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LUMS: Afghanistan Scholarship Program - Shameful - the could have gone to poor Bihari Pakistanis

a lot of Pakistani hate their adopted countries, refuse to obey the laws and try to remain a PIA.

And I see they should be kicked out and ARE kicked out.

At least civilized countries deport the violators of laws.

But come on have the balls to address the partial articles comment you made.

No spine?
Its not only politicians and generals but the entire Pakistan is behis in this regard. How many people came out on streets in favor of repatriation, how many times MQM; the protectors of Mohajir Qaum; spoke in favor of biharis or put a resolution. How many people raised voices in their favor....None
Because we are Punjabi, Pathan, Baloch, Sindhi first, and Pakistani last. BTW MQM did raise this issue but got sidelined as usual because the respective government fear that bringing in Biharis will increase MQM vote bank.
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You have no balls to address me either do you

Yes -- copyright and fair use laws -- but why am I not surprised -- Afarin Afarin.

Ignoramus!!! lol

It is a matter of stain on Pakistani society -- indeed shameful

opening threads based on old news is not fair rather a sissy thing ;)

anyway you can burn your blood by keeping your hate alive viz a viz Afghanistan
opening threads based on old news is not fair rather a sissy thing ;)

anyway you can burn your blood by keeping your hate alive viz a viz Afghanistan

Yes I know history is considered as a category under fiction by some idiots like you.

Have the balls to address the comment you made about partial articles! coward!
Because we are Punjabi, Pathan, Baloch, Sindhi first, and Pakistan last. BTW MQM did raise this issue but got sidelined as usual because the respective government fear that bringing in Biharis will increase MQM vote bank.

Speaking on issue in their usual useless rabta committee conferences dont mean squat. did they ever put a resolution in assembly, they had 7 years of power play with Musharaf who himself is a Mohajir.
Speaking on issue in their usual useless rabta committee conferences dont mean squat. did they ever put a resolution in assembly, they had 7 years of power play with Musharaf who himself is a Mohajir.
It would have backfired for the reason I gave.

Yes I know history is considered as a category under fiction by some idiots like you.

Have the balls to address the comment you made about partial articles! coward!
Please do not get personal. Debate with decency. Thanks.
He started it -- I haven't seen you chastise him!?
Because I am aware of this poster's ethnic preferences. Did you not get it yet? Getting personal will only land you in hot waters and possibly banned. What is the point?
thats an exception.. mexicans have love-hate relation with you.

Nope sorry there is no comparison to Afg / Pak and US / Mexico

Nor Spain / Portugal

Nor Egypt / Sudan

Nor Saudi Arabia / UAE

Nor Nepal / India

Nor Maldives / India


lots of exceptions no?

Because I am aware of this poster's ethnic preferences. Did you not get it yet? Getting personal will only land you in hot waters and possibly banned. What is the point?

Do you think I give a flying f%$^ about getting banned.

It idiots like SpringOnion are free to thrive - it would be an honor to get banned - lol

And there are people who do not know who Behari Pakistanis are -- lol
I saw afghans should return back to their anc its
BTW -- why did you hide your flags ?

Were you or your family refugees in Pakistan at any point.

Have you or your family burnt any Pakistani flags?

Have your or your family denounced the racism against Pakistanis in Afghan society?

I think we all know the answers!?
opening threads based on old news is not fair rather a sissy thing ;)

anyway you can burn your blood by keeping your hate alive viz a viz Afghanistan

If you quickly google his nickname you will come across lots of his postings spewing hartred against Afghans so its not only here ;) and its the same old story over and over again.... but on his twitter account he only seems to have only 16 followers which shows that the common pakistan or for that matter afghan have no fundamental issues with eacher and trolls like him wont change that.

pakistani342 (@pakistani342) | Twitter
pakistani342 - YouTube

PS : Yes I am of the opinion that Afghans should return back to their country and thank the people of Pakistan for hosting them for so many years. Any afghan that is being racist towards Pakistani is racist scum as any other racist around the world.
Yes I know history is considered as a category under fiction by some idiots like you.

Bwahahahahahahaha yeh? So how does something, a normal statement in 2013 become historic to be posted in 2015? specially involving Afghanistan and Pakistan

Have the balls to address the comment you made about partial articles! coward!

What you want me to comment further? other than, that I have lend the balls to you as you need them more than anyone. So now use them wisely so next time you may find solace and do not act like a brainless dk
Do you think I give a flying f%$^ about getting banned.

It idiots like SpringOnion are free to thrive - it would be an honor to get banned - lol

And there are people who do not know who Behari Pakistanis are -- lol
You should give it a flying ---- for if you get banned you'll no longer be able to get your message across. You have raised an important issue and getting yourself banned will only help those who are apposing you.
I saw afghans should return back to their anc its

If you quickly google his nickname you will come across lots of his postings spewing hartred against Afghans so its not only here ;) and its the same old story over and over again.... but on his twitter account he only seems to have only 16 followers which shows that the common pakistan or for that matter afghan have no fundamental issues with eacher and trolls like him wont change that.

pakistani342 (@pakistani342) | Twitter
pakistani342 - YouTube

PS : Yes I am of the opinion that Afghans should return back to their country and thank the people of Pakistan for hosting them for so many years. Any afghan that is being racist towards Pakistani is racist scum as any other racist around the world.

OP please -- show me once I've called Afghans the equivalent of Daal Khors, Dark Skinned, Smelly -- once !!

And it took until now for you to condemn the racism against Pakistanis ??!

Continue living in your fantasy world.

Show me one article on any Afghan news agency which condemns the hatred against Pakistanis -- show me one!

Have the courage to fess up to this racism and hatred in Afghan society!

Bwahahahahahahaha yeh? So how does something, a normal statement in 2013 become historic to be posted in 2015? specially involving Afghanistan and Pakistan

What you want me to comment further? other than, that I have lend the balls to you as you need them more than anyone. So now use them wisely so next time you may find solace and do not act like a brainless dk

So yes we you know think history is irrelevant.

And again avoiding the issue -- I try to adhere to copyright laws you ignoramus!

Bwahahahahahahaha yeh? So how does something, a normal statement in 2013 become historic to be posted in 2015? specially involving Afghanistan and Pakistan

What you want me to comment further? other than, that I have lend the balls to you as you need them more than anyone. So now use them wisely so next time you may find solace and do not act like a brainless dk

Come on some guts!!!
Because I am aware of this poster's ethnic preferences. Did you not get it yet? Getting personal i have NO will only land you in hot waters and possibly banned. What is the point?

:lol: NO Syed Ali you are wrong, I have NO ethnic preferences here . I believe in National Identity and that is Pakistanis.

This frog avatar man has some ethnic complex not me. This is stupid thread because every educational institute has this right to offer scholarship if we have for African then whats wrong with Afghanistan :)

and above all when Russians were there the Pakistanis in large number did get MBBS degrees from Russia facilitated by Afghanistan.

Education exchange programmes should not be subjected to ethnicity.

You should give it a flying ---- for if you get banned you'll no longer be able to get your message across. You have raised an important issue and getting yourself banned will only help those who are apposing you.

:) Important? its NOT even an Issue what to say about being important.

He seems to be pissed off by comments on Afghan forums. if he does not have a thick skin then he should not be on any forum and save himself from self-inflicted complex based pain ;)
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