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Amrullah Saleh: To clarify they R not refges.They live N AfPak distputed territory

A member here is wondering what has Afghanistan and Central Asia any thing to do with Sufis. Khwaja Moinudin Chisti accompanied military forces of Ghorids to enter into Hind and due to Ghori ruler, Hindus didnt interrupt him when he settled in Rajasthan. Lal Shehbaz Qalandar was from Maiwand, Afghanistan. There are countless other examples, that are mentioned in books about Awlia.

Afghan rulers of India patronized Sufis and Preachers. During reign of Sikanader Lodi, preaching of Islam was officially supported and state was actively involved in spread of Islam. Historian Barani mentions that in 13th century Deccan , Sufi Sarmast faced hurdle from Hundu ruler, Raja Kumaram. Two Pashtuns, Lakhi Khan Afghan and Nimat Khan were sent from Delhi and they defeated that Raja.

About the detailed history of relationship of Pashtuns and Sufism in India , i recommend members to read this research paper
Tribe, Diaspora, and Sainthood in Afghan History | Nile Green - Academia.edu
There was no Afghanistan at that time kid clear your Mind,Durani made it in 1700........

A little dose from history and you got this much hysterical.........from now on think twice before making fun of history of Afghans and taunting them about being ruled from Lahore.

I consider Sikhs , a qaum apart from Punjabi musalman, dont use their achievements to glorify yourselves. That Shahabudin Ghori , got killed in a sneaky attack at night, only cowards would brag about such achievement. He is the one who introduced proper muslim rule into India, he is the one who facilitated entry of Sufis and Preachers from Afghanistan and central asia into Hind and you have the nerve to brag about his murder at the hands of Hindu-khokars?.....Are you a Hindu or muslim?...

Remember Punjabis, we can be your friends but not bitches.......dont expect us to be.
You called Punjabis Cowards,so i made you remember that sikh and jats are also Punjabis,And Salt Range Khokars accepted Islam Much Before him in fact during Mehmood's Time.There is no one who wants a Be wafa Bitch......

Please name few Sufis whose entered into Hind through Afghanistan and Central Asia?

As if without bachey baaz Afghans, Sufis could have not made into India... as if the Iranian route was closed... as if Arabian traders were all but gone extinct...
Saint Hamid Karzai,Saint Amrullah,Saint Abdullah Abdullah and Saint Bacha Siqa are some of known Afghan Saints...............
Good to know Pakistan getting their own dose of treatment. Non-state actors, ummah, moral right, kafirs,religious duty....etc is used by pakistan as state policy. When Afghanistan does the same pakistan gets pissed off. As per afghanistan it is disputed territory , they are correct in historical terms. Pakistan never existed before 1947 but afghanistan did exist territorially. Whether their claim is valid or not but they can certainly crow about it.
Then what are they doing in Karachi, Hyderabad and pretty much all over Pakistan? Take your fake bachha bazi, opium infested so called Jihad in Afghanistan, just leave the civilised people of cities alone. Cheers.
You have been badmouthing Afghans as well as Pakistani Pashtuns for a quite a time, calling us beggars for punjab's wheat and Daal, its time to shut your mouth.
Kid mundri i have seen,met and lived with Afghans you should never have asked that i have bad mouthed about Pakistani Pashtuns,telling facts is not bad mouthing this is fact from thousand's of years Area now making Afghanistan is dependent upon know area making Punjab and Iran for Business, but also not that it is a fact that there are 10 million Pashtuns in Punjab how many are in kabul Province.The fact is that you are not only just misguiding yourself but also trying to spread it,i have contaced one of Pashtun in kabul,i will post all about this statement as soon as he replies me back till that chill..........
Ajit doval in his famous video had said ,that right now the most brotherly country to afghanistan in the world is india. India is more popular in afghanistan than pakistan.

So take these ppl to india. Pakistan must kick them out to their most fraternal country.
We can't unilaterally negate your two nation theory.
You need to understand that Present day Afghanistan was a home to Timurids/Mughals. Before Babur, Kabul was ruled by his uncle Mirza Ulugh Beg. When Babur ran from Ferghana to Kabul, he didnt enter into a foreign territory. Balkh city of Afghanistan was abode of Turko-Mongols and was center of Amir Timur's activities. Herat city of Afghanistan was capital of Timurids from times of Shah Rukh s/o of Amir Timur. Kandahar was center of Arghuns, another Turko-Mongol group. central Afghanistan was inhabited by Hazaras, Mongol people. Badakhshanis of North Afghanistan were Turanis who were part of Mughal armies. Beside there were Afghans/Pashtuns in Mughal army. Kheshgis, Zamands and others.

Babur in Baburnama writes that his Mughal soldiers are unable to adjust in alien environment of Hind and want to return to their homes in Kabul. For Babur and Humayun, Hind was a foreign country they had conquered. Shah Jahan's Balkh, Badakhsahn and Kandahar's campaigns were under the belief that these areas were theirs to begin with. Its another matter that Mughals got indianized with time and lost attachment to Afghanistan.

Other than Mughals, following dynasties originated from Afghanistan or were based in it who ruled over your Punjab.

1- Ghaznavids........based in Ghazni, their army has large number of Pashtuns/Afghans, punjab was part of their empire.

2- Ghorids......Tajiks from Ghor. Large portion of their army consisted of Afghans/Pashtuns. Conqured Punjab and handed over to their slaves, who established slave dyansty in Hind.

3- Balban garrisoned all forts in Punjab with Pashtuns in defence against Mongols.

4- Khiljis or ghilzais......originated from Helmand, ruled over your Punjab for 30 years

5- Tughlaqs......turks who migrated from Afghanistan to hind and appointed Pashtuns and Mongols as "sadah" amirs i.e nobles of 100 villages in Punjab and rest of Hind. After Feroz Shah Tughlaq, Punjab was practically ruled by their Pashtun wazir, malik Mallu Lodi and his brother.

6- Sayyids.......They migrated from Afghanistan to Hind. Punjab under them was administered by Afghans/Pashtuns

7- Lodhis......Afghans who ruled over your Punjab for 90 years

8- Suris.....Afghans who ruled over your Punjab for 15 years

9- Durranis....Afghans who ruled over your Punjab for 50 years

Babur was indeed not a Pashtun , he was a Mughal (Mongol), a turkicized one......

Punjabi Musalman except few ghakkars, were absent from Mughal nobility and army. Mughal nobility was dominated by Iranis, Turanis, Rajputs, Pashtuns and Deccanis..........It were British who bestowed the title of martial race to Punjabi musalman. We Pashtuns were staunch enemies of Mughals yet we were preferred over Punjabis.

wat? Half of them are not even pashtuns who ruled Afghanistan as well. And even marathis were preferred over punjabis by mughals, don't know what it proves though. Serving foreign rulers is hardly anything to be proud of like you are doing :D and before mughals most of punjab was arrid/jungles. We have to thank mughals for making punjab worth while to rule. Also thank mughals for allowing pathans to settle in punjab for first time otherwise Abdali will not be born and neither only pathan empire in history.
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Enough of the fighting please (Pakhtun v Punjabi).

As for the thread if Saleh thinks it is disputed territory, then it works the reverse way as well i.e. that he should be treated as an enemy combatant, arrested and charged for his illegal presence.
A little dose from history and you got this much hysterical.........from now on think twice before making fun of history of Afghans and taunting them about being ruled from Lahore.

I consider Sikhs , a qaum apart from Punjabi musalman, dont use their achievements to glorify yourselves. That Shahabudin Ghori , got killed in a sneaky attack at night, only cowards would brag about such achievement. He is the one who introduced proper muslim rule into India, he is the one who facilitated entry of Sufis and Preachers from Afghanistan and central asia into Hind and you have the nerve to brag about his murder at the hands of Hindu-khokars?.....Are you a Hindu or muslim?...

Remember Punjabis, we can be your friends but not bitches.......dont expect us to be.

Kya hindu hindu lagha rakha hai tu konsa kisi arab ki aulaad hai. Jasrath khokhar was punjabi muslim from Gujrat, his ancestral home was near Chenab river. Not sure about 12th century khokhars, probably hindus at that time. Khokhars are khokhars hindu or muslim.
The word Khorasan shouldnt alarm you. Historically much of the Khorasan is present day Afghanistan. The Sadozai and Barakzai rulers have used the title 'Amir-e-Khorasan'. In mughal documents, Sher khan Tareen from Pishin, a high rank Mughal mansabdar, is written as a man from Khorasan. The entire Kandahar province of Mughal and Safavids, including Quetta-Pishin-zhob was considered a Khorasan area. Next time when a Pashtun utters the word Khorasan, dont tag him with Omar Khalid Khorasani......dont insult our history and identity

In writings of Guru Nanak. he refers to the land that Babur ruled over right before his invasion of India as "Khorasan"(Khurasan Khasmana Kiya, Hindustan Draya). So it seems people of India at the time called land west of Indus as Khorasan.
As per afghanistan it is disputed territory , they are correct in historical terms. Pakistan never existed before 1947 but afghanistan did exist territorially. Whether their claim is valid or not but they can certainly crow about it.
They are wrong historically and legally. Historically the region's in question were controlled by various empires and figures over time. There was never a nation-state, as contemporarily defined, called Afghanistan that included vast parts of modern day Pakistan.

The Durand Line Agreement entered into by the British and Afghans was the first formal demarcation of Afghanistan's Eastern borders and therefore the first demarcation of Afghanistan's eastern borders as a nation.

The Afghans have no claim and no basis for a claim, which is why they have done nothing in the UN and have instead resorted to supporting terrorism in Pakistan, much of it under the delusional Amrullah Saleh's running of the NDS.

Likely who cares, khokhar is khokhar.
Are Khokhars from Mars?
Not exactly , I didnt use word "coward" for Punjabis. You bragged that Kabul city was administered through Lahore, i corrected you because it is historically not correct. I reminded you that on most of the occasions in history, Punjab was conquered by people from present day Afghanistan, by both Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns. You are free to draw your own conclusion about your qaum, from the facts that i mentioned in my above posts.

You have been badmouthing Afghans as well as Pakistani Pashtuns for a quite a time, calling us beggars for punjab's wheat and Daal, its time to shut your mouth.

Samandri, for how long did the Kabuli shahis rule large chunks of Afghanistan, in total was it longer than the pashtun rule over large chunks of north indian regions.

Oh lord... Evicted from illegal slums!

How dare they try to pick up a crying afghani child ..


How dare that woman try to get her out of the way for a bulldozer !!

A picture taken after mena bazar BOMBING 2009.. ??


Keep in mind that not all of the ones in Islamabad's slum, are Afghan Refugees, many are IDPs from Pakistan.
Should have moved voluntarily...

As for IDP's ... No not really 99% of these people are illegal afghan refugees evicted from an illegal settlement near Parliament...! The sane house legislators from all over the country go to plan how to screw the country.

Mil legal settlements are all over the country.,, which untrained police employing the same method to evict people.. If some of these people are indeed IDP's... They should have moved to army run camps where they would be provided with dignity... Electricity,R'free ration and money from govt and army... Apart from that many cleared areas are being rebuilt by Army and many people are returning home ... Meanwhile inshallah all our brethren will soon be resettled on their houses with dignity.

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