilot:
We made some stupid mistakes in the 90's. As well as the disastrous 80's. Mistakes of the former cost us relations with the modern day Afghan government, and the latter cost us out own internal problems.

But, on both counts, the accusations of the Afghans and their constant whining is wrong, and serves literally no purpose to anyone.

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