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Israeli occupation and the astounding silence


Jul 22, 2012
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How many of you saw the video of this lady being shot even after she raised her hands? And the police (the new job of the army is not to protect but given paranoid freedom after illegally occupying an area) shot her?

Isra Abed Shoot by Israeli police after refusing to take off her hijab
Isra Abed Shooted by Israeli police after refusing to take off her hijab. The 28 years old Isra Abed is the mother of two children. She was asked to take off her hijab on a train station of Nasrah city. On refusal the police shoot her at the spot.

How does the video not look like a trigger happy police?


Isra'a Abed, 28 years, a mother to 3 children, from Nasrah city in the 1948 occupied lands, who was delibrately fired at by the Israeli occuparion army after refusing to take off her Hijab.

Not sure how many of you saw the video.....

You are not allowed to wear a hijab - (not even a burqa/ face veil) in Israeli occupied lands of Palestine...a simple hijab on a long jilbab which is loose but not showing any signs to be paranoid about!

With this kind of limited freedom .....I am not sure why anyone will still be blind eyed to support such a regime?! How many more need to be shot before something can be done?
I am surprised OIC don't pass resolutions on this matter but has time to appeal for a UNSC seat !
Why blame 1 organization? Isnt UN also silent and it is far bigger and has more influence than OIC the puppet ever will be!

But but but, our ancestors suffered the holocaust! We have the right now to genocide, massacre and cleanse any people we want to in the world, even if these people had nothing to do with the holocaust.
Stockholm syndrome of a whole nation! Our ancestors suffered we will now take the role of making others suffer! :unsure:

Really...I am speechless! What does her hijab have to do with their paranoia is beyond me! And people say that Israel gives equal rights...to whom?
Why must an Arab come to the rescue? Are the rest of the residence on the planet not human enough to see and feel?

This is territory that should have been part
of a single Arab state. It is in essence Arab

Rest of Muslims cannot do much to harm the Jewish occupiers anyway.

Arabs need to sort themselves out if they are to have
any chance of expelling the Jewish usurpers of Palestinians.
This is territory that should have been part
of a single Arab state. It is in essence Arab
Yes it is....But the people's suffering is not an Arab thing it is people suffering!

Thanks to UK allowing Israel to be created....and not monitoring where their funds are going - demolishing homes on occupied land....is where the funding is going...And lets also not forget the america being the largest funders of israel....Do they not need to answer for tax payers money being exchanged for the same Arab blood?

Arabs need to sort themselves out if they are to have
any chance of expelling the Jewish usurpers of Palestinians.
Arabs can go do whatever they wish coz it is not them who is supplying aid money to kill people and demolish their homes!

Rest of Muslims cannot do much to harm the Jewish occupiers anyway.
And who gave them the money to be so strong? And why the silence from the HUMAN BEINGS?

Today they do to Arabs, who will they do to tomorrow? They who hide behind holocaust you think they wont seek revenge for it?
everyone has got their own version of truth , let there be a probe

Attempted Afula stabber identified as Nazareth woman | The Times of Israel

expereince says palestinians are very good at propaganda while israel as a state has zero tolerance to terrorism .
Because the world bought the excuse of the knife stabbing previously where the girl was shot to death! They are playing it again and india are agreeing...good to know!

BTW, there is a video of her from 2 angles and in none is there a shiny object as a knife and how long is this knife that it can stab someone from so far away?

Oh who am trying to reason with....an indian troll....
Sorry for trying to reason with you!
Because the world bought the excuse of the knife stabbing previously where the girl was shot to death! They are playing it again and india are agreeing...good to know!

BTW, there is a video of her from 2 angles and in none is there a shiny object as a knife and how long is this knife that it can stab someone from so far away?

Oh who am trying to reason with....an indian troll....
Sorry for trying to reason with you!

thats the reason why i said let there be an independent probe , cctv footage must be examined for the truth to come out.
well it was about time "they" realized how the war in syria served as a distraction for israel and not even a threat whatsoever , and how the 2010 arab spring was a big circus to entertain the "israelis"
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