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PAF is looking for a next generation fighter in both, east and west - ACM Sohail Aman


Oct 30, 2012
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Answering a question regarding PAF's future procurements, ACM Sohail Aman stated that in addition to force multipliers, the PAF is looking to procure a 5th generation aircraft and that they are looking for it in both, east and west.

Now, we know that PAF has been looking into J-31, but what is there to look for in west? Please discuss.

Below, is the link to the interview. Fast forward to 8:33.

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Lol...This thread can get very interesting very fast.

J-31 was expected but to the west? Only F-35 is there but seriously? It requires loads of cash and loads of love from Uncle Sam. I wonder if joining a coalition against ISIS will do the trick! Who knows. India has already committed to Pak-Fa. There might be an opportunity here for Pakistan to get F-35. A bit hard to believe though. What else is there in the West? Could he be talking about Eurofighter possibility? Not a 5th generation though. Only time will tell I guess.
We need to maintain a balance between 5th gen. Chinese as well as Western technology......political developments, budget/economy, and strategic alliances of the future will guide PAF procurement thinking process
From the west the ACM could be looking into TAI TFX Program (geographically speaking Turkey is in the west of Pakistan) or seems far fetched but could also be the Swedish FS 2020 program ... because somehow the F-35 doesn't seem possible and that too with major strings attached they will be and extremely sanctions prone.

Pakistan may also be considering options for acquiring two platforms i.e. one from Turkey or perhaps Sweden (unlikely) and one definitely from China.
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The days of getting cutting edge stuff like 5th gen fighters from the West are over I am afraid. I think F-16 will be the last advanced fighter on our long history with USA. The romance. USA will tilt more and more closer to India. There is not a chance that the Indian lobby will allow anything advanced being sold to Pak. We only got the F-16s because we already had got them in the 1980s and because of the US tangle in Afghanistan. As that is over we have nothing left to leverage the USA. Here is my list of how we got aircraft in the past.

1950/1960s - Sabre/Starfighter > USA obligation toward SENTO ally as bulwark against communism.
1980/2000s - F-16s > Afghan war against Soviet Union then US invasion against Taliban logistics etc

Now it's all over so quit USA because they are not going giving us anything like a 5th Gen. Europe? Not sure either because of US influence but maybe some go although Indian's have increasing influence there as well. Which leaves Russia and China. My best bet is stick with China. Hold out for their aircraft industry to mature. At least sanction proof and cost effective.

My two cents.
J-31, PAK-Fa in the east and F-35 in the west. I personally have some reservations about F35 but as far as it is availability for Pakistan is concerned, I think it is totally possible if we play our cards rights. F35 is for export and they are looking for buyers to offset the cost of development which suffered a lot of delays. USA airforce has reserved F22 which is not exportable. US wants money, when Pakistan was looking into Saab JAS Grippen, USA blocked it because it used US engine but F-16 C/D upgraded to block 52+ were sold to Pakistan. Basically it was not that USA did not want Pakistan to buy an advanced aircraft, uncle sam wanted the money and also to keep Pakistan in its camp.
Its J 31 from china & possible TFX from turkey .they speed up that program with twin engine confugration and they r in talks with rolls royce for engine i guess & beleive that what ACM pointed in program .
a good choice would be the tfx. it your only good option. or you can work with saab on a joint fighter.
Turkish TFX(1).jpg
national 5th generation fighter jet (3).jpg

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