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Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

At the cost of 1 Billion dead hindus -They can be rebuilt, we don't worship stones you see - killing every hindu in India means zero problems for the region. Something our ancestors should have done long time ago, too bad they didn't think about it. Its an unfinished business we need to look after. Historic baggage you know ;)

About which ancestors you are talking about? You mean the week pakistani hindus who were easily converted to islam by some barbarian conquerers or you considering the invaders as ur ancestors.. That is a shame na?
You started it by asking a stupid question.

We matter enough to deny what matters to you. This capability is what matters to us. We can spoil your party at the point of our choosing - you must hate us for a good reason.

Stop insulting us dude, we are NOT your friends. We are your enemies.

While I understand that you really want desperately for us to consider your enemy, we mostly ignore you.

It may hurt but is good for you in the longer term.

Half of the Kashmiris are liberated, the reminder of our people's freedom is due. Until they colonized by a mad colonial power, the struggle for liberty goes on.

Yes, they are liberated. Just like you were liberated in 1947.

Now just remain liberated. We are glad for you. Actually glad to be rid of you.

As long as the struggle for liberty is happening by blowing up within Pakistan, we don't care.

Else we make sure they get fried on the fences or have a lifespan less than that of a fruit fly on Indian soil.
About which ancestors you are talking about? You mean the week pakistani hindus who were easily converted to islam by some barbarian conquerers or you considering the invaders as ur ancestors.. That is a shame na?

You need some anti inflammatory. Contact your Dr.

While I understand that you really want desperately for us to consider your enemy, we mostly ignore you.

It may hurt but is good for you in the longer term.

Ran out of rants, this time? - Try harder.
Did i ever say Pakistan aspires to become a superpower or was it the fault of your failed comprehension?

First of all i'm not your brother and secondly i only eat halal.

You were the one attaching Pakistan to the coattails of India and China, both in your delusional cold war fantasies of encirclement as well as your grandiose "regional power" lists.

I mean come one dude. You guys are fighting for survival as a nation. Bombs going off daily in your places of worship and bazaars. Large swathes of your people at war with one another. Large swathes of your land not under the control of your state. One entire region perpetually at war with you for Independence. No power, no industry, no employment, no prospects. Young Pakistanis leaving the nation in droves (you included).

And you cal yourself a regional power?

Don't joke man if you want to have a serious debate and not troll. Given time, Afghanistan has more potential to overtake you. As Bangladesh already has.

You were the one attaching Pakistan to the coattails of India and China, both in your delusional cold war fantasies of encirclement as well as your grandiose "regional power" lists.

I mean come one dude. You guys are fighting for survival as a nation. Bombs going off daily in your places of worship and bazaars. Large swathes of your people at war with one another. Large swathes of your land not under the control of your state. One entire region perpetually at war with you for Independence. No power, no industry, no employment, no prospects. Young Pakistanis leaving the nation in droves (you included).

And you cal yourself a regional power?

Don't joke man if you want to have a serious debate and not troll. Given time, Afghanistan has more potential to overtake you. As Bangladesh already has.


Peace indeed, take some sleeping pills - sweet dreams.
About which ancestors you are talking about? You mean the week pakistani hindus who were easily converted to islam by some barbarian conquerers or you considering the invaders as ur ancestors.. That is a shame na?

India subcontinent itself was invaded many times. Muslim invasion is just one of them. if you are a Hindi, you just follow the religion of an earlier invaders. The Aryan invaders that brought caste and Hinduism to India.
We seem to have some brigade lurking here that is about to run off after the four pests.

Beating their pans, pots and drums... In their hundreds of millions...

India subcontinent itself was invaded many times. Muslim invasion is just one of them. if you are a Hindi, you just follow the religion of an earlier invaders. The Aryan invaders that brought caste and Hinduism to India.

Hey Q hairstyle, how is the gallbladder doing today?

I heard the Mongol kids used to have live sword practice with you Hans?

Their kids used to practice with you folks?
India subcontinent itself was invaded many times. Muslim invasion is just one of them. if you are a Hindi, you just follow the religion of an earlier invaders. The Aryan invaders that brought caste and Hinduism to India.

Aryans are a myth :P
No India will not become a "Real Superpower" .

For ME Superpower are Scandinavian countries . Everyone should measure up to them .

But we will be Too dangerous to be attacked by Any country . Even North Korea , Pakistan , Iran etc is . So Lets not take military power as a measure .
US has the power to quite literally destroy any nation if the operation is designed to remove a govt. This is called strategic hegemony. No other nation in the world has that capability, nor will have anytime soon.

Regardless of how much Indians hate this fact, India is a 'contained state' surrounded by two hostile nuclear powers with a 'de-facto alliance'. In order for India to become 'a real superpower' - it needs hegemony ----- and that doesn't include having hegemony over Bhutan,Nepal,Bangladesh and Sri Lanka....

Indeed, India has not even reached the full status of a regional power, as Pakistanis seem to be able to walk in and out of India whenever they please. Pakistan has something like 1/6th the population, yet is able to stalemate them in almost every single confrontation that they put themselves into.

It will be some time before India can declare herself a regional power (if ever), let alone a great power, let alone a superpower.
Chinese Politicians have destroyed the CHinese culture. How China can culturally Influence other country?

There is nothing Chinese remaining in Chinese culture except for food and writing system. There is nothing Chinese if you listen to Chinese music, just some Chinese lyrics on Western tone. Since their culture was destroyed by Communists, they have nothing left to project their softpower across the world except for their investment.

India subcontinent itself was invaded many times. Muslim invasion is just one of them. if you are a Hindi, you just follow the religion of an earlier invaders. The Aryan invaders that brought caste and Hinduism to India.

I shared the genetic studies with you, you are repeating the same crap again and again. :wacko:
Indeed, India has not even reached the full status of a regional power, as Pakistanis seem to be able to walk in and out of India whenever they please. Pakistan has something like 1/6th the population, yet is able to stalemate them in almost every single confrontation that they put themselves into.

It will be some time before India can declare herself a regional power (if ever), let alone a great power, let alone a superpower.

Our objective is survival, theirs is hegemony. When we fight India, we are fighting for our way of life, for our families and our liberty. They fight for expansion, either geographic or political. They have 2 'set F.policy objectives' towards our nation.

1: Take over geographically | Chances of which are zero.
2: Turn Pakistan into a 'subservient' state | They don't know, that Pakistanis cannot be turned into mental slaves of India, as we are born and bread free, we are fed freedom and are taught how to defend it from an early age.

My freedom is a gift from the hundreds of thousands of of my brothers in uniform who laid down their lives so i could live free. Me and others like myself who value our freedom and the cost we have paid for it will NEVER allow India to achieve either of the above.
There is nothing Chinese remaining in Chinese culture except for food and writing system. There is nothing Chinese if you listen to Chinese music, just some Chinese lyrics on Western tone. Since their culture was destroyed by Communists, they have nothing left to project their softpower across the world except for their investment.

I shared the genetic studies with you, you are repeating the same crap again and again. :wacko:

He is trying to avenge his centuries of humilation. Unsuccessfully! ;)

The stink of his leaking gallbladder gives it away...

Slightly more ambivalent, perhaps, is its fondness for one Goujian, a fifth-century BC king of the state of Yue. Having been captured by a rival ruler, the king of Wu, Goujian devoted himself to maintaining a duplicitous show of submissiveness: kowtowing before his conqueror, living amid piles of royal horse manure, even eating his captor’s excrement. Moved by Goujian’s capitulation, the king of Wu allowed him to return, a free man, to Yue. For the next twenty years, Goujian subjected himself to endless unpleasantnesses—spending his winters standing in cold water, hugging hot braziers in deep summer—in order to keep alive the memory of his humiliating discomforts in Wu and to feed his desire for revenge. He is renowned for sleeping on a bed of brushwood over which was suspended a bile-filled gallbladder which he would lick whenever he was in danger of forgetting his past bitterness. For some twenty years, he schemed and plotted until, finally, he succeeded in destroying Wu. The story of Goujian—much repeated through Chinese history but commemorated with particular intensity during the twentieth century—seems to highlight a Chinese interest in heroic attributes that are less than wholly wholesome: that are obsessed with humiliation, self-loathing, and vengefulness. [1]

This preoccupation with humiliation, William Callahan argues in his excellent book China: The Pessoptimist Nation, is a key part of the story of modern China. Since China’s modern nationalists began earnestly trying to manufacture a strong, cohesive nation out of a messy, failing empire, they have relied heavily on the discourse of “national humiliation”: on regularly reminding the Chinese people of their modern history of defeats at the hands of the imperialist powers (Britain, France, the U.S.A., Japan), to spur them to better things. On the one hand, China’s modern elites have believed confidently in China’s right to regain its traditional place in the sun; on the other, this quest to forge a vigorous nation-state has betrayed a powerfully self-critical strain in the modern Chinese psyche—what Geremie Barmé has termed the pull between “self-hate and self-approbation.” Thanks to the highly successful “patriotic education” campaign introduced by the Communist state after 1989—which has dwelled on China’s “century of humiliation” inflicted by foreign imperialism, from the Opium War to the Second World War—the Chinese humiliation complex shows little sign of abating.

The China Beat · Book Review: China: The Pessoptimist Nation

This tells you about the psychology of some of them. I don't want to generalize and I have respect for China and the Chinese people.

Some of these zombies leave us no choice.
For its population, India is very small. China, Russia, USA completely dwarf it in geographic size. This often means resources and less need to import raw materials.

However India's population is growing at a faster rate than China. If India reaches 4 billion people, they could overtake China in economy.

This is something for the cheerleaders to celebrate, then:

India to overtake China’s population by 2050, says study
Oct 2, 2013

Paris: India will overtake China as the world’s most populous country by 2050, according to a new French study which predicts the global population to surge to 9.7 billion people by the middle of the century. The report by the French Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), predicts India will take the top spot with a staggering population of 1.6 billion to leave behind current world leader in population, China, at the second place with 1.3 billion people. The overall world population is projected to rise to 9.7 billion in 2050 from the current level of 7.1 billion, the report said.


Credit: all-about-india.com

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/india/indi...ays-study-1147487.html?utm_source=ref_article

Demographic dividend - GALORE?
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