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Modi govt. Failed to turn Arab Countries against Pakistan.

Saudi govt. Has officialy Informed to Pakistani Govt. that they will not be part of any conspiracy against Pakistan. As they have mentioned, that Modi govt. Offer them Defense and Other support including support in Yemen Issue if they change their attitude towards Pakistan in Defense ties....

I am Wonder at what level Indians and Modi will show their hypocrisy.....

More Details in news below:

سعودی عرب کا پاکستان کے خلاف بھارتی وزیراعظم کی سازش کاحصہ بننے سے انکار - JavedCh.Com

Will we ever stop being school boys thinking of ' best friends' who cannot talk to another !!

India & its PM remain focused upon itself , with that in mind they will talk to various nations , where is any ' conspiracy' ?

Its more in the mind & shows insecurity of the poster.
So actually it was EGG on the face of India and Modi govt. lol.

Arabs told everything to Pakistan. hahaha
Munna, there is a word in english called diplomacy, with help of that people are building new gen warefare called soft power ammo. Its more effective then nuclear power in current era. The effect of this power is long term, and generally its very difficult for the enemy to counter it.

Also its that we dont have to talk about pakistan in front of others, the acts of your so called non state actors are much louder then your sensible actions. People already know and brand pakistan and do acknowledge the super specialty of pakistan in few undesired streams.

Unfortunately your media feeds you only the effect of Indias global relations on pakistan and there by you perceive it as India's direct actions against you.

Read out Modis speeches in recent foreign visits, he speaks of development and growth and rise of human beings. He doesnt have time to talk about pakistan. For that he has already said we will speak directly to pakistan in words that they speak and understand.

Yes i know how much Indians are diplomatic, what they call diplomacy......the other world call it "Behgariti"......they even don't hesitate to offer their women to get their job done......Mostly time they always begging in front of Arabs........And Arabs are always beating them, like personal slaves......If you happened to be in Gulf...you must know that what Arabs do to your women and people who work in their houses......................

And you are talking about Modis speeches about development and growth and rise of human beings, did you forget the Gujarat Killings of more than 2000 Muslims.......Your own country is ruled by a Terrorist....
its not crying its diplomacy to make life so difficult for your opponent from all fronts by usiong every means at your disposal and we are just doing that and we will do that in future also till you accept owr forumla for peace between india and pakistan .... but till you do that we will keep doing in what is in owr interests and you are free to do what is in your interests but if some how you try to harm owr interests we will make sure the suffreing for your nation is more painfull and intense ...... sorry for the harsh words but thats the onli type of raltionship possible between india and pakistan if pakistan doesnt changes its long anty india idology .... good luck sirji :coffee:

And why they listen to you why you want to turn muslims against myslims and guy like like modi who is killer of myslims and destroying masjids doing it like stupid idea every obe can see it

Pak wont face this prob you are facing att all your allues one by one going in pak pocket like mangos russia is biggest example

We turned russia but you cannot turn our allies against us

Even USA not against us so plz do what you can other nations are not living on your money
Anyone with HALF a brain (and that automatically excludes fake wikileaks, fake news, fake Israeli PM quotes, fake scotland yard reports guzzling pakistani conspiracy theorists) knows that India simply WILL NOT offer military help in Yemen to any country. I mean even the most hateful and or birdbrained reader of Indian diplomacy over the last 7 decades can not even begin to buy such a mischievous self congratulatory fake report.

That does not speak well of the OP and his numerous admirers. I hope Darwin's theory of evolution is still working and these people do not procreate for the sake of the average intelligence of the human race.
And why they listen to you why you want to turn muslims against myslims and guy like like modi who is killer of myslims and destroying masjids doing it like stupid idea every obe can see it

Pak wont face this prob you are facing att all your allues one by one going in pak pocket like mangos russia is biggest example

We turned russia but you cannot turn our allies against us

Even USA not against us so plz do what you can other nations are not living on your money
1. its never turning muslims against muslims ... religion is a personal matter keep it that way and there wont be any problems but pakistanies can never understand that so let it be ... who cares

2.unlike the joke what has been made of judiciarry in pakistan indian courts are not like that and here they have a lot of checks and balnces specially on judges and there acts and specially there decissions and even after more than two dozen enquiries/probes often headed by retired and sitting judges of diffrent high courts and supreme court of india none were able to establish NaMo was responsible but then again you can denay

3.no your wrong russia allied with india for its own goals no such thing as love or brother hood exists its all about "your scratch my back and i sratch yours" and same applies to all owr so called allies then be it saudi arabia , UAE , USA UK, France , Germany , Israel , Iran , Japan, S.korea ect. ect.

but just to tell you russia still supports india and is owr biggest defnce partner just because you are getting a bunch of attack hellies and some jet engines dosent nullifies what all russia is into with india specialli regarding defnce equipment but then who can stop a weak and paranoid nation from dreaming :sarcastic:

4.last but not the least we dint get money from grants or US AID or soft loans rather we had to get it by owr own relentless hard work and smartness but then again you can also denay that fact

as i said before .... who cares :coffee:
Yes i know how much Indians are diplomatic, what they call diplomacy......the other world call it "Behgariti"......they even don't hesitate to offer their women to get their job done......Mostly time they always begging in front of Arabs........And Arabs are always beating them, like personal slaves......If you happened to be in Gulf...you must know that what Arabs do to your women and people who work in their houses......................

And you are talking about Modis speeches about development and growth and rise of human beings, did you forget the Gujarat Killings of more than 2000 Muslims.......Your own country is ruled by a Terrorist....

Talk sensible if you can, else STFU.
I dont want to get down your standards of speaking bullshit, hence dont quote me if you have a bullshit point of view.
Scratching my head! When did this happen?

what you cannot count? 600 0f the 1000 planned press releases have been completed. On the photo front, in fact the project is running ahead of sschedule with 80% of planned handshakes are done photographed.
1. its never turning muslims against muslims ... religion is a personal matter keep it that way and there wont be any problems but pakistanies can never understand that so let it be ... who cares

2.unlike the joke what has been made of judiciarry in pakistan indian courts are not like that and here they have a lot of checks and balnces specially on judges and there acts and specially there decissions and even after more than two dozen enquiries/probes often headed by retired and sitting judges of diffrent high courts and supreme court of india none were able to establish NaMo was responsible but then again you can denay

3.no your wrong russia allied with india for its own goals no such thing as love or brother hood exists its all about "your scratch my back and i sratch yours" and same applies to all owr so called allies then be it saudi arabia , UAE , USA UK, France , Germany , Israel , Iran , Japan, S.korea ect. ect.

but just to tell you russia still supports india and is owr biggest defnce partner just because you are getting a bunch of attack hellies and some jet engines dosent nullifies what all russia is into with india specialli regarding defnce equipment but then who can stop a weak and paranoid nation from dreaming :sarcastic:

4.last but not the least we dint get money from grants or US AID or soft loans rather we had to get it by owr own relentless hard work and smartness but then again you can also denay that fact

as i said before .... who cares :coffee:
Keep ignoring reality wirking for us

No one give damn about modi stupid speeches people use to laugh at what magnitude he talk very lower sadak chaap speech
Keep ignoring reality wirking for us

No one give damn about modi stupid speeches people use to laugh at what magnitude he talk very lower sadak chaap speech
well its not indians that live in virtual reality/parellel universe where pakisan is the most khudmukhtar, ghairatmand , self suffcient and pios nation and all USA, Israel, India, West has no other job than to make sazishes against pios land of the pure ..... but then denyal and making conspiracy theories is the biggest pass time for so called "zinda quam" of pakistan .... lagge raho sannu ki ... and have a great day :coffee:
How idiotic things are.......

If we try to have a friendly relationship with arab countries, then it has to be against pakistan or intended to be against Pakistan....... similarly if Pakistan try to have a friendly relationship with Countries friendly to India, then it has to be against India........

It is very much possible to have independent relationship with adversaries......... .

Iran - India - Israel Can be a good example.........
The Arab who met Modi was Gen Raheel wearing mask of Arab :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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