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I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner

Lone Ranger

Oct 5, 2013
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I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani is an account of Pakistanis who take pride in their country.

The All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF) launched a rebuttal to Malala Yousafzai’s novel ‘I am Malala’ by releasing a book titled ‘I am not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am a Pakistani’ at the National Press Club in Islamabad.

“The book is written with the aim to reveal the truth and counter anti-Islamic propaganda and expose the nefarious designs of anti-Islam forces,” said the author of the book, Mirza Kashif Ali, President All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF).

“I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani” was introduced in a ceremony chaired by Ali at National Press Club in Islamabad.

“I am Malala” describes Malala’s life under the Taliban’s brutal rule in the Swat valley in the mid-2000s and hints at her ambition to enter Pakistani politics.

Some private schools banned it from their premises last year due to what they called its “anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam content”.

APPSF which comprises of a total of 173,000 private schools termed the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s book ‘controversial’, banning it in all private schools and colleges as a result.

According to the organisation, the book contains offensive text regarding Islam, Quranic teachings, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Pakistan’s ideology, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan Army, thus cannot be added in the curriculum.

Earlier in a statement, Adeeb Javadani, the central president of All Pakistan Private Schools Management Association (APPSMA) said that the book, the book was meant for the Western audience and did not receive much appreciation in Pakistan – a fact that had already decided its fate.

Further, APPSF announced its decision to take the matter to court on November 13, in order to ban the book across the country.

“Malala is a darling of the west and Shiv Sena, the same people who created al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), have created Malala,” Ali said.

The book, “I am not Malala”, aims to tell the readers that Malala, by comparing the Army with militants, the young literati is actually bashing the Army under the garb of female education.

Further, while the book praised Aitizaz Hasan, the young student who sacrificed his life to save his schoolmates by tackling a suicide bomber, it also questions her indifference towards Israeli aggression or the ongoing brutality in Gaza, which she did not mention in her book for while she spoke against the atrocities of Boko Haram in Nigeria, thus concluding that Malala is loyal to the Jews and the west.

“She has formed strong nexus with Salman Rushdie and Bangladeshi writer Tasleema Nasreen, and also believes in their ideology,” he alleged. “Malala says that she does not fear the Taliban any longer but will she return to Pakistan if she has no fears?” he questioned. “She will never do so because she will lose support of her masters and the easy money flowing in,” he further alleged.

The rebuttal of Malal’s book also portrays her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai as a ‘double agent’, electricity thief and a traitor based on his demand to hand over Shakil Afridi, the man who allegedly ran a fake vaccination campaign with CIA’s help to gather information in order to assist the US trace Osama bin Laden.

However, Ali stressed that the organisation went on a countrywide strike in order to show solidarity with Malala when she was attacked.

“We are not against her but the ideology being imposed on us by such traitors and billions of dollars of Malala Fund are being used for this to introduce secular curriculum.”

This article originally appeared on The Nation

I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner - The Express Tribune
the book contains offensive text regarding Islam, Quranic teachings, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Pakistan’s ideology, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan Army, thus cannot be added in the curriculum.
Can someone who has read the book confirm this? I have not read it as I am not interested in wasting money on a lady who has not spent a cent on my country despite getting money to educate our daughters!

the book was meant for the Western audience
That is very true...It has been translated even in languages spoken by very few Europeans! I saw it in Italian when I was in Rome....

by comparing the Army with militants
Now that is insecurity or personal stupidity...Something similar to a member on this thread...

Why she would do that when it is the same army who is cleaning her land, the same army who flew her to foreign land to get operated on!

while she spoke against the atrocities of Boko Haram in Nigeria, thus concluding that Malala is loyal to the Jews and the west.
Jumping to conclusions...I was also a little annoyed why she hasnt spoken against israel but maybe fear of her award being taken or her funding stopped but her being loyal to Jews is jumping to conclusions!

Malala says that she does not fear the Taliban any longer but will she return to Pakistan if she has no fears?
A question even I have raised but so far no one wants to see the hypocrisy in the sayings!

‘double agent’, electricity thief
If there is evidence he should be charged but maligning him isnt going to make that happen

based on his demand to hand over Shakil Afridi, the man who allegedly ran a fake vaccination campaign with CIA’s help to gather information in order to assist the US trace Osama bin Laden.
Kind of baseless!

However, Ali stressed that the organisation went on a countrywide strike in order to show solidarity with Malala when she was attacked
Yes coz we didnt expect her not to find any inspiration in Pakistan or Islam but have idols like Obama and god knows who!

“We are not against her but the ideology being imposed on us by such traitors and billions of dollars of Malala Fund are being used for this to introduce secular curriculum.”
Yea the billions going to her fund are questionable! I mean people donate there thinking they are paying to educate the Pakistani female students however, being outside there is only so much she can do or is doing with those funds!
Great job....much appreciated.

Can someone who has read the book confirm this? I have not read it as I am not interested in wasting money on a lady who has not spent a cent on my country despite getting money to educate our daughters!

That is very true...It has been translated even in languages spoken by very few Europeans! I saw it in Italian when I was in Rome....

Now that is insecurity or personal stupidity...Something similar to a member on this thread...

Why she would do that when it is the same army who is cleaning her land, the same army who flew her to foreign land to get operated on!

Jumping to conclusions...I was also a little annoyed why she hasnt spoken against israel but maybe fear of her award being taken or her funding stopped but her being loyal to Jews is jumping to conclusions!

A question even I have raised but so far no one wants to see the hypocrisy in the sayings!

If there is evidence he should be charged but maligning him isnt going to make that happen

Kind of baseless!

Yes coz we didnt expect her not to find any inspiration in Pakistan or Islam but have idols like Obama and god knows who!

Yea the billions going to her fund are questionable! I mean people donate there thinking they are paying to educate the Pakistani female students however, being outside there is only so much she can do or is doing with those funds!
She and her father are just sell outs. All that episode is based on bunch of lies. I really don't know how come a teenager , shot at a point blank range in the head and bullet travels through her ugly skull, can survive? I mean that is no less than a miracle. Then the Nobel Peace Price is just a political drama, it was given to Obama, 6 months in oval office, for doing nothing and actually he was quite surprised himself. If anyone deserved the best peace recognition in Pakistan, it is Abdul Sattar Edhi. But why would the european/western losers will appreciate and honour him, a legitimate social worker, because he sports beard and very typical Islamic personality and their mission is to discredit and defame Islam by supporting and broadcasting ISIS
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I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani is an account of Pakistanis who take pride in their country.

The All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF) launched a rebuttal to Malala Yousafzai’s novel ‘I am Malala’ by releasing a book titled ‘I am not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am a Pakistani’ at the National Press Club in Islamabad.

“The book is written with the aim to reveal the truth and counter anti-Islamic propaganda and expose the nefarious designs of anti-Islam forces,” said the author of the book, Mirza Kashif Ali, President All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF).

“I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani” was introduced in a ceremony chaired by Ali at National Press Club in Islamabad.

“I am Malala” describes Malala’s life under the Taliban’s brutal rule in the Swat valley in the mid-2000s and hints at her ambition to enter Pakistani politics.

Some private schools banned it from their premises last year due to what they called its “anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam content”.

APPSF which comprises of a total of 173,000 private schools termed the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s book ‘controversial’, banning it in all private schools and colleges as a result.

According to the organisation, the book contains offensive text regarding Islam, Quranic teachings, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Pakistan’s ideology, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan Army, thus cannot be added in the curriculum.

Earlier in a statement, Adeeb Javadani, the central president of All Pakistan Private Schools Management Association (APPSMA) said that the book, the book was meant for the Western audience and did not receive much appreciation in Pakistan – a fact that had already decided its fate.

Further, APPSF announced its decision to take the matter to court on November 13, in order to ban the book across the country.

“Malala is a darling of the west and Shiv Sena, the same people who created al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), have created Malala,” Ali said.

The book, “I am not Malala”, aims to tell the readers that Malala, by comparing the Army with militants, the young literati is actually bashing the Army under the garb of female education.

Further, while the book praised Aitizaz Hasan, the young student who sacrificed his life to save his schoolmates by tackling a suicide bomber, it also questions her indifference towards Israeli aggression or the ongoing brutality in Gaza, which she did not mention in her book for while she spoke against the atrocities of Boko Haram in Nigeria, thus concluding that Malala is loyal to the Jews and the west.

“She has formed strong nexus with Salman Rushdie and Bangladeshi writer Tasleema Nasreen, and also believes in their ideology,” he alleged. “Malala says that she does not fear the Taliban any longer but will she return to Pakistan if she has no fears?” he questioned. “She will never do so because she will lose support of her masters and the easy money flowing in,” he further alleged.

The rebuttal of Malal’s book also portrays her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai as a ‘double agent’, electricity thief and a traitor based on his demand to hand over Shakil Afridi, the man who allegedly ran a fake vaccination campaign with CIA’s help to gather information in order to assist the US trace Osama bin Laden.

However, Ali stressed that the organisation went on a countrywide strike in order to show solidarity with Malala when she was attacked.

“We are not against her but the ideology being imposed on us by such traitors and billions of dollars of Malala Fund are being used for this to introduce secular curriculum.”

This article originally appeared on The Nation

I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner - The Express Tribune
Well, I'm an Indian but I respect Malala for her appreciable work for education of pakistani girls.
And those people, who are protesting her should be immediately jailed in any country.
Sad reality is we have alot of gifted people compared to the population and conditions we have!

Edhi comes on top ...A man who without recognition is recognized! Now that is an accomplishment! While Malala was only known when she got shot and further when she won the prize!

I will name a few young hearts:

Tabassum Adnan (Urdu: تبسم عدنان) (born 1977) is a Pakistani women's rights activist from the Swat Valley. She won the U.S. State Department's 2015 International Women of Courage Award for her efforts in seeking justice for Pakistani women

Tabassum Adnan was born in 1977 and grew up in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. She was a child bride at 13, mother of four and a victim of domestic violence, when she divorced her husband of 20 years. Finding herself homeless and without means of support, Adnan attended a women's empowerment program run by a local aid group. It inspired her to work to change women's ability to participate in decision-making processes. Initially she approached the male-only, main Swat Qaumi Aman Jirga, but was rejected. Jirgas are traditional informal judicial councils which enforce qisas, retribution laws, and though not intended to replace formal judicial systems or police procedures, decisions of the elders are socially respected and do often impact the judiciary.

In May 2013, Adnan started her own jirga, the first run by women in the country. Traditionally, women in the region have been used as chattel to settle disputes of men, traded in marriage to absolve debts, claims of honor, and retribution for crimes. Because women have little power, Adnan recognized that her group would need to pressure authorities to act. Her 25-member all-female jirga pressures police and the traditional court system to act while providing legal assistance to the victims. The Khwendo Jirga, or Sister’s Council, in addition to providing justice support for women advocate for free education for girls; protection of women and girl's health; training in both traditional domestic and non-traditional vocational skills; microfinancing, access for women to peace negotiations, justice, and voting; and laws which protect women from violence, specifically, honor killings, dowry harassments, acid attacks, and torture. Initially the Khwendo Jirga was opposed both by men's jirgas and prominent women's rights activists.

In 2014 an event happened, which changed the public perception of Adnan's group. A child was raped and the authorities failed to act. Khwendo Jirga organized a protest walk bringing visibility to the case. The suspects were apprehended and for the first time in Pashtun history, a woman, Adnan, was asked to sit on the male jirga and assist with dispensing justice in the case. Since the first protest, the women have repeated the success and in July, 2014, Adnan and Khwendo Jirga were lobbying for the passage of a law prohibiting child marriages. Despite strong protest from religious factors, the Sindh Assembly unanimously passed a ban on marriages for anyone under the age of eighteen and in December, 2014 the Punjab Assembly unanimously passed a resolution to work on amending the present law.

Since their first success with the men's jirga, Adnan has been invited to participate on other cases dealing with "women's issues." Though she still receives threats Adnan continues, as she believes that women should be part of the decision-making processes that effect their lives.

In 2013, Adnan was awarded the Human Defenders Award, in 2014 she was a nominee for the N-Peace Empowerment Award, and in 2015, she won a U.S. State Department International Women of Courage Award.
Shahnaz Bukhari (or Bokhari) is a Pakistani clinical psychologist and women's rights activist. She is founder and director of the non-governmental organisation,Progressive Women's Association (PWA), which documents and opposes violence against women.

Bukhari won the Civil Courage Prize of the US-based Train Foundation in 2003, awarded for "steadfast resistance to evil at great personal risk — rather than military valor." One year later, Women's eNews named her one of "21 Leaders for the 21st Century"

I respect Malala for her appreciable work for education of pakistani girls.
which ones did she educate? Please name say 10...I am sure millions of US$ can at least educate 10, right?
And those people, who are protesting her should be immediately jailed in any country.
Apply the law in your country coz that is how far your lack of knowledge matters :enjoy:

Now this is a brave child not fleeing Pakistan but isnt recognized nor applaud:

Hina Khan is a 17-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl from the Swat District, Pakistan. She has been campaigning for women's right to education since she was 13, and has been threatened by Islamist extremists because of her activism. She and her family moved to Islamabad in 2008 for safety reasons, but continue to receive threats there.
We really don't want your recognition. Keep it yourself and bugger off.
What a reply for a positive response.
You guys don't deserve love from anyone.
Anyway, it's my mistake. What else could expect from you country?
Shahnaz Bukhari (or Bokhari) is a Pakistani clinical psychologist and women's rights activist. She is founder and director of the non-governmental organisation,Progressive Women's Association (PWA), which documents and opposes violence against women.

Bukhari won the Civil Courage Prize of the US-based Train Foundation in 2003, awarded for "steadfast resistance to evil at great personal risk — rather than military valor." One year later, Women's eNews named her one of "21 Leaders for the 21st Century"

which ones did she educate? Please name say 10...I am sure millions of US$ can at least educate 10, right?

Apply the law in your country coz that is how far your lack of knowledge matters :enjoy:
He is just an idiot indian and his opinion should not matter or bother us. I just told him to get out of here.

What a reply for a positive response.
You guys don't deserve love from anyone.
Anyway, it's my mistake. What else could expect from you country?
THIS is what bravery looks like:
Hina Khan is a 17-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl from the Swat District, Pakistan. She has been campaigning for women's right to education since she was 13, and has been threatened by Islamist extremists because of her activism. She and her family moved to Islamabad in 2008 for safety reasons, but continue to receive threats there.

i bet £1000.00 she did not write the book. she told her live story to someone who wrote the book and put her name on the cover.
obviously her name would sell faster than an unknown name!
Shahnaz Bukhari (or Bokhari) is a Pakistani clinical psychologist and women's rights activist. She is founder and director of the non-governmental organisation,Progressive Women's Association (PWA), which documents and opposes violence against women.

Bukhari won the Train Foundation in 2003, awarded for "steadfast resistance to evil at great personal risk — rather than military valor." One year later, Women's eNews named her one of "21 Leaders for the 21st Century"

which ones did she educate? Please name say 10...I am sure millions of US$ can at least educate 10, right?

Apply the law in your country coz that is how far your lack of knowledge matters :enjoy:

Now this is a brave child not fleeing Pakistan but isnt recognized nor applaud:

Hina Khan is a 17-year-old She has been campaigning for women's right to education since she was 13, and has been threatened by because of her activism. She and her family moved to
Yup, we can see today the heights of women education level in pakistan and there was no Malala, it could have touched greater heights. :D
And I know very well about system of both countries. Think about yourself before lecturing me.
Malala should come to India. At least we have manners to respect leaders unlike you.
You guys are campaigning against your that daughter who tolerated all hardships for your country. Shame on you guys.
i bet £1000.00 she did not write the book. she told her live story to someone who wrote the book and put her name on the cover.
Yeah that has been pretty much the case especially when you check the eloquence of the language. Basically it was some BBC correspondent who wrote the book and he did whatever he was assigned to. Nobel Peace Price is their tool which they use to honour whoever fits their objective and even many people in Europe get confused about it.
Shahnaz Bukhari (or Bokhari) is a Pakistan clinical psychologist and women's rights activist. She is founder and director of the non-governmental organisation, Progressive Women's Association (PWA), which documents and opposes violence against women.

Bukhari won the Train Foundation in 2003, awarded for "steadfast resistance to evil at great personal risk — rather than military valor." One year later, Women's eNews named her one of "21 Leaders for the 21st Century"

which ones did she educate? Please name say 10...I am sure millions of US$ can at least educate 10, right?

Apply the law in your country coz that is how far your lack of knowledge matters :enjoy:

Now this is a brave child not fleeing Pakistan but isnt recognized nor applaud:

Hina Khan is a 17-year-old She has been campaigning for women's right to education since she was 13, and has been threatened by because of her activism. She and her family moved to
Yup, we can see today the heights of women education level in pakistan and there was no Malala, it could have touched greater heights. :D
And I know very well about system of both countries. Think about yourself before lecturing me.
Malala should come to India. At least we have manners to respect leaders unlike you.
You guys are campaigning against your that daughter who tolerated all hardships for your country. Shame on you guys.
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