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Putin afraid to marry his Muslim girl friend Alina Kabaeva


Aug 29, 2009
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The elegant and striking Alina Kabaeva, a Russian politician and former sports woman has given birth to her first son with Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

27 years old Alina Kabaeva is not only an ex- cadenced gymnastics champion but also serving the country as the Member of Parliament from Putins political party in United Russia since 2007.

The name of new born baby boy is Dimitry. This boy is not announced publically because Kabaeva is a half Muslim girl from a Tatar father and Putin doesn’t want to destroy his image in public of a pure Muslim country for having a half Muslim wife.

The rumors were circulating last year that 56 years old Putin has divorced his wife, Ludmila — to marry Alina but Putin didn’t commented on the matter and his silence is still working after the birth of the first baby.

Alina was dating Putin since the time of her withdrawal from her sports career after making the history of gymnastic by winning 2 Olympic medals and 18 World Championship medals.

Alina Kabaeva
Aah the Islamophobia of people.

WTF, the girl is half Muslim according to the article.

We don't have Half and one third Muslim, either your are Muslim (with correct Aqeeda) or not Muslim . Even if she is Muslim, she is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim or have sexual relationship with someone.
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WTF, the girl is half Muslim according to the article.

We don't have Half and one third Muslim, either your are Muslim or not Muslim (with correct Aqeeda). Even if she is Muslim, she is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim.

Muslims can marry Christians and Jews.

Oh wait...shes a chick... :/ Poor Putin. lol.:lol:
Half muslim thats retarded theres no such thing as half muslim.
And only muslim men can marry non muslim women but only jews and christans as they are people of the holy book.
Putin may have only "short term plan" with this kind of Dating. :P
I've Heard about Kitabiya(Where marrying a Christian or Jew By Converting to Islam is acceptable).But ,If a Pagan/Idolator converted to Islam ,Does His Conversion Valid ? :|
Anybody can marry anybody, as long as they raise their children according to Islamic customs.

Tantrum throwing mullahs need not waste their time.

Putin may have only "short term plan" with this kind of Dating. :P
I've Heard about Kitabiya(Where marrying a Christian or Jew By Converting to Islam is acceptable).But ,If a Pagan/Idolator converted to Islam ,Does His Conversion Valid ? :|

It would be bad news for the Pakistani Muslims if that conversion is invalid :D
It is Russia, anyone can marry anyone, and that's regardless of how they raise their kids. I would like to some some bearded weirdo go to Russia and tell Putin who he can marry.
I highly doubt it, source?

I am not sure if the restrictions mentioned are in the Quran (farz) or are just custom/hadith (sunna).

In any case, we are now living in a multicultural, interconnected 21st century world, not 6th century Arabia and, with the growing number of interfaith marriages, the mullahs can either adapt to the times or throw irrelevant tantrums.
In any case, we are now living in a multicultural, interconnected 21st century world, not 6th century Arabia and, with the growing number of interfaith marriages, the mullahs can either adapt to the times or throw irrelevant tantrums.


If you are short of knowledge on any issue, specially religion then please avoid posting, its not necessary to throw in our ideas in each and every matter, even if they are junk.

Now what you said in the above para, is totally wrong and shows your know how of religion. The basic principles and laws of Islam will remain the same and wont change until the dooms day, accepting it or not is another matter. Yo need to clear your head on this issue, and its not for mullahs to tell you every thing or stand for every issue, Its equally yours, mine and ours responsibility both collectively or individually to know what is there in Islam, the true teachings of Quraan and Hadith, if we claim to be Muslims.

Accept all that is allowed and reject all that is prohibited. The laws of Islam as described by Holy Qurran and Hadith stands universal for us and are not age or time bound.

I hope you can take the massage in this post.

Any reliable link/source for the above news?

If it was true, it would have been all over.


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