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Iran lawmakers pass bill allowing men to marry adopted daughters

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Dec 15, 2010
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Human rights activists say approved bill, making girls vulnerable to the ruling from age 13, 'legalises paedophilia'


Parliamentarians in Iran have passed a bill to protect the rights of children which includes a clause that allows a man to marry his adopted daughter and while she is as young as 13 years.

Activists have expressed alarm that the bill, approved by parliament on Sunday, opens the door for the caretaker of a family to marry his or her adopted child if a court rules it is in the interests of the individual child.

Iran's Guardian Council, a body of clerics and jurists which vets all parliamentary bills before the constitution and the Islamic law, has yet to issue its verdict on the controversial legislation.

To the dismay of rights campaigners, girls in the Islamic republic can marry as young as 13 provided they have the permission of their father. Boys can marry after the age of 15.

In Iran, a girl under the age of 13 can still marry, but needs the permission of a judge. At present, however, marrying stepchildren is forbidden under any circumstances.

As many as 42,000 children aged between 10 and 14 were married in 2010, according to the Iranian news website Tabnak. At least 75 children under the age of 10 were wed in Tehran alone.

Shadi Sadr, a human rights lawyer with the London-based group Justice for Iran, told the Guardian she feared the council would feel safe to put its stamp of approval on the bill while Iran's moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, draws the attention of the press during his UN visit to New York.

"This bill is legalising paedophilia," she warned. "It's not part of the Iranian culture to marry your adopted child. Obviously incest exists in Iran more or less as it happens in other countries across the world, but this bill is legalising paedophilia and is endangering our children and normalising this crime in our culture."

She added: "You should not be able to marry your adopted children, full stop. If a father marries his adopted daughter who is a minor and has sex, that's rape."

According to Sadr, officials in Iran have tried to play down the sexual part of such marriages, saying it is in the bill to solve the issue of hijab [head scarf] complications when a child is adopted.

An adopted daughter is expected to wear the hijab in front of her father, and a mother should wear it in front of her adopted son if he is old enough, Sadr said.

"With this bill, you can be a paedophile and get your bait in the pretext of adopting children," Sadr said. Some experts believe the new bill is contradictory to Islamic beliefs and would not pass the Guardian Council.

An initial draft of the bill, which had completely banned marriage with adopted children, was not approved by the council and it is feared that MPs introduced the condition for marriage to satisfy the jurists and clergymen. This is why Sadr fears it can pass the council this time.

The bill has prompted backlash in Iran with the reformist newspaper, Shargh, publishing an article warning about its consequences. "How can someone be looking after you and at the same time be your husband?" the article asked.

Shiva Dolatabadi, head of Iran's society for protecting children's rights, has also warned that the bill implies that the parliament is legalising incest. "You cannot open a way in which the role of a father or a mother can be mixed with that of an spouse," she said, according to Shargh. "Children can't be safe in such a family."

Execution of juvenile offenders in Iran has also been in spotlight in recent years amid confusion between the age of majority – when minors cease to be legally considered children – and the minimum age of criminal responsibility, which is 15 for boys and nine for girls under Iranian law
So (un)Islamic Republic is patenting his practices?
sorry its not religious forum, so i delete my reply....guys do your research and keep it to your self.

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So (un)Islamic Republic is patenting his practices?

You do realise this practise is sanctioned in the Quran? Before trying to troll, perhaps read a little and don't make a fool out of yourself.:lol:
You do realise this practise is sanctioned in the Quran? Before trying to troll, perhaps read a little and don't make a fool out of yourself.:lol:

I have not read this part of Quran yet. Perhaps its in Iranian Quran !!!
However, neither news is printed by me neither the thread is opened by me.
You should explain this to thread opener or news agency.
I have not read this part of Quran yet. Perhaps its in Iranian Quran !!!
However, neither news is printed by me neither the thread is opened by me.
You should explain this to thread opener or news agency.

You probably never read a single book in your life. Anyway troll, you referred to Iran as (Un)islamic, why? just because they have legalised some practise which is sanctioned in Islam? Regardless of how strange this practise is, it is not unIslamic.
Mullahism is a cult and Iran should get rid of it.

Its sad to see Iran a country with soo much potential passing stupid 'stone aged' laws like this ..

same applies to Pakistan .

Get rid of all the Stupid laws like Blasphemy etc.
What does Quran says, about shelling Pakistani villages?
The american drones kill your civilians everyday no one dare to talk the taliban sunni terrorists kill your civilians and soldiers everyday no one dare to open his mouth you killed two million muslim in Bangladesh no one open his mouth when ISIS kill muslims no one open his mouth but when indian Hindus and israeli jews and Buddhist Burma kill muslims you start to cry
You probably never read a single book in your life. Anyway troll, you referred to Iran as (Un)islamic, why? just because they have legalised some practise which is sanctioned in Islam? Regardless of how strange this practise is, it is not unIslamic.

And you read BS. Iranian relationship practices are indeed strange for the civilized world. They resemble with practices of tribes from Amazon forests.
And you read BS. Iranian relationship practices are indeed strange for the civilized world. They resemble with practices of tribes from Amazon forests.

Stop quoting me with these waste of space replies. If you don't know jack about what you're talking about, at least go educate yourself abit. Don't waste my time if you're ignorant with regards to the topic.
If your saudi masters practise this then I suppose it is Islamic but if Iran does it, then it's unislamic:lol:. Either way, this practise is sanctioned in Islam.

Your problem obviously lies elsewhere. You're butthurt about something else :rofl:
The american drones kill your civilians everyday no one dare to talk the taliban sunni terrorists kill your civilians and soldiers everyday no one dare to open his mouth you killed two million muslim in Bangladesh no one open his mouth when ISIS kill muslims no one open his mouth but when indian Hindus and israeli jews and Buddhist Burma kill muslims you start to cry

Americans were the most friendly nation before drones and after they became most hated in Pakistan.
All those drone attack on innocent kids, started during the rule of Asif ALi Zardari and Yousaf reza.
Now American can't kill kids in drone attacks and we drone issue has been raised to UN.

I don't need to give explanation but all Pakistan knows, that it was Iranian slave, Asif Ali Zardari, who was running terrorist networks during his rule and all terrorists are trained in Iranian controlled Afghanistan and in Iran as well.
World also know Iran has been hiring Pakistanis to travel to Iraq and Syria to kill your most hate wahabi kids.
ISIS flourishes in areas under control by Iran and its slaves.
India and Burmese are only killing humans brutally and we Muslims are raising voice so it stop.
While you Iranians are spreading terror, in all ME states.

Stop quoting me with these waste of space replies. If you don't know jack about what you're talking about, at least go educate yourself abit. Don't waste my time if you're ignorant with regards to the topic.
If your saudi masters practise this then I suppose it is Islamic but if Iran does it, then it's unislamic:lol:. Either way, this practise is sanctioned in Islam.

Your problem obviously lies elsewhere. You're butthurt about something else :rofl:

butt hurt are those, who open allegations threads, where all of your tribes men come to discuss in most ignorant manner.
problem is you have lived entire life in a closed hole called Islamic Republic, where there are no independent news or tv.
you are brain washed that your state is doing this and that, but they would not tell you that some bunch of shia shipped Pakistan's nuclear technology to iran, and today same Iranian come on this forum and question our credentials !!!
It can't be more funny than this.

With regards to topic.. it was ok as long I didn't commented now its all wrong!????
Actually it shows you are butt hurt for some other reason.
The american drones kill your civilians everyday no one dare to talk the taliban sunni terrorists kill your civilians and soldiers everyday no one dare to open his mouth you killed two million muslim in Bangladesh no one open his mouth when ISIS kill muslims no one open his mouth but when indian Hindus and israeli jews and Buddhist Burma kill muslims you start to cry

Americans are hated by Pakistanis according to Pew surveys but they do apologize if they attack civilian targets.

Taliban and ISIS are terrorist organizations

Pakistan has apologized to Bangladesh before.
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