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Indian Muslim killed for eating meat

Just curious, how many states in India has meat ban now? Is this a going-trend that India is heading after Modi took power? Are they imposing Hindu on minorities as well? Hard to believe, this is 21 century, and some parts of India is like in the mid-century.
Hard to say as I am not really interested in this subject.But almost entire North India has a ban on beef by legal authorities or by social sanction (the legal prohibition comes due to popular demand).Now the most largest in terms of GDP,Maharashtra province has one.

The Indian Govt. is mulling a national ban on beef encompassing all 29 provinces and UTs.So yes the BJP-Modi Govt is the one pushing it.The ban will and is applicable to minorities as well,infact these bans are targeted on minorities as most hindus are religiously scared by the zealots using brainwashing and violence.
So secular
Much freedom
Such democracy
The Indian Govt. is mulling a national ban on beef encompassing all 29 provinces and UTs.So yes the BJP-Modi Govt is the one pushing it.The ban will and is applicable to minorities as well,infact these bans are targeted on minorities as most hindus are religiously scared by the zealots using brainwashing and violence.

Poppycock. There can never be a national law. It is a state subject.

Just curious, how many states in India has meat ban now? Is this a going-trend that India is heading after Modi took power? Are they imposing Hindu on minorities as well? Hard to believe, this is 21 century, and some parts of India is like in the mid-century.

No meat ban. Ban on beef exists in quite a few states. Has nothing to do with Modi. Almost all such bans are in place for decades.
Hard to say as I am not really interested in this subject.But almost entire North India has a ban on beef by legal authorities or by social sanction (the legal prohibition comes due to popular demand).Now the most largest in terms of GDP,Maharashtra province has one.

The Indian Govt. is mulling a national ban on beef encompassing all 29 provinces and UTs.So yes the BJP-Modi Govt is the one pushing it.The ban will and is applicable to minorities as well,infact these bans are targeted on minorities as most hindus are religiously scared by the zealots using brainwashing and violence.

If cows are considered sacred in Hindu religion, why India is exporting cows to foreign countries, and allow non Hindu-believers to consume their god as food? Is there any opposition against this policy from intellectuals in India? You know, there are very loud voice from those "Public Intellectuals" in China against just about everything and anything Government is trying to do, and they enjoy a huge audience in social media.
If cows are considered sacred in Hindu religion, why India is exporting cows to foreign countries, and allow non Hindu-believers to consume their god as food? Is there any opposition against this policy from intellectuals in India? You know, there are very loud voice from those "Public Intellectuals" in China against just about everything and anything Government is trying to do, and they enjoy a huge audience in social media.
Money is a greater idol than their gods for them all said and then.Particularly when the deity is the mighty greenback.:p:
The beef zealousy only applies when the trade is in rupees and small scale (you know some farmer sells his now too old to work pair of cows or sell his too old to give milk cows).Then the religious fervour is at a high.But when the matter is about large scale feudal lords setting up slaughterhouses for beef export to rake in dollars,the religious zealots are restricted to mumbling and the government ignores popular sentiment for some dollars to balance it's sheets.

The beef ban is almost wholly aimed at non Hindu minorities,so no,not much chance of an exception.The token intellectuals do cry out and some articles get published in media.But by and large the ban on beef has popular support from both uneducated people and the educated elite.The latter you can view amply on this forum justifying the incidences and giving tacit support for the ban.

Poppycock. There can never be a national law. It is a state subject.
Tell that to the PM and party you guys elected.Not me.
They understand the constitutional position. You didn't, so gave you a quick briefing.
Do they LOL?For if they did,they wouldn't be harping on it.Besides,federalism is mostly a paper thing in India,particularly for the NE colonies.If they don't bow to the whims of the mainland there are various ways to make them bow and these methods have been used repeatedly.
Hence any decision by the centre to ban meat will just a formality for most parts.
Reason i'm kind of an atheist. GOD bless me.:D
Atheists are Hindus.


Dude go check the definition of an Atheist. A religious person always sits at the far end of atheism.

Hinduism does not see world as flat but as a circle or sphere and there lies the difference. Hence, the ends that you are alluding to actually become one & the same.

Let's see other examples,

Hinduism defines time in yugas which are cyclic in nature (Satya-Treta-Dwapara-Kali-Satya)

Hinduism defines life as cycle of birth-life-death-rebirth. Hindus worship this in the form of trinity - Brahma representing Birth, Vishnu the life and Shiva the death.

In short, Hindus see and worship everything in this universe, as everything is considered the manifestation of god in one form or the other.

Couple of questions:

Does Judaism recognize Christianity?

Does Christianity recognize Islam?

Does Islam recognize Ahmadis?

These questions do not arise in Hinduism as Hinduism recognizes everyone and everything as being manifestation of god.

The phrase "Aham Brahmasmi" (I am god myself- I am in all and all are in me) which is foundational thought actually represents the full spectrum of states from being Unconsciousness to full consciousness. Every Hindu aspires to get to that state of full consciousness. Being an Atheist is one of those states .
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Do they LOL?For if they did,they wouldn't be harping on it.Besides,federalism is mostly a paper thing in India,particularly for the NE colonies.If they don't bow to the whims of the mainland there are various ways to make them bow and these methods have been used repeatedly.
Hence any decision by the centre to ban meat will just a formality for most parts.

Aah...ok. I guess everyone knows where you are coming from with that line. Carry on.....

there was an other news a "Hindu man was killed by mullahs just because he married their daughter". Is Hindu's life that cheap.What will you do if someone try to put posters of Muhammad in streets of Pakistan,Can you give me guarantee that no one from Pakistan even a single mob will not touch that man.Even in that USA people get killed just because they are black or white without committing anything against any religion or person so they do not have much scope for criticizing.The incident was wrong and should be investigated and guilty should be punished.
Surprise Surprise. while india justifies this let me have early lunch. i am thinking beef stew.:cheesy:

BTW thanks a trillion Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal.:pakistan:
UP is the biggest state in the India and it happens all over and on a very frequent basis. The latest incident happened just out side of Delhi. The daily humiliation of Muslims for this reason or any other is very common.

Only in media .
UP &Bihar are gems in using third rate politics .Happened during Congress and will happen in near future also.
Breeding out and around 20 crore people is making them largest state in India.But they dont represent entire India.
Thanks to SP and BSP .UP is now literally a Gunda state

Umm,because money is a greater lure than religion?After all,religion runs for money as well ( how else do you explain those mind numbing gold and cash donations to stone idols).
Exporting buffalo meat and leather nets some forex for India to balance it's account and trade imbalances.Without jumping for every penny of forex they could get India would suffer immensely as the cost of it's imports would crush it's currency and hence it's economy.

The media just displays what is factual and sells.The man was killed on the allegation and suspicion of beef eating and the supposed proof was some meat in the victim's fridge ( which later turned out to be mutton).The mob did lynch him to satisfy their bigotry against beef consumption.Even if it was a case of personal rivalry,the issue used to enrage the mob was "beef" and hence was the reason of his death.

So tell me,if Indians did not have a problem with beef-

1-Why there is a ban on beef in so many states of north and now Maharashtra?
2-Why the Government is mulling a union wide band on beef and leaders of the ruling party threatening those who eat beef to stop or go to Pakistan?Even though in Kerala and to a lesser extent in many parts of South India Beef consumption is tolerated and in it's NE colonies,it has been the staple meat for the populace
3-Why trucks transporting cattle are burned down by mobs in India on accusation of "cow slaughter"?

and on and on...
What do you know about Kerala ?Dont bring our state in to your shitty talk against my nation.
I can post several links in here where NE Indians lynch other tribes in same area in the name of tribal rivalry.
What do you know about Kerala ?Dont bring our state in to your shitty talk against my nation.
I can post several links in here where NE people lynch other tribes in same area in the name of tribal rivalry.
Sure,sure,my mallu pehelwan.Please do so.I admit I will be unable to respond to the part in bold as I don't have free time to waste on Indians going bonkers over each other.
Otherwise you guys kill each other in more numbers in a single riot than we do in years.

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