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Rising of a new Crusade?

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Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation
I think the "Global Shadow Societies" are creating a neo Ottoman Empire in the middle east. Thats the Reason for all those Arab uprisings and the growing influence of Islamists all over the Islamic world.

Global Elite is heavily supporting Turkey and Erdogan. Backing his actions and justifying his Moves to get rid of turkish opposition. Erdogan will become the most powerfull turkish leader than anyone before him.

The Reason is to create a new holy war between christians and muslims. To create a real holy war you need two facing armies. That was the reason why first bush crusade in the second gulf war wasnt successfull. He had no enemy to fight against.

Now Turkey will grow. The balance of power will naturaly move to erdogan in the smashed islamic countries. Those countries will accept Turkey as their new leader against the "unbelievers". They will require turkish weapons out of the new created turkish defence Industry. Of course these weapons are inferior against western european and US weapons.

In the meantime Islamophibia will increase in European society through new terror attacks of Jihadists which will come back from Syria into their home countries in Europe. They will be many thousands and well trained in use of weapons and bombs.

At the end of that process a deep crack between Muslims and Christians will rise. The misstrust will increase. Turkey will take back its ambition to join European Union. They will also leave NATO and become independent. European Union on the other side will take countermeasures against Islamism in Europe. Many muslims will convert to cristianity or simply leave Europe.

Turkey will be hungry of growth and because the way to the west is blockaded (with NATO Forces) they will chose their natural enemy, the shia state of Iran.

Until than Iran will long have the nuclear bomb and will be sanctioned, starving to death. Pakistan will also join their turkish brothers in the fight against the "evil shias". I think Muslim world will finaly destroy itself with nuclear weapons, without a single bullet from Western Imperialist Powers. I believe this because i think Islam means pure emotion and that islamic countries, unlike cold blooded soviet warriors, will use their nuclear arsenals.

What do you think? A modern crusade without a single dead cristian soldier and completely destroyed ummah?

STRATFOR underlines my theory.
Turkey's Strategy | Stratfor
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European Union has no Army and USA is not willing to let his Soldiers die in Muslim countries. So they need to outsource the work.
European Union has no Army and USA is not willing to let his Soldiers die in Muslim countries. So they need to outsource the work.
Do you also have Nightmares of Turks when your sleeping?
Check under your bed before sleeping, maybe there is also a Turk hiding with ''Ottoman ambitions'' against you.
No, i don't think so. out of proportion episode of Teksim Gezi Park, suggests otherwise.

These Protests are needed to force Erdogan to drastical Moves towards a new Theocrasy in Turkey. A neo Ottoman Empire must be a caliphate, it cant be a democratic Country.
Nobody can deny my Logic. The Art of creating Politics, Influencing it, is not to force it, its about using the available players and their natural skills. Erdogan is a charismatic Populist. He is a born Leader with the right mindset (Islamist and open to bribery)
Why do you not understand? Its open secret that most of the Turks desire for Neo Ottoman Empire. The West cant stop that movement without killing Erdogan. Instead they control and lead Turkeys transition into a regional Hegemon. They will make sure that Turkey will have enough other Enemies than the West. They will make sure that Turkey takes side with Tatars against Russia. They will make sure that Turkey will take side with Azeris against Iran.

Another Rule of influencing global Politics:
If you cant stop somebody, than make him to stumble until he falls himself.
I think the "Global Shadow Societies" are creating a neo Ottoman Empire in the middle east. Thats the Reason for all those Arab uprisings and the growing influence of Islamists all over the Islamic world.

Global Elite is heavily supporting Turkey and Erdogan. Backing his actions and justifying his Moves to get rid of turkish opposition. Erdogan will become the most powerfull turkish leader than anyone before him.

The Reason is to create a new holy war between christians and muslims. To create a real holy war you need two facing armies. That was the reason why first bush crusade in the second gulf war wasnt successfull. He had no enemy to fight against.

Now Turkey will grow. The balance of power will naturaly move to erdogan in the smashed islamic countries. Those countries will accept Turkey as their new leader against the "unbelievers". They will require turkish weapons out of the new created turkish defence Industry. Of course these weapons are inferior against western european and US weapons.

In the meantime Islamophibia will increase in European society through new terror attacks of Jihadists which will come back from Syria into their home countries in Europe. They will be many thousands and well trained in use of weapons and bombs.

At the end of that process a deep crack between Muslims and Christians will rise
. The misstrust will increase. Turkey will take back its ambition to join European Union. They will also leave NATO and become independent. European Union on the other side will take countermeasures against Islamism in Europe. Many muslims will convert to cristianity or simply leave Europe.

Turkey will be hungry of growth and because the way to the west is blockaded (with NATO Forces) they will chose their natural enemy, the shia state of Iran.

Until than Iran will long have the nuclear bomb and will be sanctioned, starving to death. Pakistan will also join their turkish brothers in the fight against the "evil shias". I think Muslim world will finaly destroy itself with nuclear weapons, without a single bullet from Western Imperialist Powers. I believe this because i think Islam means pure emotion and that islamic countries, unlike cold blooded soviet warriors, will use their nuclear arsenals.

What do you think? A modern crusade without a single dead cristian soldier and completely destroyed ummah?

STRATFOR underlines my theory.
Turkey's Strategy | Stratfor

I'm pretty sure you are one of those christians who feel orgasms about destruction of Islam. LOL!

Christianity is a dead religion, specially in the West (Europe, specially)...only "practicing" christians are in sub saharan africa and christianity holds influence there. Thats it. LOL

Atleast get your shitty christianity in order before dreaming about taking on Islam..which has now become the largest "practiced" faith of the world, Mashallah, and is only growing even in the West!

There are already more practicing Muslims in France than practicing Catholic..even though France is one of the largest catholic nation...lmao!!!

Google the report from Hudison institute about this...
I'm pretty sure you are one of those christians who feel orgasms about destruction of Islam. LOL!

Christianity is a dead religion, specially in the West (Europe, specially)...only "practicing" christians are in sub saharan africa and christianity holds influence there. Thats it. LOL

Atleast get your shitty christianity in order before dreaming about taking on Islam..which has now become the largest "practiced" faith of the world, Mashallah, and is only growing even in the West!

There are already more practicing Muslims in France than practicing Catholic..even though France is one of the largest catholic nation...lmao!!!

Google the report from Hudison institute about this...

Actually Africa and orthodoxy in Russia that is it, maybe that is why he wants to wipe out Islam.
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