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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

What's Chinese Govt announced in Press conferrence about the case !?
Read it properly, kid.
Everyone know who is liar. That why ASEAN give announce about urges restraint in South China Sea disputes.

Chinese Govt said: "There's no clash"

And ASEAN, US, JAPAN said: "Yes, there is. We concern about it, that's provocative, should stop that for peaceful of region.


Kid, can you please read what did I write, don't try to be cool, it's show your stupid.

Chinese government is correct. A clash would involve shooting guns at you, not cleaning your boats and the people on board.
Sorry kid, but even your Govt was not dare to admit their action with Vietnamese.
They don't dare to speak it loud and howling like you about the issue.
Chinese boys howling: "Chinese ship crush Vietnamese, Vietnam is loser, we do everything that we want". - chest beating
Chinese Govt whisper: "There's no clash between Vietnam and China, please believe us, we just have evidence about how did we acting like madness dog on sea."
But, in fact, our government to protect our people. Where is your government? Oh, I think of it, your government is a group of liars.
But, in fact, our government to protect our people. Where is your government? Oh, I think of it, your government is a group of liars.
Protect !???

Oh, please kid, don't try to be cool. China keep suffer so many terrorism actions, Chinese people was slaughter like pig. Where's your fvcking superpower Govt !???

Look like they're so busy to bring billions dollar from their people go to oversea and enjoy.
I know you're jealous of China.
what do your characters mean?
ok, I can agree with you. sure, I wish VN can be as rich and powerful as China.

by the way, many thanks to our friends in Taiwan for allowing expressing our anger over the mainlanders :lol:

Protect !???
Oh, please kid, don't try to be cool. China keep suffer so many terrorism actions, Chinese people was slaughter like pig. Where's your fvcking superpower Govt !???

Look like they're so busy to bring billions dollar from their people go to oversea and enjoy.
Haha, no matter how you say, we are the world's second economy. What are you? In fact, if not the United States and China, nobody knows Vietnam. About terrorists, here we do not have much feeling. Because China is too big.

what do your characters mean?
ok, I can agree with you. sure, I wish VN can be as rich and powerful as China.

by the way, many thanks to our friends in Taiwan for allowing expressing our anger over the mainlanders :lol:

Protest shows your ignorance in Taiwan. Because it is useless.
Protect !???
Oh, please kid, don't try to be cool. China keep suffer so many terrorism actions, Chinese people was slaughter like pig. Where's your fvcking superpower Govt !???

Look like they're so busy to bring billions dollar from their people go to oversea and enjoy.

Please don't misled others.. US too cant keep out terrorism. Boston bombing? Russia can't keep out terrorism, Soji bombing? So they are all failure?

As for chinese travelling overseas ans spending money, show we are prospering. Not like poor backward vietnamese who can't even afford Asian game 2019 and dare to lecture others :lol:
Nation of 90 million People and less than 100 people protesting and even they too probably work in Ministry of Interior.. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Please don't misled others.. US too cant keep out terrorism. Boston bombing? Russia can't keep out terrorism, Soji bombing? So they are all failure?

As for chinese travelling overseas ans spending money, show we are prospering. Not like poor backward vietnamese who can't even afford Asian game 2019 and dare to lecture others :lol:
so proud, so stupid.
Chinaman: "our government is protecting us, they're just let too much terrorist around here, but i don't give a damn, we need money than my own life"
Nation of 90 million People and less than 100 people protesting and even they too probably work in Ministry of Interior.. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
a dog is trying to obey their master, isn't it??
so proud, so stupid.
Chinaman: "our government is protecting us, they're just let too much terrorist around here, but i don't give a damn, we need money than my own life"

a dog is trying to obey their master, isn't it??

Vietnam VCP is so useless. Don't even dare to spray water cannon at CMS and can't even defend Vietnam and take back parcel island. Act like turtle and coward. Vietnamese shall revolt and tear down VCP :lol:
Vietnam VCP is so useless. Don't even dare to spray water cannon at CMS and can't even defend Vietnam and take back parcel island. Act like turtle and coward. Vietnamese shall revolt and tear down VCP :lol:
you can laugh if you want. look the face of this guy from chinese foreign ministry :lol:

he is very upset because we convinced other ASEAN members at the summit to condemn China :rofl:

Haha, no matter how you say, we are the world's second economy. What are you? In fact, if not the United States and China, nobody knows Vietnam. About terrorists, here we do not have much feeling. Because China is too big.

Protest shows your ignorance in Taiwan. Because it is useless.
A superpower don't dare to admit what did they do ... you can change subject as you want and keep delusion, kid.:rolleyes1:

Yeah, you haven't feeling anything, Chinese society and culture are so corrupt now.
That's why poor girl Yue Yue died, and yes Chinese boys keep howling how mighty and rich they are ...
Did you know Yue Yeu !? May be you don't know, China is too big, and you're too small ...:coffee:
Please don't misled others.. US too cant keep out terrorism. Boston bombing? Russia can't keep out terrorism, Soji bombing? So they are all failure?

As for chinese travelling overseas ans spending money, show we are prospering
Oh Yeah. Chinese's failure when so many adults scared a little girl like Yue Yue and pretended like they don't see anything, and didn't save the little girl until too late.

Just like some delusion boys try to be cool in here, pretend like they're wisdom and powerful.
But in real life, what would they do if they see small bunch terrorist swinging their knife and kill people !?
Howling like here? Do something !? Or run like dog !?
Or what would they do if they see another Yue Yue !?

I just wonder what would would "Beast" do !? Oh, What !?? Beast !??? May be we have the answer.

Chinese travelling overseas so much and so many countries see them like uncivilized, until Chinese Govt can't stand with it and must publish a guidance book to how and how and how ... to do what and what and what ... when they step on other country's soil.

Vietnamese Govt is group of liar !? Oh, Look at Chinese buddy:
How many high level Chinese leader become crimes !? Bo Xilai ? Zhou Yongkang !? ... How many millions dollar they got !?

Keep howling and swanking and crying on here, beast boys, enjoy your delusion.

For more funny, I will give you another info: South Vietnam and nowaday Vietnamese Govt made many exploration on block 142, 143 location from 1972 to 2007, and they're still not find anything about oil.

So I will not wonder when Chinese Govt announce not found anything and drag the rig back.
Massive Rig is funny show to help Chinese Govt keep people stare on it, forget their suffer and keep their some delusion boys to live in corrupt society ...:close_tema:

Done with delusion boys ... :sleep:
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you can laugh if you want. look the face of this guy from chinese foreign ministry :lol:

he is very upset because we convinced other ASEAN members at the summit to condemn China :rofl:

May be you mistake, he's look like a military officer, next to him is Vietnamese female officer.
you can laugh if you want. look the face of this guy from chinese foreign ministry :lol:

he is very upset because we convinced other ASEAN members at the summit to condemn China :rofl:

what is that man and woman's name? Looks and uniform are very Vietnamese
Chinese mem, if you are not funding by govt for trolling here, let study more for the truth, inside and outside. let think why freedom is not including free to search for what you want. why Chinese govt keep monopoly in providing info to you. Hongkong acts differently because they can get the genuine info via any search they want. We dont expect you follow our opinion but only The Truth. don't let Xi lie to you more. Why Tiananmen incident, bloody riots .. in Hangzhou cannot be Truth in china media? it is not always fake news, just china media control and drive to what they want to know, then it is not considered as news. dont limit your source of news.
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