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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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well the WORLD knows it as AZAAD KASHMIR! so your BR name can stay with you! it has its on constitution! It has its own elected president, prime minister, legislature, high court, and official flag:coffee:

good for you indians to keep thinking otherwise :lol:

It's actually known as Pakistan Controlled Kashmir (OR Pakistan Administered Kashmir) worldwide. In India, it is referred to as P-O-K as in Pakistan (have) Occupied (our) Kashmir :lol:
mine too Asim but please close it because this thread is pointless!! when indians knowing that Azaad kashmir has its own legislature & and all still call it occupied then they are just disillusioned!
mine too Asim but please close it because this thread is pointless!! when indians knowing that Azaad kashmir has its own legislature & and all still call it occupied then they are just disillusioned!

I guess this is how foreign policy works. Nothing delusional about it.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh to be their land.
India claims P-O-K to be our land.
Pakistans claims freedom for Kashmir, but still occupies a third of it.

All countries in Asia are involved in something stupid. See Europe, they are developed and don't even claim any foreign land.
No Karan. it was east pakistan and had been east Pakistan from 1947 to 1970 and india interfered in internal matters of Pakistan.

Maybe its time to ask the people of east pakistan whether they want to join Pakistan
Oh well. The world always take a neutral view and refers to the region as Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistan administered Kashmir. Anyway - the point was why did Pakistan invade an independent nation? Don't Pakistanis think it was a mistake - if they hadn't jumped the gun all of Kashmir would have become part of Pakistan.
It is easy for us to discuss on a forum about implementing UN resolution, but it is a totally different proposition in reality. Here are my reasons why UN resolution is either not implementable or not relevant

First, before any UN resolution to happen, all the parts of Kashmir under the control of India (43%), Pakistan (37%), and China (20%) have to be brought together. But the official positions of all the governments make it impossible to bring all the parts together: India's official position is that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan's official position is that Kashmir is a disputed territory and China's official position is that Aksai Chin is a part of Tibet; Moreover, Pakistan has unilaterally ceded a part of Kashmir to China ignoring the ‘disputed’ nature of territory and in the process making it more complicated

Second, the resolution was passed by UN Security Council under chapter VI of UN charter. Any resolution passed under chapter VI are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability.

Third, the execution of the UN resolution might create more serious difficulties than were foreseen at the time the parties agreed to. National identities are much stronger in both India and Pakistan than compared to National identities in 1947. Moreover, India and Pakistan have invested lot of blood and money in the last 60 years. The question of Kashmir has become the question of national identities and prestige.

Fourth, Kashmir is not a homogeneous region; it has Kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh, Aksai Chin and PAK. The question is how UN resolution is going to take care of aspirations of each of the regions; moreover there is another question of the aspiration of Kashmiri Pundits.

Fifth, India is a secular country and hugely diverse. Accepting UN resolutions on Kashmir (Muslim-majority state) mean reject the very foundation of India that is secularity. Moreover this could be a Pandora Box (other demands for states on ethnicity, religion and caste could arise)

Lastly, India is too big a country to be forced.

Criticism is welcome, but has to be logical
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I can so easily see where this is gonna head.

Pakistani : Nehru promised plebiscite

Indian: Pakistan was required to withdraw forces according to UN Resolution 47 taken by the UN while India was allowed to maintain a force but Pakistan did not withdraw.

Pakistani: It is Muslim majority state - according to partition - it should have gone to Pakistan.

Indian: The Maharaja acceded to India. Besides India is secular

Pakistani: But Junagadh acceded to Pakistan as did Hyderabad - why did you take over those? You are secular only on paper - minorities suffer there.

Indian: They are within India - geographically contiguous. Besides if you are so concerned about Kashmir why did you give part of it to China?

Pakistani: That was a decision between two friendly nations.

Indian: Let's talk about how "Azad" is "Azad Kashmir"

Pakistani: Nothing compared to atrocities by Indian forces.

Some you tube videos posted, some insults exchanged - a couple jokes cracked.

Thread closed.
no i think what he said is in back of the mind of every body in subcontinent ,even though many in both side have clouded there vision with false national and religion pride ,
but he forgot to mention one part that is , for a second lets forget that Kashmir is and was at time of partation Muslim majority state and according to partition rules it should have been with Pakistan for which the Argument is given by the India that it was handed over by the Raja of that time , but if we use that rule then Indian Hydrabad should have been given to Pakistan or as a individual state as Nawab of Dakan decided to stay free and later to join Pakistan , but it was a non Muslim majority area so it was forced to stay with India against the wills of Nawab (Read operation Polo for details), well that is a little bitter historical fact . Now coming back to this age Kashmir has become a lot more for Pakistan then it ever was as the term Kashmir being Pakistan's ''shahrag'' is not just a slogan but a nearly all major river start in Kashmir and in recent years we have seen how important it is for Pakistan to obtain it free water Flow .
I can so easily see where this is gonna head.

Pakistani : Nehru promised plebiscite

Indian: Pakistan was required to withdraw forces according to UN Resolution 47 taken by the UN while India was allowed to maintain a force but Pakistan did not withdraw.

Pakistani: It is Muslim majority state - according to partition - it should have gone to Pakistan.

Indian: The Maharaja acceded to India. Besides India is secular

Pakistani: But Junagadh acceded to Pakistan as did Hyderabad - why did you take over those? You are secular only on paper - minorities suffer there.

Indian: They are within India - geographically contiguous. Besides if you are so concerned about Kashmir why did you give part of it to China?

Pakistani: That was a decision between two friendly nations.

Indian: Let's talk about how "Azad" is "Azad Kashmir"

Pakistani: Nothing compared to atrocities by Indian forces.

Some you tube videos posted, some insults exchanged - a couple jokes cracked.

Thread closed.

well sir i think you have said well .
Basic spirit of Partition was

Hindu goes to India
Muslim goes to Pakistan

everyone else has his own choice where to go.

Indians started all the mess by violating the very essence of Partition.
Basic spirit of Partition was

Hindu goes to India
Muslim goes to Pakistan

everyone else has his own choice where to go.

Indians started all the mess by violating the very essence of Partition.

Indians started all the mess by violating the very essence of Partition. How?
Basic spirit of Partition was

Hindu goes to India
Muslim goes to Pakistan

everyone else has his own choice where to go.

Indians started all the mess by violating the very essence of Partition.

by letting all muslims who loved India to live in India. :lol:

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