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why are people still voting for PMLN and PPP

education and health has improved in comparison with other provinces law and order has become much better than before so has police its a long way to go but its a start anyway nawaz is just afraid of general hes scared of any though white men forgets english myth is it?

Education has improved where? Any statistics to back it up or just crappy PDF threads made by salaried trolls? PTI treats KPK like its stepson lol. When most CMs visit China for investments, the KPK CM gets bemaar. The CM is a 70+ man lol. Make KPK better and I might change my mind. Thus far, it seems highly crappy.

Votes manipulated yes, its true, but after 14 Months if my leaders suddenly wake up and started saying elections rigged, election rigged, then its a agenda not a demand of reforms.

For having better elections we need Elections reforms, which only be done in National Assembly
he has been saying this for day one .. u can just google it to find out u r wrong. accountability is necessary or else no laws will be oeyed in next election . it is sad how we let go any bad thing happen to us and say next tym we would not let that happen
Education has improved where? Any statistics to back it up or just crappy PDF threads made by salaried trolls? PTI treats KPK like its stepson lol. When most CMs visit China for investments, the KPK CM gets bemaar. The CM is a 70+ man lol. Make KPK better and I might change my mind. Thus far, it seems highly crappy.
i meant focus on those sectors and go check the yearly progress report wt are u an industrialist lolz
im not yet eligible to vote yet but with no choice left we (my family) vote for IK my father says hes a million times better than the rest not perfect of course but why cant people see this they are still receiving votes any way love your knowledge

ab tak to haram khor enjoy kar rahe hain bhaye jan game plan IK ka aga kya hoga your thoughts ?
How do we register vote?
First i thought next elections are good 5 year away when i turned 18 but now i would like to register, but the forms on ecp website are outdated ones.......
Internal cleansing is required both in PMLN and PPP by workers, genuine leadership should be brought up,sadly slaves don't revolt, they obey
How do we register vote?
First i thought next elections are good 5 year away when i turned 18 but now i would like to register, but the forms on ecp website are outdated ones.......
i dont know the procedure ask a senior member he can help

Internal cleansing is required both in PMLN and PPP by workers, genuine leadership should be brought up,sadly slaves don't revolt, they obey
love ur profile pic
As long as Pakistanis vote for PPP and PMLN, Pakistan will be a disaster that it is now.

Before joining this forum, I thought only illiterate and semi-literate vote for these parties. Aftet joining this forum, i realized, the disease in our society is much worse. Even educated and thinking people vote for PMLN and without shame defend such a party.

I was a PMLN voter once and so my family. But then we realized PMLN is flip side of the PPP coin. Then we all pulled back. We cant continue to vote for fraudsters. Its part political evolution which leads to maturity and part availability of better options.
he has been saying this for day one .. u can just google it to find out u r wrong. accountability is necessary or else no laws will be oeyed in next election . it is sad how we let go any bad thing happen to us and say next tym we would not let that happen


Saying and doing are two different words,
If elections were rigged why only in around 55-60 constituencies PTI complained for rigging out of 345 NA Seats?
after the laps of 60 days from the date of Elections, nothing gone to be change!

Election Commission issued Notifications of winning Candidates
National Assembly Secretariat Issued the Name of Winning Candidates
Winning Candidates took oth in National Assembly,
Winning Candidates selected new speaker of National Assembly,
New Speaker of National Assembly ask National Assembly to choose leader of House, and leader of Opposition.
NA assembly chooses the Leader of House, and Leader of Assembly and NA Secretariat issued Notification.
After that Speaker of National Assembly asked NA to choose PM of Pakistan, in given time.
NA voted for PM!
PM took oath from President of Pakistan.
PM choose the cab nit.

So as per desire of Imran khan, all above mentioned orders will gone to be revised? no not possible now.

Be realistic, IK and PTI wasted the important time period of 60 days of Election Notification.

As long as Pakistanis vote for PPP and PMLN, Pakistan will be a disaster that it is now.

Before joining this forum, I thought only illiterate and semi-literate vote for these parties. Aftet joining this forum, i realized, the disease in our society is much worse. Even educated and thinking people vote for PMLN and without shame defend such a party.

I was a PMLN voter once and so my family. But then we realized PMLN is flip side of the PPP coin. Then we all pulled back. We cant continue to vote for fraudsters. Its part political evolution which leads to maturity and part availability of better options.

Yes, likewise our Educated people thinking that Imran khan, is a reformer and not he will change the luck of Pakistan!

i just want to laugh that's it, because in last 16 months, the KPK government not able to deliver any thing, and when the same party came into the power what they do its now obvious.

If educated people not able to understand the agenda of establishment, then illiterate people are enough for running Pakistan.

Saying and doing are two different words,
If elections were rigged why only in around 55-60 constituencies PTI complained for rigging out of 345 NA Seats?
after the laps of 60 days from the date of Elections, nothing gone to be change!

Election Commission issued Notifications of winning Candidates
National Assembly Secretariat Issued the Name of Winning Candidates
Winning Candidates took oth in National Assembly,
Winning Candidates selected new speaker of National Assembly,
New Speaker of National Assembly ask National Assembly to choose leader of House, and leader of Opposition.
NA assembly chooses the Leader of House, and Leader of Assembly and NA Secretariat issued Notification.
After that Speaker of National Assembly asked NA to choose PM of Pakistan, in given time.
NA voted for PM!
PM took oath from President of Pakistan.
PM choose the cab nit.

So as per desire of Imran khan, all above mentioned orders will gone to be revised? no not possible now.

Be realistic, IK and PTI wasted the important time period of 60 days of Election Notification.
first of all its not only PTI but PMLN PPP ANP Molana all saying election are rigged. The difference is only one party is taking stand other accpeted the rig election . In your long useless post i will summerze my answer for u if they rigged all order should be revised. [proper investigation of last poll is required and people involved should be punished it will be more effcetive then any reforms. becuase in the last election we did alot of reforms but they were all useless. Beacuase everyone knows that no one will get punished.

U can defend rigging and accept this but we will not . Btw there 75 days of protest enable people top confront leaders that ruled them like heard of ships for last 65 years . u can hate PTI as much as u can it doesnt make any difference. why r u blaming imran khan for reforms when ur own party is in power that u trying to protect the day u joined this forum. Do the reforms PTI have resigned . Convinace the party u r supporting to do reforms as u believe in sharif family so much
please run in dreams, but the reality is different then dreams.

what ever Imran khan doing, we will return to him with full interest! Remember that.

The person living in dreams, always called syco! wise man always lives in reality like Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah!
Im no huge fan of IK but seriously what do PMLN/PPP voters see in these parties its clear they are not running a country its a huge business empire for them,they say there was rigging in the elections if your you truly had the ballz or you truly recived majority you would have audit the elections,new projects mean more money in there Swiss accounts i mean seriously how many times have they been in Sindh or Punjab or in government and they haven't fixed our basic problems couldn't fix police,education,health or stop corruption and the list goes on yet people are voting for them whats the reason if i could i'd slap them all and tell them to wake the f**k up seriously. dont start on my english.
People vote them because they love misery and mentally slaves.

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