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Turkish football fans loudly boo their pre-match minute’s silence for Paris victims

shocking coming from the most secular and liberal of the muslim countries, you dont get a coockie to guess what exactly is wrong with them, working as travel agents for ISIS can seriously mess up your head

Like I said in the other thread

"Can you blame them? Who held minute silences when more than a 100 people died in Ankara last month? Did France care? Did UK care? Was that an attack on humanity?

Source: Turkish football fans disrespect France's tribute"
Since I fell down and no one came to help so its ok for me to laugh and take pleasure when others fall down, Lmao at this logic :lol:

Pakistanis justifying this sick act why am I not surprised :lol: isn't it more shameful than throwing bottles?
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Their muslim brethren ,the Bosnians tried to do the same but the Irish drowned those pathetic monkeys :

"Allah Akbar !, Bosnia !"..................Irish:"Booooooooooooooooo!" lol

Oh yeah,Ireland won 2-0 ,will go to Euro 2016,Bosnia stays at home,more time for them to go to mosque.
When did you become anti Turkish,what happened?
Following post demonstrates precisely what's wrong with Muslims.

Following post doesn't explain anywhere whats wrong with the Muslims, but explains your misinterpretation of Islam. How you see it, its all up to you.

You Boo innocent people's death; blame West.

No one boohooed innocent People, they boohooed because of the double standards of the western world. Alright, lets say, as you sound quite a reasonable guy, I ask you a question, what if I God forbid someone kills your own brother and none of your neighbors comes to your home for condolences, instead they criticize your brother for being killed with the hands of someone for no reason. How would you feel? Would you feel relax just like you are now, would you justify their attitude saying that no I have to maintain this neighborhood relationship as this is called the humanity? Or you will explode and will openly criticize them of what they have done?

You blow yourselves up chanting Allah O Akbar killing again INNOCENT people; blame someone else. This is PRECISELY
the problem.

First of all if you are referring to Syria? Than I must say that in Syria no one blows themselves up, their lies the mighty ISIS backed by the Westerns who infect blows innocent People in the name of Religion. We do not consider them Muslims as they are not. But if you are referring Pakistan in your statement, than I agree we had this problem in the past, but it has been revealed that who has been funding these terrorists? I do not want to go into that details, as it will waste your precious time, until if you want it to, but one thing I must say, and that is, you can only be fooled on things that you don't see through your own eyes, but you can't be fooled on things that you see through your own eyes.

You can't solve a problem without identifying one. Unless of course you don't want to solve it to begin with.

You are absolutely right, if you think that the Islam is the reason of all problems, than you are not following Islam at all, thats what you said in your own statement, I will get to that statement in a while, but if you have a problem with Muslims, than why don't you leave a place where you live between Muslims and find yourself a place where you feel more comfortable and living and accompanying with RSS wouldn't be an issue for you after all they are not Muslims, and they also blame Islam for every problem in this world.

I doubt many are interested in understanding the true meaning of Islam or any other religion for that matter.

Well with this you will have to get your facts right mate, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and the most searched religion on google and you tube. If you don't want to know the true meaning of Islam that doesn't mean you and only you conclude the entire world. Fact is that more and more People are getting attracted towards religion. In US the Government allows Muslim preachers to come to jail and preach the inmates so that they learn the true meaning of their lives. If you think that your hatred towards Islam means the entire world would hate it, no my friend it isn't the case, for Millions of Non Muslims Islam truly is the religion of Peace, and you will only know if you get of this Islamophobia and learn more about it. If your father is a criminal lets suppose, should I than judge you as a criminal?

Sure, it always actions of 'few people' that wreak havoc among innocents. Tell that to some dumb liberal yank. I live in Pakistan. I've seen how 'educated' people showered flowers on Mumtaz Qadri, I've seen rallies in Qadri's favor, I've seen allegations on Malala, I've seen killings among Shi'ites and Wahhabis, I've seen TTP apologists on National TV, I've seen both sects abusing Prophet's companions and Imams, I've seen people praising Bin Laden. Don't bullshit me.

Alright don't believe it that the Islam is the true religion of Peace, yes you may have found extremist Muslims in Pakistan, I have too. yes you have seen People showered flowers on Mumtaz Qadri, I have seen them too. So, what you are trying to explain is that because of few idiots who doesn't know anything about Islam, you will have to blame the entire religion? Than I don't see any difference between you and those who were according to you showering flowers on Mumtaz Qadri. And as far as Osama Bin Laden is concerned, than I believe back in 80's your western friends used to praise Bin Laden more than the few Muslims you have seen today. He was infect considered a Hero in US back in 80's when Muslim world never heard of him. No wonder we do live in a funny world, we twist things always just the way we want them, not bullshittng you you can count on that.

Irrespective of different reaction towards Ankara and Paris, one must understand INNOCENT people died.

How many times have you abused westerns just as you are abusing Islam in your previous statements after they destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria for their own interests? By saying that, you consider yourself an angel? How many times have you mourn on the deaths of Civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Pakistan, Yemen? None, I bet ya. Don't pretend to be an angle Citizen of the world who cares for every human on earth, accept it that you are no different than those who were boohooing in that play ground.

That's all what matter for me.

No, nothing matters for you, you can only speak shi** here on this forum, for People like you Muslims have no rights to live on this planet. Stop pretending what you are not, your statements clearly indicates that to what extent love the entire humanity.

Middle East's destroyed because Middle Easterners allowed it to. It's as simple as that.

Yes, you are right and I completely agree with you that the Middle Eastern's did this to themselves, if they hadn't listened to the guys like you, they wouldn't be in this trouble today at all. The People who provoked them to stand for their rights, made it all happen, I believe your rights were crushed here in Pakistan too by the Muslims that you hate the most. So, can't blame ya!

I wouldn't expect an extremist to understand that though who suggests me to join RSS just because I won't boo the dead.

I only suggested you to go ahead and join RSS I never said that I will bomb you if you don't, how on the earth have you managed to predict that I can be an extremist, just because I explain it to you that you must understand and respect the sentiments of those who lost their Countrymen in a blast and the entire world boohooed at them. No condolences of any kind whatsoever. And more likely that I have outspoken about the double standards of the western world? Why I am not surprise? My fever western mates has the same issue just like yours.

I'm fine with Sufism

Now on one hand you consider yourself a moderate citizen who thinks that the world less cares knowing about Islam and religion and on other hand you call yourself a follower of Sufism. Do you know that if you truly were the follower of Sufism you must have known that the soul of every human is in search of a spirituality. And one can only be able to adopt that spirituality only he or she accepts the reality of the existence of the religion. If you don't know this than you have made another blunder. You my friend know nothing about Sufism. Sufism is also a sect of Islam and it is widely being practiced in every corner of the world. I have seen many Wahabbis who still practice Sufism, but you will never understand, because you had a bad experience I believe in the past, or should I say you have been watching too much TV lately.

that's more or less non-Muslim for a Wahhabi though.

I have no idea that with what kinda wahabbis you have been interaction with, but one thing I am certain off and that is your interpretation regarding Islam is totally wrong. You don't know who Wahhabis are, neither you have any idea what sufism is, by the way I am not a wahabbi, I consider myself a Muslim and I am proud of it.

I don't have to belong to Hinduism to be considered Wajib-al-Qatal anyway; being Non-Wahhabi is more than enough.

I don't know what world you truly live in, but if you were a truly Pakistani you would have known about Pakistan more than that, I was born and raised in western Country yet I believe I know about the Islamic sects in Pakistan more than you. According to Political scientist Rohan Bedi estimates that 60% of Pakistani Muslims are Barelvis. And 5-20% are shias. And you will be surprised to know that Pakistan has only 7% of Wahhabi Population, who are indeed considered as extremist of should I say an orthodox Muslims. But have you ever asked yourself that how many Orthodox Jews are their in Israel? or Orthodox Hindus in India, did you know that their are orthodox People in Sufism? off course not, you why would you need to know all this, after all you wanna live in peace, right? Don't blame others for what you want for yourself, if you want to watch **** and its banned in Pakistan, than Pakistani Government will be a Wahabbi for you. I hope this will satisfy you well.
When did you become anti Turkish,what happened?

I'm not anti Turkish,i'm anti current Turkish policies and not showing the basic respect to 129 killed innocents.Would it have killed them to just shut up for 1 minute ?

Ok,i get it,the same eulogy wasn't showed to the Ankara victims but you think that at a Netherlands-Latvia game they would have booed if they had a moment of silence for Ankara ?

Look at the current Turkish forum..."evil Europeans that,damned Europeans this..." WTF ??
What about the 1 minute silence for the hundreds of thousands, even millions of Muslims killed by the West's "moderate rebels", Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, etc....

The West and its GCC allies created the Islamic extremist organizations. All terrorism has western involvement.
I'm not anti Turkish,i'm anti current Turkish policies and not showing the basic respect to 129 killed innocents.Would it have killed them to just shut up for 1 minute ?

Ok,i get it,the same eulogy wasn't showed to the Ankara victims but you think that at a Netherlands-Latvia game they would have booed if they had a moment of silence for Ankara ?

Look at the current Turkish forum..."evil Europeans that,damned Europeans this..." WTF ??
Now you should act "proportionate" and kill 129 ISIS members.

EU, US call for ‘proportionate’ Turkish response to PKK

You are not evil, or damned.....you are just hypocrite, shameless, honorless people.
That's being insensitive!!
Like it or not...could have tried to be silent for one minute...Those who died are not army men...they are innocent people!!
Watch Turkish football fans loudly boo their pre-match minute’s silence for Paris victims

Lee Thomas-Mason for Metro.co.uk
Wednesday 18 Nov 2015 7:48 am
A section of Turkey’s fans decided to boo the scheduled pre-match minute’s silence before the country’s international friendly match against Greece in Istanbul on Tuesday night.

The two sides played out a forgettable 0-0 draw but the main talking point came before a ball was kicked as loud jeering, whistling and booing was clearly picked up by TV cameras as both sets of players stood solemnly in the centre circle.

The above video, which emerged on Twitter last night, appears to show sections of the crowd inside the Basaksehir Fatih Terim Stadium refusing to honour the 129 victims were killed in last Friday’s horrific events in Paris.

Some reports are suggesting that through the boos and jeers the chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’ – the Islamic phrase meaning ‘God is greater’ – could be heard coming from the stands during the proposed silence.


Greece’s players observe a minute of silence for the Paris terror attack victims (Picture: EPA)

Turkey’s fans cheer for their team during the friendly (Picture: Getty)

Turkey’s players observe a minute of silence to honour the victims of the Paris attacks (Picture: Getty)

Some Turkey fans could be heard booing during the silence (Picture: Getty)
‘Our fans should have behaved during the national anthems and during the one minute silence,’ Turkey manager Fatih Terim said after the match.

‘Greece is our neighbour. Today is world neighbours day, but our fans didn’t behave like neighbours in this match.’

Turkey qualified in third place in their group and will be heading to Euro 2016 in France next summer.

Read more: Turkey v Greece: Turkish fans boo minute's silence for Paris attack at football match | Metro News

Whenever there is a tragedy; Muslims dont reply with a moment of silence, we reply with religious prayers; but shame on those who booed.

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