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Pakistan, ISI "biggest threat" to India & Bangladesh : Bangladesh diplomat

How many does India have in top 800?Whatever number it is it is more shameful than Pakistan.

You can shove that ranking where the sun don't shine. You have never been to a good college in your life, else you would know that part from the Chinese, Indians get the highest number of post-grad and doctorate positions in top places like Ivy League univs, MIT, Stanford, UCal, GeorgiaTech, Oxford, Cambridge, NUS, etc. They do it because if you are educated at an Indian IIT or IIM, you are automatically considered eligible. Try showing this ranking to secure admission to the top universities for further studies, or for corporate recruitment - the only things that count.

Malala yousafzai - Noble prize winner

Shahid afridi - No introduction needed. a trail blazer.

jansher Khan - One of the greatest squash players of all time. world number one for 11 years.

Jehangir khan - greatest squash player of all time. longest undefeated streak in sports. 555 wins on the trot.

Imran khan- One of the greatest all rounders of all time.

This is just sports.

But you guys shot Malala.
How many does India have in top 800?Whatever number it is it is more shameful than Pakistan.

You dont get to choose a cut off number that suits you LOL. I mean why dont we compared the top 5000 or top 10,000 then....so that absolutely everybody is included and the actual rankings mean nothing?

You will notice that below 500, the universities dont even register a score in the rankings. Thats how irrelevant they are to the top 500....out of which Pakistan has exactly ZERO to India's SEVEN. So we are like an infinite times better (7/0) than you in universities that actually COUNT.

since we are discussing education.

Ali Moeen Nawazish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

23 A's . world record. Only to be beaten by another Pakistani.

47 As in O, A levels: Pakistani student beats world record - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

47 A's in o and a level combined.

I'm talking about the whole society when I compare education. Not the top 1% of the 1% achievers....for which there are tons of metrics out there.

Pakistan is quite simply leaving its youth behind. 28% out of Primary School, 54% out of lower secondary school.....even more out of higher secondary .....and the average number of schooling years is less than 8 (so basically primary and a little secondary and thats it). Not an inspiring base for Pakistan's economic future.

You can shove that ranking where the sun don't shine. You have never been to a good college in your life, else you would know that part from the Chinese, Indians get the highest number of post-grad and doctorate positions in top places like Ivy League univs, MIT, Stanford, UCal, GeorgiaTech, Oxford, Cambridge, NUS, etc. They do it because if you are educated at an Indian IIT or IIM, you are automatically considered eligible. Try showing this ranking to secure admission to the top universities for further studies, or for corporate recruitment - the only things that count.

Its even funnier coz even these rankings show how bad Pakistan is LOL.

Shahid afridi - No introduction needed. a trail blazer.

Pakistan needs another Afridi.

But I guess he is one of a kind :enjoy:
You can shove that ranking where the sun don't shine. You have never been to a good college in your life, else you would know that part from the Chinese, Indians get the highest number of post-grad and doctorate positions in top places like Ivy League univs, MIT, Stanford, UCal, GeorgiaTech, Oxford, Cambridge, NUS, etc. They do it because if you are educated at an Indian IIT or IIM, you are automatically considered eligible. Try showing this ranking to secure admission to the top universities for further studies, or for corporate recruitment - the only things that count.

But you guys shot Malala.

So what else did you expect?

China and india have a combined population of almost 2.5 billion. Its natural for them to get positions in there. Lots of Pakistan's are In IVY league and Oxbridge considering the population is one seventh of India. Its a case of 7 times bigger population.

Whatever we did to her she won a nobel prize that's not your headache if she was shot or not. She accomplished alot.
Pashtuns have indeed ruled over India for a long time. Sher Shah Suri, Lodhis, Durannis hotakis among hundreds of religional and small dynasties ruled India. This is the truth. In all of Pakistan the people who have the greatest history and unique culture are Pashtuns. If I had a choice I would prefer to become like them. They are patriotic and proud of their accomplishments and I count myself as one of them.
Lots of Pakistan's are In IVY league and Oxbridge considering the population is one seventh of India.

Bla bla bla....I can give you the names of all students and faculties in these institutions, they are in public domain. You will have to strain your eyes and reach for your glasses to find a Pakistani name anywhere. And the ones who are there are on some "let's include the dregs as well" scholarship program meant for, you guessed it, the dregs of the world like Pakistanis.

Whatever we did to her she won a nobel prize that's not your headache if she was shot or not. She accomplished alot.

She got a Nobel for saying that "girls should get an education as well without getting shot at". This is the bar you set for yourselves. That if one of you can say that the world is amazed, just as they would be amazed if a chimp or a bonobo said something like it. Instead of being ashamed, you wear it as some medal of honour.
You dont get to choose a cut off number that suits you LOL. I mean why dont we compared the top 5000 or top 10,000 then....so that absolutely everybody is included and the actual rankings mean nothing?

You will notice that below 500, the universities dont even register a score in the rankings. Thats how irrelevant they are to the top 500....out of which Pakistan has exactly ZERO to India's SEVEN. So we are like an infinite times better (7/0) than you in universities that actually COUNT.

I'm talking about the whole society when I compare education. Not the top 1% of the 1% achievers....for which there are tons of metrics out there.

Pakistan is quite simply leaving its youth behind. 28% out of Primary School, 54% out of lower secondary school.....even more out of higher secondary .....and the average number of schooling years is less than 8 (so basically primary and a little secondary and thats it). Not an inspiring base for Pakistan's economic future.

Its even funnier coz even these rankings show how bad Pakistan is LOL.

Pakistan needs another Afridi.

But I guess he is one of a kind :enjoy:

Well India has to have 7 times more universities in order to be better than Pakistan on average. So I guess India/Pakistan are on the same level. India as always being comfortable due to the fact that its a 7 times bigger. While on average its always a case of being equal to Pakistan.

Well then it is more amazing that despite having a lower primary and secondary input we produced such world beaters who then claim records only to be beaten by yet another Pakistani.

Afridi is one of a kind but we wont be needing him when we will beat you guys like always in the upcoming series in Srilanka:D.

Pakistan has always been an enigma and will remain one. :enjoy:.

Bla bla bla....I can give you the names of all students and faculties in these institutions, they are in public domain. You will have to strain your eyes and reach for your glasses to find a Pakistani name anywhere. And the ones who are there are on some "let's include the dregs as well" scholarship program meant for, you guessed it, the dregs of the world like Pakistanis.

She got a Nobel for saying that "girls should get an education as well without getting shot at". This is the bar you set for yourselves. That if one of you can say that the world is amazed, just as they would be amazed if a chimp or a bonobo said something like it. Instead of being ashamed, you wear it as some medal of honour.

There is a reason u don't see people from iceland or vatican city abroad or in universities because of their small population. With a population of 1.25 billion Indians are seen everywhere. Really?Are u director in harvard or stanford?.

Fix your home. Your actors are claiming India to be intolerant country and they are being told to leave the country by shiv sena. Oh glorious India:lol:

Funny how you cling on to malala when I gave you the examples of some of the greatest sportmen. Oh well you wont quote them because India never had world class squash player to begin with or a Charismatic leader Like Imran Khan.
Really?Are u director in harvard or stanford?.

A. Yes, I went to a univ rated in the top 20 in the rankings you cited, which I consider rubbish, BTW.

B. The info is on their websites, so you can look it up.

Charismatic leader Like Imran Khan.

I think the woman who used to beat him up, after which he used to shout "Reham karo Reham!!!" was more charismatic than him!!!:D:D:D
A. Yes, I went to a univ rated in the top 20 in the rankings you cited, which I consider rubbish, BTW.

B. The info is on their websites, so you can look it up.

I think the woman who used to beat him up, after which he used to shout "Reham karo Reham!!!" was more charismatic than him!!!:D:D:D

Someone is still angry about Imran khan Humiliating India again and again on the sports field from years ago:lol:.
Someone is still angry about Imran khan Humiliating India again and again on the sports field from years ago:lol:.

Luckily I was too young then. I grew up watching India thump Pakistan in World Cups and then refuse to play them ever after. Smart move by BCCI, won't you say?:closed:
Luckily I was too young then. I grew up watching India thump Pakistan in World Cups and then refuse to play them ever after. Smart move by BCCI, won't you say?:closed:

This will make your day . head to head

Pakistan 72 India 50.

To keep the Rivalry Alive we have to let you guys win in world cups otherwise it will get one sided.:D.

As much as differences we have there is no Feeling like a like Pakistan-India Match.
Well India has to have 7 times more universities in order to be better than Pakistan on average. So I guess India/Pakistan are on the same level.

Its not 7 to 1. Its 7 to ZERO. Thats inifinite times more Indian universities to Pak ones in the 1 - 500 region ( ranked by this particular ranking). If Pakistan had one university ranked somewhere in 100 - 200 area like the IIT's are, then we can have this discussion about meeting population ratios in the tertiary sector.

Many other university rankings dont have even one Pakistani university because they stop at top 200 or top 500 etc. This one just doesnt give a score for those below rank 500....so how are we to know how they exactly measure up compared to the top 500 ones?

Well then it is more amazing that despite having a lower primary and secondary input we produced such world beaters who then claim records only to be beaten by yet another Pakistani.

Every country produces a certain handful of top performers. Firstly the real impact of GCSE scores on their university and career performance is speculative at best. Secondly their combined impact on society is marginal compared to ensuring every kid is put through primary and secondary education so that the entire cohort is as close to maximum productivity as possible. Thirdly the country itself needs to be capable of absorbing these bright minds....what are the growing dynamic sectors in Pakistan? Now compare those to India....both in absolute scale and per capita availability/demand.

For example one measure of tertiary performance is the number of patents granted by the US by country of patent origin:

Patent Counts By Country, State, and Year - All Patent Types (December 2014)

In the year 2014, patents from India numbered more than 3000 (and growing rapidly yearly). China it was almost 8000.

Pakistan? It was a mere 10.

As for tertiary enrolment (of population cohort),

School enrollment, tertiary (% gross) | Data | Table

It was 25% in India, Pakistan it was 10%, Bangladesh 13%

Pakistan is far behind in education at all levels, especially primary and secondary.

The sooner it realises this and takes corrective measures, the better.

I mean the literacy rate is actually dropping for heavens sake, when it is already so low:

2013-14 report: Literacy rate slips nationwide by 2% - The Express Tribune

Education woes: Pakistan misses UN target with 58% literacy rate - The Express Tribune
This will make your day . head to head

Pakistan 72 India 50.

To keep the Rivalry Alive we have to let you guys win in world cups otherwise it will get one sided.:D.

As much as differences we have there is no Feeling like a like Pakistan-India Match.

No point pretending when things won't move on the ground, is there? Pakistani animosity towards India is for everyone to see. Even when we tell you that barring terrorism and Kashmir, we have NO issues with you guys whatsoever, you don't listen. Kashmir le ke rahenge aur terrorism kar ke rahenge is a bad formula for both peace and cricket.

What can we do? Let things be, I guess.

For example one measure of tertiary performance is the number of patents granted by the US by country of patent origin:

Patent Counts By Country, State, and Year - All Patent Types (December 2014)

In the year 2014, patents from India numbered more than 3000 (and growing rapidly yearly). China it was almost 8000.

Pakistan? It was a mere 10.

This number is further skewed when you look at patents secured/applied overall, meaning Indians and Pakistanis both within and outside India. Indians from IITs in foreign universities have co-authored most of the cutting-edge articles in science journals in recent years. Its almost a predictable pattern now. Three researchers co-authoring a research paper - one Jewish, one Indian and one Chinese.
This number is further skewed when you look at patents secured/applied overall, meaning Indians and Pakistanis both within and outside India. Indians from IITs in foreign universities have co-authored most of the cutting-edge articles in science journals in recent years. Its almost a predictable pattern now. Three researchers co-authoring a research paper - one Jewish, one Indian and one Chinese.

I am well aware, since I actually have to read a good bunch of the material science related papers for my line of work each year. Theres always one or two cutting edge ones I read that are from India (even more if you count co-authoring/collaboration/origin etc).....never really came across one from Pakistan.

I am just putting a very crude comparison out there when I put statistics like these. They are about the best Pakistan academic argument one can hope for, it just gets worse when you go into the details.

Pakistan after all does not register here when it should (given its population):

The World's Best Countries in Science [Interactive] - Scientific American

Also looking at just the quantity again of papers:

SJR - International Science Ranking

We of course should be comparing ourselves to our real peers like China and striving to get to that level. Though the ratio to GDP is not looking too shabby for India already. We need to keep growing basically.

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