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Shia uprising in Al-Awamiyah, Eastern Saudi Arabia!

Typical Saudi PDF member 2.0:View attachment 212368
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Typical Iranian PDF member:
View attachment 212366
licensing: You are free to use this image to your wishes. I am not responsible if an Iranian busts your door and beheads you.
Nice touch with the Kebab for the Iranian dude :lol:

But whats with the green turban???
Green Turban=our own Madni Boyzes
Nice touch with the Kebab for the Iranian dude :lol:

But whats with the green turban???
Green Turban=our own Madni Boyzes

He forgot the shawarma, falafel, kabsa and mandi for the Saudi Arabian/Arab dude. Not to mention the hummus. The damn hummus.:lol:

Green turbans were traditionally worn by Hijazi sadah families and later sufis. This is how that tradition spread to other Muslim areas including Pakistan.

Similarily I have noticed an overweight Pakistani polician/cleric (not sure what he is) wearing a Hijazi turban. I wonder how that tradition/practice ended up in Pakistan? Not seen it in many countries/regions outside of Hijaz and Yemen.

This is the Hijazi Shaykh al-Sharif Al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Alawi ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-Idrisi al-Makki in a tradiitional Hijazi rope that Sadah and certain Sufi masters traditionally wore and some still do.

Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a typical Hijazi/Makkawi turban;


Overweight and cleric goes hand in hand here :D:pakistan:
Thnx for the info regarding Sufism in Saudi Arabia !

Well, this is also mostly the case in the Arab world.:lol: We all wonder why ah?

Actually I can give you much more material but we would be off-topic. This news is nonsense if you ever wondered. The city of Al-Awamiyah has been the root for much trouble in recent years and the unrest is limited to a few neighborhoods and troublemakers in that city alone. Go to Al-Khobar (major city) nearby and everything is peaceful. Damman too. Those cities alone have 100.000's of Shias, Sunnis and many non-Muslims. No trouble at all. People work hand in hand. Aramco and all major companies = same situation.

There are 3-4 million Saudi Arabians who are Shia (Zaydi, Ismaili, Twelver) and they live in all regions of KSA. From Madinah to the Southern provinces/regions to the Eastern Province to Riyadh. Nobody cares about your sect in KSA outside of retarded people. Hence why nobody is killing each other. There are a few troublemakers and "clerics" that want to cause communal violence and are sectarian but they are mostly silenced and ignored. If I had any power I would be much more harsh with those retards regardless of what sects they say that they belong to. There are a few troublemakers in both sects.
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Falsifation propaganda as ususal.
Thousands of Pakistani, bharti, Bengali... live and work in the eastern province and this film is being played only at defence.pk !!!!
Many bharti women are house maids to shia of eastern province... 90% of which work for RAW, which is an extended arm of Iran Revolution Guards.... this is how Iranians smuggle trained activists to Saudi Arabia.

Well done Colombo, quite far from reality though.

Saudia Arabia's royal families foundation are set in disloyalty, murder, rape pillage, if you look at their early years you will see they were bandits and killers.

Saudia is a brutal regime, nothing matters to them other then their twisted version of Islam.
Well, this is also mostly the case in the Arab world.:lol: We all wonder why ah?

Actually I can give you much more material but we would be off-topic. This news is nonsense if you ever wondered. The city of Al-Awamiyah has been the root for much trouble in recent years and the unrest is limited to a few neighborhoods and troublemakers in that city alone. Go to Al-Khobar (major city) nearby and everything is peaceful. Damman too. Those cities alone have 100.000's of Shias, Sunnis and many non-Muslims. No trouble at all. People work hand in hand. Aramco and all major companies = same situation.

There are 3-4 million Saudi Arabians who are Shia (Zaydi, Ismaili, Twelver) and they live in all regions of KSA. From Madinah to the Southern provinces/regions to the Eastern Province to Riyadh. Nobody cares about your sect in KSA outside of retarded people. Hence why nobody is killing each other. There are a few troublemakers and "clerics" that want to cause communal violence and are sectarian but they are mostly silenced and ignored.

Without going into the specifics here but talking in general terms whats important is to have local law enforcement from the community itself
So if problems do occur the guy handling the situation knows the community and has their trust
That would also mean giving a little bit of leeway to the local officials to handle the situation instead of a strong heavy handed response from the central govt.
Well, this is also mostly the case in the Arab world.:lol: We all wonder why ah?

Actually I can give you much more material but we would be off-topic. This news is nonsense if you ever wondered. The city of Al-Awamiyah has been the root for much trouble in recent years and the unrest is limited to a few neighborhoods and troublemakers in that city alone. Go to Al-Khobar (major city) nearby and everything is peaceful. Damman too. Those cities alone have 100.000's of Shias, Sunnis and many non-Muslims. No trouble at all. People work hand in hand. Aramco and all major companies = same situation.

There are 3-4 million Saudi Arabians who are Shia (Zaydi, Ismaili, Twelver) and they live in all regions of KSA. From Madinah to the Southern provinces/regions to the Eastern Province to Riyadh. Nobody cares about your sect in KSA outside of retarded people. Hence why nobody is killing each other. There are a few troublemakers and "clerics" that want to cause communal violence and are sectarian but they are mostly silenced and ignored. If I had any power I would be much more harsh with those retards regardless of what sects they say that they belong to. There are a few troublemakers in both sects.

Really? .... Really?

Without going into the specifics here but talking in general terms whats important is to have local law enforcement from the community itself
So if problems do occur the guy handling the situation knows the community and has their trust
That would also mean giving a little bit of leeway to the local officials to handle the situation instead of a strong heavy handed response from the central govt.

As I wrote initially then many policemen from the local police force are locals. Hence often fellow Twelver Shia's. Yes, I am in favor of autonomy too especially in huge countries like KSA with distinct regions and diverse populations.

Anyway as you can see then those are rare events and are confined to a few neighborhoods (if not houses) in Awamiyah. If they even had 5% active support among the Shia's of KSA Bahrain would look like a picnic trip in comparison IMO. Especially if the Zaydis and Ismailis in the southern mountainous provinces/regions revolted en masse.

Political and social reforms are definitely needed in KSA and I hope that they will arrive to the BENEFIT of all people regardless of sect, ethnicity, region, skin color etc. Anyway thankfully sectarianism is not really a problem in KSA. For now at least but the turmoil in the region obviously impacts KSA too since KSA lies in the middle of all the chaos/unrest.

Really? .... Really?

You are using one radical terrorist cleric (sentenced to death for murder, call for unrest etc.) whose armed gangs killed civilians and policemen (fellow Twelvers in both groups even) as your source? How about using the opinions of the 1000's of other Shia clerics who have nothing to complain about and who are citizens like anyone else?

Anyway I don't discuss with Farsis when it comes to internal Arab affairs. You guys live on a different planet nor is what is happening in the Arab world your business. So keep writing. Maybe 2-3 Pakistani users will be fooled at the end of the day.
He forgot the shawarma, falafel, kabsa and mandi for the Saudi Arabian/Arab dude. Not to mention the hummus. The damn hummus.:lol:

Green turbans were traditionally worn by Hijazi sadah families and later sufis. This is how that tradition spread to other Muslim areas including Pakistan.

Similarily I have noticed an overweight Pakistani polician/cleric (not sure what he is) wearing a Hijazi turban. I wonder how that tradition/practice ended up in Pakistan? Not seen it in many countries/regions outside of Hijaz and Yemen.

This is the Hijazi Shaykh al-Sharif Al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Alawi ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-Idrisi al-Makki in a tradiitional Hijazi rope that Sadah and certain Sufi masters traditionally wore and some still do.

Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a typical Hijazi/Makkawi turban;


That overweight thing you talked about is the worst form any thing alive can take.
He is true personification of a "Munafiq"
So it's finally started!

Seconds out of the ring.....round one....Box on...

What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. And SA had sown the seeds of Wahabi terror a long while ago. The chickens have finally come home to roost!
Guys! Grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the thriller on wide screen TV! :D Exciting days ahead! :yahoo:
You see to be very excited about innocent people dying. Get your head checked out.
@Saif al-Arab I am not joking

Google Molana Diesel


I have no clue about who that individual is. I mentioned him because I saw a few users that used him on their avatars and then I noticed the Hijazi turban that he was wearing. I was surprised by that as I rarely see such turbans outside of KSA/Yemen.

May I ask why he is as bad as you say? What has he done/is doing?

You see to be very excited about innocent people dying. Get your head checked out.

I have no clue about who that individual is. I mentioned him because I saw a few users that used him on their avatars and then I noticed the Hijazi turban that he was wearing. I was surprised by that as I rarely see such turbans outside of KSA/Yemen.

May I ask why he is as bad as you say? What has he done/is doing?

Pretty much. This forum brings out the worst in everyone. Even on Stormfront you don't see people cheering over death :lol:
You see to be very excited about innocent people dying. Get your head checked out.
Don't bother with him
I think he is a programmed bot who comment on every thread even sometimes without reading it neither linked to him or India.
And mostly irrelevant stuffs
I have no clue about who that individual is. I mentioned him because I saw a few users that used him on their avatars and then I noticed the Hijazi turban that he was wearing. I was surprised by that as I rarely see such turbans outside of KSA/Yemen.

May I ask why he is as bad as you say? What has he done/is doing?


He has used religion to make a lot of wealth.
He praises and respects saudi arabia
but also wants pakistan to stay out of yemen.

He started his politics with a shia party
now he is with nawaz sharif.

suffice to say, Jews will be put to shame compared to this guy.
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