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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Basic spirit of Partition was

Hindu goes to India
Muslim goes to Pakistan

everyone else has his own choice where to go.

Indians started all the mess by violating the very essence of Partition.

nopes you are wrong

Muslims who want to go can go to pakistan but rather half of them stayed back.
And for rest everyone else not just hindus it was India. India neither was for hindus neither it is for hindus. it is for everyone including muslims. we never asked for a state which is for hindus.
Basic spirit of Partition was

Hindu goes to India
Muslim goes to Pakistan

everyone else has his own choice where to go.

Indians started all the mess by violating the very essence of Partition.

Nope. I think it was only Pakistan which wanted a Muslim homeland. India has always been and always will be secular.

Although, I am not sure how you would then categorise the Hindus in Pakistan.
After meeting Chinese official, Mirwaiz attends Pakistan Day

2010-03-23 23:10:00

After meeting with foreign leaders, including a senior Chinese official, during his trip abroad, moderate Kashmiri separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq met Pakistani high commission officials here Tuesday.

The Mirwaiz attended a dinner hosted by High Commissioner Shahid Malik at the Pakistan Day function in the high commission. His bitter critic and hawkish Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani too was present.

The Mirwaiz, who heads the moderate faction of the separatist conglomerate Hurriyat Conference, said: 'The meeting was informal and there was no preset agenda. I apprised the high commissioner about the latest situation in Jammu and Kashmir.'

The Mirwaiz returned to Delhi Monday from Geneva where he had gone to attend the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

In Geneva, the Kashmiri cleric met China's Director Foreign Affairs Ying Gang and discussed a 'possible Chinese role' in resolving the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan.

Gang expressed China's support 'for the settlement of Kashmir as per the wishes and aspirations of people of the state', he said.

He said China supported resumption of composite dialogue between India and Pakistan. 'China wants the two countries to take steps towards the resolution of Kashmir,' he said.

The Mirwaiz said he will be visiting China soon following an invitation from NGO Han Foundation.

About the talks with New Delhi, the separatist leader said the government had not met the basic criteria to create an 'atmosphere necessary for a result oriented dialogue' over the Kashmir issue.

The government, he said 'must withdraw security forces from civilian areas; repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act; release political prisoners'. 'Only will then the dialogue start,' he added.

After meeting Chinese official, Mirwaiz attends Pakistan Day


This is a great gestur by our Chinese friends.
There is a big fuss about it in India. I don't see why. He is a free citizen - if he wants to meet Chinese and Pakistani officials to discuss Kashmir or meet Yoko Ono and Bono to hold hands and sing Humbaya on top of Mount Everest - that is his call.
India should relinquish its control over Kashmir. No Kashmiri on the Indian side wants to be apart of India. And India cannot prove otherwise.

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if sheikh abdullah meets the chinese it is deemed correct to the indians.....but when a person who is not in power meets the chinese it becomes a doomsday scenario!! indians should stop crying wolf all the time!!!
Oh well. The world always take a neutral view and refers to the region as Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistan administered Kashmir. Anyway - the point was why did Pakistan invade an independent nation? Don't Pakistanis think it was a mistake - if they hadn't jumped the gun all of Kashmir would have become part of Pakistan.

nope! the world is not neutral by any means! when clearly AZAAD KASHMIR has its own government,legislature & even its own flag!

as for "neutral" world they call it the indian sub-continent and the indian ocean completely disregarding the pakistanis,sri-lankans & bangladeshis! so please don't tell me the world is neutral

as for pakistan jumping the gun well you said pakistan invaded an independant nation! what about india invading Junagadh, hyderabad or EAST PAKISTAN??

and we made tribals enter kashmir AFTER india invaded junagadh! and convinently it held a plebiscite within weeks! however, it still has to honour its word on kashmir!

the problem is your history books teach you stuff which maes india look like the victim! which it by no means is!
this is your defence??? to the whole issue of kashmir?? i thought firstly indians denied any PROBLEM at all in kashmir! as for people rounding up and handing over army paratroops to IA....well in operation market garden tens of thousands of allied troops were rounded up & made POWs now should we say that the netherland people supported the NAZIs???

please put something valid down firstly you denied anything wrong in kashmir! when proven wrong you said ok give example of things before 80s now even when that is rebuffed you come up with a post that is not even worth replying too! :coffee:

Is this done by local populance? I am not aware just asking? If yes, then next q is why? If they did with their own accord, then Yes they were supporting Nazi. There can't be two ways about it.
Is this done by local populance? I am not aware just asking? If yes, then next q is why? If they did with their own accord, then Yes they were supporting Nazi. There can't be two ways about it.

answer is YES they did! why? well maybe scared of nazi prosecution! and every community has some collaborators!

now don't you try to change & twist the topic here! we are discussing kashmir! and we have clearly given plenty of evidence that the kashmiris are NOT happy with the indians & want freedom from the indian government!


this link has conveniently ignored by you!

only in JAMMU which is hindu dominated do the people even turn out to vote mostly(but then before you start crying & whinning to prove the jammu voter turn out why don't you try & prove that kashmiris overall love india & if they do then hell why doesn't india hold a plebcisite if its so sure of victory it held one in junagadh didn't it??)
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Scotland has all of this too - it is still a part of the United Kingdom and not an independent nation. And the world - whether you like it or not has always been neutral.

As far as Junagadh is concerned - India never legally disputed Junagadh's accession to Pakistan - it sent its forces AFTER Nawaz Bhutto invited the Indian govt. to conduct a plebiscite.
Indian troops martyr 2 innocent Kashmiri youth in Kupwara

Srinagar, March 24 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, Indian troops, in their fresh act of state terrorism, martyred two innocent Kashmiri youth in Kupwara district, today.

Indian troops killed the youth in Keran area of the district during violent continued military operations.

Dead body of a 70-year-old man, Ghulam Qadir Malik was found under suspicious circumstances at Logowpora in Kulgam.

On the other hand, the occupation authorities have booked a youth, Ejaz Ahmad Shah under the draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) for participating in protest demonstrations against continued gross human rights violations by Indian troops and policemen in the occupied territory.

Ejaz Ahmad Shah of Safa Kadal, Srinagar, and a plumber by profession, was arrested by Indian police, last month, and was released after a fortnight. “On Friday, Ejaz was summoned to police post Seki Dafar where he was detained and next day shifted to Kot Bhalwal jail Jammu,” family members told media men.

Indian troops martyr 2 innocent Kashmiri youth in Kupwara | Kashmir Media Service
^^^This is an example of wrong information.

Here are local news portals reporting on the same story. Please note these are private owned news portals that have local newspaper offices and are quite critical of the government even.

Kashmir Times
Welcome to Kashmir Times

Infiltration bid foiled, 2 militants killed,
SRINAGAR, Mar 24: Army today claimed to have foiled an infiltration bid, killed two militants in Keran Sector of Kupwara district, and also claimed to have arrested a militant commander.
According to a senior army officer a group of eight militants last night tried to sneak into the Indian territory in Keran sector of Kupwara and they were challenged. “In the exchange of fire two militants were killed and six others managed their escape to Pakistan,” a senior army officer said.
Defence spokesman in Srinagar in a statement said that at about 2 A.M. this morning, troops deployed on the Line of Control observed movement from across. As they group tried to cross the border, they were challenged and fired upon by the troopers. “Two militants were killed on the spot while the others were pushed back. Some of them were observed lion ping and could have been injured.” the statement said.
It added that slain militants were likely to be foreigners and were wearing snow clothes besides carrying wire cutters and ice axes.
He claimed the recovery of two AK 47 Rifles, 155 rounds of ammunition, four grenades, one Thuraya Radio Set, one ICOM Radio Set and a mobile phone besides a large quantity of war liked material.
The defense spokesman has also claimed the arrest of Hizbul Mujahideen district commander. “Acting on a tip off troops of 13 Rashtriya Rifles and SOG arrested Ghulam Rasool Malik alias Aftab, district Commander of Hizbul Mujahideen of Pattan from Shahgund Hajin today,” the statement said. It added that an AK – 47 Rifles and two grenades besides war like material was recovered from him.

Some other local news papers reporting on the story. Interesting to note that it was the J&K Light Infantry division which consists of locals that was partly involved in the operation.

2 militants killed in Keran sector | Greater Kashmir
Rising Kashmir, Daily Newspaper, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - LoC hots up after army build up

While there is no other report mentioning Ejaz Ahmed Shah, the report about the 70 year old man found under suspicious circumstances as declared by the J&K police spokesman is true
news.outlookindia.com | Body of Aged Man Found in Kashmir

There are genuine cases where innocent people are killed and if that is the case, there will definitely be a huge protest and pressure on the J&K govt. to act as what happened in the recent past.
This news is out of context and out of content.
The attack happened on the outskirts of sopore. It is easy to guess that the newly created anti-stone pelting battalion of J&K police was used in this sabotage operation. Policemen in civvies infiltrated the procession and started violence in the name of Geelani, who by the way condemned this.
One message to indians: you can fool some of the people all of the time, all the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.
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