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Turkish football fans loudly boo their pre-match minute’s silence for Paris victims

PKK is your "problem", that shouldn't give you excuses to support ISIS. PKK is not a threat to the whole world, but ISIS is. And frankly you discriminatory policy against Kurds is not helping

Although Chinese members have grievances against the Turkish State, under no circumstances can you classify PKK as an angel organization, because for decades they have bombed and killed many innocent people who disagree with their views. The same discriminatory laws can be directed towards China and its political policies on the Uighur's, however we both know the western media blows this assumption way out of proportion. The same scenario can be applied to Turkey and its important to remember that the national security of a nation is the number priority of all Governments. The Kurdish problem is linked to Iraq, Iran and Turkey, since these groups have a vision of achieving Greater Kurdistan.
Following post doesn't explain anywhere whats wrong with the Muslims, but explains your misinterpretation of Islam. How you see it, its all up to you.

How am I misinterpreting Islam if it's open to interpretation? You do realize Islam isn't Maths, don't ya?
Or you've supreme Authority over interpretation of Islam?

No one boohooed innocent People, they boohooed because of the double standards of the western world.

Again, the booing is open to interpretation. Don;t act like everyone consulted you first.

Alright, lets say, as you sound quite a reasonable guy, I ask you a question, what if I God forbid someone kills your own brother and none of your neighbors comes to your home for condolences, instead they criticize your brother for being killed with the hands of someone for no reason. How would you feel?

Depends on my Emotional state and the reason of my brother's death.

First of all if you are referring to Syria? Than I must say that in Syria no one blows themselves up, their lies the mighty ISIS backed by the Westerns who infect blows innocent People in the name of Religion. We do not consider them Muslims as they are not. But if you are referring Pakistan in your statement, than I agree we had this problem in the past, but it has been revealed that who has been funding these terrorists? I do not want to go into that details, as it will waste your precious time, until if you want it to, but one thing I must say, and that is, you can only be fooled on things that you don't see through your own eyes, but you can't be fooled on things that you see through your own eyes.

I was speaking generally. And who is this 'we' that don't consider ISIS Muslims? Unless you've supreme authority over interpretation of Islam or you represent a good number of people, speak for yourself. Just like you don't consider ISIS Muslims, ISIS might not consider you Muslim either or at least not Muslim enough to breathe. As for TTP, look up on a leading Wahhabism exporter.

You are absolutely right, if you think that the Islam is the reason of all problems, than you are not following Islam at all, thats what you said in your own statement, I will get to that statement in a while, but if you have a problem with Muslims, than why don't you leave a place where you live between Muslims and find yourself a place where you feel more comfortable and living and accompanying with RSS wouldn't be an issue for you after all they are not Muslims, and they also blame Islam for every problem in this world.

Never said Islam is the reason of all problems. I said a certain ideology provides a basis to Islamic Terrorism - that by now means implies that's all there's to it. As for I leaving, I don't believe I'm answerable to ya. And trust me, RSS alone doesn't blame Islam for everything. That's just watching too much Pakistani media.

Well with this you will have to get your facts right mate, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and the most searched religion on google and you tube. If you don't want to know the true meaning of Islam that doesn't mean you and only you conclude the entire world. Fact is that more and more People are getting attracted towards religion. In US the Government allows Muslim preachers to come to jail and preach the inmates so that they learn the true meaning of their lives. If you think that your hatred towards Islam means the entire world would hate it, no my friend it isn't the case, for Millions of Non Muslims Islam truly is the religion of Peace, and you will only know if you get of this Islamophobia and learn more about it.

The State of Religion: Declining Belief in God Worldwide
With Christianity in decline, Islam's bound to be the fastest growing religion worldwide with a million children in each household. That by no means implies Practicing Muslims are increasing worldwide. I know plenty 'Muslims' who engage in pre-marital sexual intercourse, drinking, interest, ignoring pray among others Non-Islamic things. Get off your high horse; Islam or any other religion isn't on the rise, it's just Mullah Abdul Aziz for Lal Masjid talking.

Alright don't believe it that the Islam is the true religion of Peace, yes you may have found extremist Muslims in Pakistan, I have too. yes you have seen People showered flowers on Mumtaz Qadri, I have seen them too. So, what you are trying to explain is that because of few idiots who doesn't know anything about Islam, you will have to blame the entire religion? Than I don't see any difference between you and those who were according to you showering flowers on Mumtaz Qadri. And as far as Osama Bin Laden is concerned, than I believe back in 80's your western friends used to praise Bin Laden

No, I wasn't talking those 'few' people but people who don't mind these 'few' people. My point was there's support for Radical Islam among masses. As for my western friends, take a look at my signature.

How many times have you abused westerns just as you are abusing Islam in your previous statements after they destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria for their own interests?

Again, read my signature. I'm not some madrassah graduate who believes anything he's told including 72 virgins.

No, nothing matters for you, you can only speak shi** here on this forum, for People like you Muslims have no rights to live on this planet. Stop pretending what you are not, your statements clearly indicates that to what extent love the entire humanity.

That's just your opinion.

Yes, you are right and I completely agree with you that the Middle Eastern's did this to themselves,

Period. No ifs and buts.

I only suggested you to go ahead and join RSS I never said that I will bomb you if you don't, how on the earth have you managed to predict that I can be an extremist,

Never said anything about ya blowing me up. Look up for difference between extremist and terrorist. Google is your friend.

Now on one hand you consider yourself a moderate citizen who thinks that the world less cares knowing about Islam and religion and on other hand you call yourself a follower of Sufism

I don't 'think'. I've provided the source to what I claimed with regards to the decline of Religions worldwide above.

I have no idea that with what kinda wahabbis you have been interaction with, but one thing I am certain off and that is your interpretation regarding Islam is totally wrong.

Just google pretty much any major Islamic terrorist organisation. Again, YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER INTERPRETATION OF ISLAM.

I don't know what world you truly live in, but if you were a truly Pakistani you would have known about Pakistan more than that, I was born and raised in western Country yet I believe I know about the Islamic sects in Pakistan more than you. According to Political scientist Rohan Bedi estimates that 60% of Pakistani Muslims are Barelvis. And 5-20% are shias. And you will be surprised to know that Pakistan has only 7% of Wahhabi Population, who are indeed considered as extremist of should I say an orthodox Muslims. But have you ever asked yourself that how many Orthodox Jews are their in Israel? or Orthodox Hindus in India, did you know that their are orthodox People in Sufism? off course not, you why would you need to know all this, after all you wanna live in peace, right? Don't blame others for what you want for yourself, if you want to watch **** and its banned in Pakistan, than Pakistani Government will be a Wahabbi for you. I hope this will satisfy you well.

I live in a world where I don't have to rely on Rohan Medi's 'estimates'.

Oh look, you've pleased the bigot Hindus.

By implying one shouldn't mock the dead? o_O
When was the last time Saudi Arabia stood in silence for dead muslims in the world ?

France under no circumstances is in the position to preach the doctrine of morality and righteousness, when your treasury exchequer is filled with blood money with the selling of military weapons to Saudi Arabia. When will your spineless politicians begin to send some ground troops into Syria, because the bombing campaign will only exacerbate the problem against France.
When was the last time any Europeans stood in silence for any victims in the Muslim world? There's bigger tragedies in the world than a 100 dead French. Good job Turks :tup:

Very very flawed logic! Europeans stood up for Europeans! When was the last time Arab countries stood in silence for attacks on their fellow Arabs?

Also, I'm 100% sure if Arabs were to stand in silence for their fellow Arabs Europeans definitely wouldn't boo them.
Very very flawed logic! Europeans stood up for Europeans! When was the last time Arab countries stood in silence for attacks on their fellow Arabs?

Also, I'm 100% sure if Arabs were to stand in silence for their fellow Arabs Europeans definitely wouldn't boo them.

Exactly.People have no right telling other people for who to care more.Next they'll be telling me i should care about someone sitting 2000 miles away from me more than i do for my mother.That,in fact fact,is just petty jealousy seeing how Europe and other countries in the world reacted in support of France.

Basically:"buhuhu,why don't u like us the same ? let's make you like us by booeing like neanderthalians the death of 129 innocents"
Turkish football fans booo pretty much everything, in this video they are booing Erdogan in the opening ceremony of the stadium and hes leaving afterwards.

When was the last time Saudi Arabia stood in silence for dead muslims in the world ?
Very very flawed logic! Europeans stood up for Europeans! When was the last time Arab countries stood in silence for attacks on their fellow Arabs?

Also, I'm 100% sure if Arabs were to stand in silence for their fellow Arabs Europeans definitely wouldn't boo them.

I am critical of European and western policies in ME, their reactions to terror attacks like this, but I also disagree with pathetic excuses for booing a 1 minute silence for civilians killed in a terror attack, those who try to justify it are just pathetic.

In some areas of Lebanon and some Arab countries, when there is a suicide bombing in a Shia area, there are some Sunnis (not all obviously, but they exist) who start giving candies and other stuff to other people to celebrate killing of some 'infidels'. I'm not even talking about those who are happy in their heart without showing it on surface.

I have seen hundreds of Saudis and other Arabs on Twitter who were celebrating the terrorist attack in Beirut, only because Shia civilians were killed. Such pathetic people do not even have a right to brag on justifying this booing incident or begging Europe to have a moment of silence for Muslims too.

Also, similar scumbags also exist in the west, those who get happy in their heart when they see Muslim civilians are killed only because some terrorists claim to be Muslims.
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When was the last time Saudi Arabia stood in silence for dead muslims in the world ?
Never to be exact .

Although it's a hypocrisy to cry a river for french victims and shed no tear for the lebenese ones , its also quite brutal and inhumane to boo the moment of silence set up for them .

RIP those innocent people

Turkish football fans booo pretty much everything
yeah , that must be it :lol:
death of any human by terror is a sad event every one saying dead french got all the attention they are right but to demand equal international support for all terror victims is 1 thing it is other thing to boo a minute of silence for dead civilians they done nothing wrong and they did not deserve it
When was the last time Saudi Arabia stood in silence for dead muslims in the world ?

We don't stand in silence we speak up for them. But don't worry it seems like our spineless leaders already stood in silence for you:


religion of peace

I am sick as frigg of Indian's sucking on the European tit in some vain hope of milching it. Let me make it clear I am not religious. In fact I am a ardent secularist but I do know that Islam is as medieval as any other religion and can be distorted like any other religion.

These outrages you see in Paris are political. The cause lie in the secular domain. Religion is just being used as a vehicle for political goal. When the Irish Catholics were blowing up half UK, murdering British soldiers in cold blood, one example being where they lyched two troopers did anybody subsribe to the "religion of peace" Catholicism?

Corporals killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This below is image of city centre of one of the largest cities in UK - Manchester home of the Old Trafford and United. Does this look like UK? More like downtown Iraq?



Or when the IRA killed a boy in Warrington


Warrington bomb attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or Omagh bombing that killed 29 people. Over 5,000 people died because of Irish Catholics and yes Catholic priest were kown to be involved sometimes.

Warrington bomb attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1998


Just because these animals who did this claim they are Muslim's does not mean they represent Islam. If that is case shall we use David Koresh as the manifestation of Christian goodness. This sick twisted bible preacher caused the deaths of nearly 100 including children.

Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Yeh that is David "Christian peace" Koresh on the left.

And just to remind the pontificating Indian's here I would remind you guy's it took the British to purge your habit of toasting your wives. You know "Sati"? So before the British came along Hinduism was "religion of burning your wife " for the poor women.

Sati (practice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


BBC NEWS | South Asia | India wife dies on husband's pyre


Nine Decades of Subjugation for India's Women - Bloomberg

And yes they ( the fans ) should NOT have booed. It was in BAD form but let's not use this event to make something else out of it.
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