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Central Asia : Worst military genocide and rape of Caucasoid by Mongoloid


Aug 10, 2013
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The worst military defeat in history was the Mongol defeat of Central Asians. The Central Asians had 400,000-450,000 men, however not organized into armies, majority unmobilized while the Mongolians have a organized army of 150,000. The defeat was so disastrous that the The Mongol invasion of Central Asia had killed 15 million people and the racial demographic of Indo-Europeans Iranians had been replaced by Turkic and Mongol invaders with the remaining women and children used as slaves and marriage for the invaders.

Mongol invasion of Central Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original people of Kazakhstan, Indo-European speaker

The original Central Asians were a beautiful and innocent Caucasoid race before the Mongoloid invader known as Mongol and Mongoloid/Caucasoid invader known as Turkic massacred the inhabitants. The Turkic first conquered and intermarried with them and later the Mongols conquered raped and massacred both Caucasoid women and Turanid women.



Now Kazakhs today


Original Kyrgyz, union of only Turkic and Indo-European. Some were Mongoloid/Caucasoid mixed but most were Caucasoid.


Now Kyrgyz today

Original people of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan



Many of the Uzbeks and Turkmen retained features of original Central Asians but many were heavily effected in some areas

Especially Uzbeks who were effected by both Turkic and Mongol


The original Kushans of Afghanistans, were also a Central Asian tribe.



The Hazara are descendants of Mongol armies and Tajik or Balochi women
They claim to be descendants of Mongol and Genghis Khan although some Hazara prefer to call themsels the original inhabitants known as Kushans

Western Siberians used to be Caucasoid, they were also though to be related with Central Asians.


today Western Siberian people ranging from Caucasoid to Mongoloid

@Joe Shearer

Joe once explained how an ancient proto-Turkic people resided in modern day central Asia and Xinjiang region called the Tocharians. These people had a Caucasoid phenotype not a Mongoloid one. Archaeologist found mummified remains which provided evidence of their exoskeleton which closely resembled that of Caucasoid people, and red hair samples were also found.
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@Joe Shearer

Joe once explained how an ancient proto-Turkic people resided in modern day central Asia and Xinjiang region called the Tocharians. These people had a Caucasoid phenotype not a Mongoloid one. Archaeologist found mummified remains which provided evidence of their exoskeleton which closely resembled that of Caucasoid people, and red hair samples were also found.

Tocharians were Indo-European, Turkic were Mongoloid I think at least this is what Russians and European anthropologist think.

The facial reconstructions of the first Turks such as Xiongnu, Gokturk, Seljuks had predominately mongoloid features with Caucasoid admixture.

Here are the Gokturks, these Turks had reddish beard and blueish eyes.



When the Gokturks invaded Central Asia, about 10% of Central Asians became Mongoloid before that Mongoloid skull was almost non-existant in Central Asia.

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Is a good thing Pakistan wasn't effected like the Mongols invasions had did to Middle east, Central Asia, North Caucasus, Western Siberia.

Original Kypchaks were Caucasoid with only some Mongoloid admixture similar to some Tatars today.



However the Kypchaks known as Nogais are mixture of Kypchak and Mongol

They live in Russia North Caucasus and always claim to be descendants of Golden Horde.


the invaders under the Mongol empire lower class looked like this


The upper class look like this


@ManUNITEDglory LoL ancient Kirghizs were pure old turkic people and part of Kıpchaks . And seljuks were not mongolid they were oghuz turks from kınık tribe . How many times we must say that Old turks were not mongolid
Wusun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wusun were Iranic people or combination of Iranians and Turkic.
The ancient Kyrgyz were also a combination of Iranians and Turkic.

Even the Seljuks who conquered Turkey and Azerbaijan. Why do you think Turkish people have 5 - 18.5% Mongoloid admixture and Azeris 5 - 29% Mongoloid admixture ?

By Russian anthropologists

Oghuz from Western + Southern Kazakhstan.

Russian translations.

" Among the Oghuz (mainly in the steppe zone of their resettlement) dominated Mongoloid racial type. "They - wrote about the Aral Oghuz in the tenth century. Al-Masudi, - most of undersized (Turks) and they have very small eyes" [11]. Other medieval authors note poorly defined vegetation on the face and body and Ploskonos Oguz. All of this suggests Mongoloid features that were characteristic of the bulk predominantly steppe Oguz [12]. "


" These written sources of X-XII centuries. the physical appearance of the Oghuz confirm some paleoanthropological materials. Among the found in the Oguz-Pecheneg mounds of western Kazakhstan skulls dominate Mongoloid types with the South Siberian features. However, there are also found the skull Caucasoid and metisnogo appearance. [13]

More intensive process of ethnic assimilation is likely to take place among the Oghuz south-western regions of Central Asia. Quite a few, but very interesting in this respect craniological material is located in southern Kazakhstan. In excavated ANBernshtam Oguz cemeteries Sasyk-Bulak buried dolihokrannye Caucasoids mixed with Mongoloid features. [14] "

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Do you have any source about your bullshit ideas ?

The Pazyryk culture is ancestors of Kyrgyz Tashkyl culture in Siberia and Northern central Asia.

Craniological studies of samples from the Pazyryk burials revealed the presence of both Mongoloid and Caucasoid components in this population.[4] quoting G. F. Debets on the physical characteristics of the population in the Pazyryk kurgans, records a mixed population. The men would seem to be part Mongoloid and the women Europoid.[5]
The Pazyryk culture is ancestors of Kyrgyz Tashkyl culture in Siberia and Northern central Asia.

Craniological studies of samples from the Pazyryk burials revealed the presence of both Mongoloid and Caucasoid components in this population.[4] quoting G. F. Debets on the physical characteristics of the population in the Pazyryk kurgans, records a mixed population. The men would seem to be part Mongoloid and the women Europoid.[5]

Oke then say me how all the turkic people have higher caucosid Y dna ? Especially central asian and altai turks have 80 % caucasoid y dna what do you think about it ?


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80%????? That is a huge exaggeration.

Interracial marriage predominately Mongoloid Y-DNA and Caucasoid mtDNA

Crimean Tatars
Uzbeks Afghan
Turkmen Afghan

Interracial marriage predominately Caucasoid Y-DNA and Mongoloid mtDNA


However if Nogais were descendants of Kypchaks it means they were a mixture of Eurasian and Mongoloid. And if Tocharians originally had 58% Mongoloid mtDNA and still look Caucasoid that means the Uyghurs imported 32% Mongoloid paternal DNA but very little mongoloid maternal DNA.


Mainly Asian paternal DNA and mainly Caucasian maternal DNA.







Besides it's a well known fact that the first Turks already had 40% Caucasoid paternal and 27% Caucasian maternal DNA

Turkic men already had Caucasoid Y-DNA and Caucasoid mtDNA.

For example take a look at this picture these are from Karalapakstan

Noticed that all the men look Mongoloid or closer to Mongoloid while most of the women look Caucasoid but it doesn't change the fact nearly half of these women have Mongoloid mtDNA with 50% Caucasian maternal DNA.

Haplogroup DNA is not the same as racial phenotypes.


It was the same for the Siberian Ice maiden were original people of modern Altay republic and other northern areas around there.

The people buried had mostly part Mongoloid males with Caucasoid females.



Now at these people today. They have 47% R1a with 27- 32% Caucasian maternal DNA however racially they are 70-77% Mongoloid.

I dont understand what is your problem , look two turkic people from altai mountains :)



hazara kalmyks buryats and tajiks has nothing with turks .Uygurs were descent of Karluk turks like mostly uzbeks

Karlugh Turks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

karluks turks in pakistan > Himalaya eteklerinde Türk köyleri - Galeri - Milliyet

And they still look Mongoloid..... Northern Altai have 32% haplogroup Q with 32% Caucasian maternal mtDNA.

Kyrgyz have 63% R1a in one district Another example of a Siberian haplogroup is N1b, found in the Pamir Kyrgyz of Tajikistan (29%).[citation needed] All the other populations with a considerable frequency of this haplogroup are found only in Russia.

Other groups of Kyrgyz show considerably lower haplogroup R frequencies and almost lack haplogroup N. In a maternal mtDNA study, West Eurasian DNA ranges from 27% to 42.6% in the Kyrgyz.[27]

By the way, if Turks weren't Mongoloid or mix race Mongoloid can you explain to me why Turkmen do not have C3 but look heavily Mongoloid? Haplogroup Q is high in Iranian Turkmen but have only 10% Mongoloid maternal DNA.



Same with the Afghan Turkmen high 53% haplogroup Q but in this case they look predominately Mongoloid, I suspect Turkmen of Pakistan is the same since they are basically descent from Afghan Turkmen but I don't know anything about their mtDNA


From Pakistan

Haplogroup Q is 35 to 60% among Siberian Turkic tribes.


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