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Poll | Should there be a 'total ban' on Indian media in Pakistan??

Should there be a 'total ban' on Indian media in Pakistan??

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The case for Indian movies is special and an open secret that Pakistanis enjoy Bollywood as much as Indians, perhaps. We're having Indian movies continingly released in our cinemas for a while now. The same noise has been raised for Turkish shows as well, mate. However, as Turkey is perceived as a 'friendly' nation such a frevour never reached the earthshattering level that the international community would have noticed.

It's the same community that does this so don't be surprised. Most Pakistanis love good entertainment.

My point was depiction of Turkish culture since Pakistanis always complain about cultural invasion. Recently, the Lollywood movie Devdas was banned by Pakistan censorboard for showing drinking, although novel Devdas is too a masterpiece.

People who spin that way see everything that way. People who don't, who're the majority, don't and watch and it's them we're talking about.
Did I start the thread asking for a ban on Indian content?

But isn't the elephant in the room, the effect on pakistani culture and subversive role of Indian media as an extension of it's soft power?
Do take a 'look-see' at this thread!
Brings me back to what I wrote about there on the other thread. When "Fears and Apprehensions" become (and remain)the basis of one's existence intead of "Hopes and Aspirations" !!!!!

6+ decades down the line that concept still remains and persists.

Its ideas like this caused/led to the creation of BD.

That is the direct result of a non-cohesive narrative to the history and causes of the national fabric. You need to create reasons for national adhesive. And while I maintain that the narrative of the two-nation theory was sound; the interpreters of it that followed after Jinnah were far less "intellect" and more corrupt in terms of their goals and aspirations. There is some truth to the fear and aspirations but the same could be said of particular bogey making in India..yet, unlike India the fears and apprehensions define the national fabric itself rather than being a foundation of foreign policy regarding a particular neighbour. So, while one kid has the fear of the closet .. the other fears the room itself.
I think Pakistan needs to ban 'banning' things. Movie ban, YouTube ban, Indian media ban... what next? You don't want to end up like NK.. do you?
I think Pakistan needs to ban 'banning' things. Movie ban, YouTube ban, Indian media ban... what next? You don't want to end up like NK.. do you?
I agree with sandy, if banning is to decrease India's influence and protect pakistani 'culture' then probably not a bad idea
If banning to protect local industry, I dont think it work work in internet age.
If the Banning means to be not with indic people and their culture than yes do it ASAP.
Ban everything Indian and add India next to Israel on your passport :rofl:
And what if a state is using its media as a tool for cultural subversion and soft power as a matter of state policy?
Then the leaders of your country need to grow some spine and Ban it all :big_boss:
I think Pakistan needs to ban 'banning' things. Movie ban, YouTube ban, Indian media ban... what next? You don't want to end up like NK.. do you?
They have also banned night calling packages and sms packages as well. Saying it was against the morals of Pakistan or something.
I don't question your right to ban, only the reasoning put forward. If you said that you didn't want Indian content because you see us as an enemy nation, no issue. The argument about interest, cultural similarities etc... become largely irrelevant then.

I have no issues if Pakistani content is shown in India. Maybe the Pakistani government should ask for such a clause in a MFN treaty agreement. I actually don't know the Indian government's position on Pakistani content (non-news), I don't know whether there is any actual ban in place for entertainment material. However what is being spoken off is foreign content on Indian channels, that would be a decision only the channels could make(in the abdence of a government order).

No i understand that you aren't questioning our right to ban i was just saying that you or other Indians should also have the same argument towards their government's stance nothing else.

Here in India TVs' come with remote control...

Yeah and there also they don't show Pakistani channels lol We are just asking for the same thing

They have also banned night calling packages and sms packages as well. Saying it was against the morals of Pakistan or something.

And who gave you this interesting piece of information?
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Not sure if that is necessary.

Many of the big Chinese movies are actually Mainland-Taiwan co-productions. There are even a lot of Mainland-Japan co-productions, or co-productions with South Korea.

Yet Chinese nationalism continues to grow stronger.
Not sure if that is necessary.

Many of the big Chinese movies are actually Mainland-Taiwan co-productions. There are even a lot of Mainland-Japan co-productions, or co-productions with South Korea.

Yet Chinese nationalism continues to grow stronger.

Legalizing Indian movies in Pakistan brought competition thus Pakistan film makers started to make better movies instead of the old crap based on Gandasa culture(rural violence). It will again reached the same fate it Indian movies are banned again. There is widespread piracy business in Pakistan, even if Indian contents are banned, Pakistani people will get it in pirated form they can't resist it.

If you want to make a joke out of it thats you're choice but i guess the true meaning of it is clear as the day.

What the true meaning.
turkish dramas should also be banned ..turkish dramas are even wrost than indian dramas ....:lol:

bhaee pakistan k dramas bohat he ache hote he.....now a days im watching " ASSER ZADI " and rishte kuch athore se pakistani" dramas .
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