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When India was Importing. Pakistan was making

There is no need to compare India with Pakistan. We are two completely different countries with nothing in common.
And while you were doing that......

PSLV-C2 lifted off from SHAR Centre, Sriharikota today (May 26, 1999) at 11:52 am at the opening of the launch window. IRS-P4 was injected into orbit about 1010 seconds after lift-off followed by the injection of KITSAT-3 and DLR-TUBSAT, respectively. In the flight sequence, the 294 tonne, 44.4 m tall PSLV lifted off from the launch pad with the ignition of first stage motor along with four strap-on motors. The remaining two strap-on motors ignited 25 seconds later.

Welcome To ISRO :: Press Release ::
May 26, 1999
Depends on Country's future planning. Pakistan found it easier to outsource satellite launches to China,and economical too.
About Not launching many satellites,well againg,these dys you can hire one for civilian purposes and for military Purposed Drones and zeplins are the new thing,not satellites. Even Pakistan's Nuclear forces use "relay drones" for communication instead of satellite.
No but shaheen series and all solid motor missiles were a result of 200 launches of Rehbar series sounding rockets.

No but shaheen series and all solid motor missiles were a result of 200 launches of Rehbar series sounding rockets.

No Shaheen is repainted M-11/18, a Chinese missile, like Ghauri is repainted Nodong.

Ghaznavi / Shaheen-II - Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems

Musharraf accepted Chinese and North Korean origin of pakistani missiles in his memoir " In the line of fire ".

North Korean Nodong has become Ghauri in Pakistan - The Hindu

http://carnegieendowment.org/pdf/npp/Pakistan and North Korea.pdf



North Korea’s missiles tied to Musharraf blunder | Missile ThreatMissile Threat

Pak exchanged N-tech for N Korean missiles - IBNLive

DY 365

Hatf-3 / Shaheen-I - Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems
Depends on Country's future planning. Pakistan found it easier to outsource satellite launches to China,and economical too.
About Not launching many satellites,well againg,these dys you can hire one for civilian purposes and for military Purposed Drones and zeplins are the new thing,not satellites. Even Pakistan's Nuclear forces use "relay drones" for communication instead of satellite.
I never know that drones can do satellite job.. But how you are tracking those drones?
Depends on Country's future planning. Pakistan found it easier to outsource satellite launches to China,and economical too.
About Not launching many satellites,well againg,these dys you can hire one for civilian purposes and for military Purposed Drones and zeplins are the new thing,not satellites. Even Pakistan's Nuclear forces use "relay drones" for communication instead of satellite.
That is very interesting... in 1999, pakistan had mastered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology... can you please enlighten us where does the UAV/UCAV/MALE UAV stands today in pakistan? How many billion dollar industry has the UAV's spawned in pakistan?

As you state your County Future planning was to develop drones, where have you gotten, I still vaguely remember Gen Musharraf time and again asking US to transfer Predator Drones to Pakistan, then I remember you importing CH3/Falco and RQ7 drones, I wonder why would pakistan would be still importing drones if Your Country's future planning was geared towards UAV development.

Make no mistakes, I do appreciate the indigenous developments made in pakistan, but technology doesn't need to be measured in terms of zero sum game.
Your title in misleading and uncalled for.
India also had home grown UAVs in the 90s.

View attachment 101748

^^^Nishant UAV

When was it inducted... :D

Thats good to know... anyways we too had our own UAVs during 1990s

The title of the thread is misleading/sensational.

Which was a target drone...

In India everyone makes such drones. Even college boys. The drones we are importing is byound your thought.

View attachment 106115

Unfortunately... those college boys become useless once they join DRDO or HAL...

As for the uav made in 99... Here are a few in service as we speak:

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Al-Sina to all your "indigenous" stuff. Fail is void now.

Says the dude whose indigenously "assembled" stuff dont even work after decades of boasting lmao...

Another funny apart from Burraq which visually seems closer to CH3... Rest are indigenous.. and the last one is the Italian FALCO produced under ToT... Several more UAVs produced by both govt sector n prvt companies are also in service...

Cry me a river...

One of the earliest test videos of Pakistani Drones. This video was recorded on a VCR in 1999.(Thats why poor quality).
Video shows the flickery CRT screens,used in those days,and in 1999 it was quite a technical challenge to get live video feed from a Drone,and Pakistanis were doing it back then.
The Drone was called Jasoos-1.
Since then Pakistan has manufactured many different types of Drones.
This video is an evidence that Pakistanis don't just copy tech,we also create tech.
This video could have been taken anywhere...anytime...whats the validity...
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