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India to deploy commandos in Afghanistan

Ideots dont have horns dear
maybe effected by inferiority complex
but there is no such thing like white muslim,black muslim,Arab Muslim,Turkish Muslim or Pakistani Muslim in Islam
alls are one bound in relation of brotherhood……:wave:

You are living in your umma dreams bro. Once visit a gulf country and you will know the difference between Arab Muslims & Pakistani Muslims. At least you can visit 'youtube' for introduction. Oh...sorry you don't have youtube access in Pakistan. May thats reason of your limited 'Enlightenment' regarding the difference.
As I said dear, we will maintain our ties with our good old friends in Afghanistan and wait for talibans to focus their efforts to help their friend Pakistan convert themselves into a country of purest muslims of pious talibani principals. And the fun will began then, as these talibans will be very adamant to help pakistan in their transition to purest islam, and any opposition will be dealt in talibani style. Good luck with your good talibans.

As the things are going it would be too late then. You would be a mere spectator by then. :)

Ohho.......so sad.....but our hands are full their. We are already helping our Baluch and TTP friends their and you know better than most of us bro. Sorry to Afghan brothers, we are bit busy at the moment.

Thanks for admitting this blunder. A blunder that might cost many Indians there lives in future.
As the things are going it would be too late then. You would be a mere spectator by then. :)

Thanks for admitting this blunder. A blunder that might cost many Indians there lives in future.

No it won't.

Live in delusions of grandeur if you will though.
Ohho.......so sad.....but our hands are full their. We are already helping our Baluch and TTP friends their and you know better than most of us bro. Sorry to Afghan brothers, we are bit busy at the moment.

Or you have no balls,or honor to be friend in need...am i surprised;No,not even a bit for who am i to challenge one Genes...:coffee:

No it won't.

Live in delusions of grandeur if you will though.

Why don't you deploy your army then to help your Afghan friends...
Strategic gains as term I used for those forces which india have been financing and can be observed as supporting diplomatically , Its not a hidden fact that India want to encircle those forces through Afghanistan which they consider as threat to their national security .
That was the basic interest that enforced you to have your presence in Afghan territory.
I’m sure you understand the Isolated nature of Middle east excluding Gulf and North African region. Now Afghan itself are in isolated state , and many militant groups among which few are supporting government at present but their stance in future is unpredictable , I’m referring towards local Land lords those can change their loyalty according to scenario and their interests . No doubt, India is trying to reconstruct their infrastructure but Is that was the real cause of Indian presence. A plane statement about Afghan stability is not enough cuz NATO itself gives the same statement about regional stability and etc , and they are leaving afghan in 2014 means that they accept that their present doesn’t changed anything . Do you believe that the presence of few hundred Indian troops (At maximum) would help afghan to assist afghan security forces and could keep Taliban away from Kabul , You may have seen the reports of Afghan security men shooting their allies of NATO forces. Even NATO is struggling in assistance of Local security forces. Your own consulate security is not guaranteed their how can you speak about Afghan security, forget Afghan just Kabul’s security even cannot be guaranteed .

Afghanistan metamorphosed into the ground zero of terrorism under the taliban, it became a threat for every country in the world, so it became imperative a few countries do their bit in pulling Afghan people and their country out of this quagmire. Foreign forces partially succeeded in taking out the Taliban from Afghanistan but we all know that it's not enough, the whole Afghan building process is complicated and there are no easy solutions for it - it required first to give them hope, give them jobs, an economy, desperately needed infrastructure, education, culture and the works. It's time now that foreign forces withdraw themselves from the security duties and Afghan forces themselves have evinced keen interest in taking up their own security by themselves but there are various limitations that one encounters in boosting Afghanistan's security forces.

Decades of war has ruined their economy, they don't have any industry and an economy of 9 billion or so is not enough to fuel their security forces, foreign countries can do only so much and they have done as best as they could to raise a credible armed force in Afghanistan - one that - though having a number of pitfalls and short of equipment are eager to take up internal and external security of Afghanistan, the limitations faced by us is that Afghan society needed to be built from the ground up and there has been some modest development in that.

Training and recruitment is needed and this is being administered by various countries including India, their forces will require a lot of help the coming few years and some countries including India are geared up to provide that.

It takes a lot of time and effort and money to build an army from the ground up and this is what's been happening in Afghanistan, Afghans needed to be introduced to something other than what they have been facing all these years in all spheres of life - they need a constitution - democratic values - an industry - an economy - jobs and education for it's people, so that they can sustain themselves from here on.

India has played its part and the Afghan people appreciate what we have done for them, we haven't put boots on the ground because we approached the Afghan problem from the people's perspective.

India did not aspire for any strategic gain in Afghanistan - because we know it's pointless and drag us into decades of warfare which we cannot control and we know the Afghan mindset well enough.

As for Pakistan's reservations of it being strategically strangled or that we have anything to do with what's happening at the moment in Pakistan is just false theories and other than chuck hagel's civilian statement - you haven't provided any credible proof for it.
Hmmm, sending in reinforcement to assist the deployed soliders with security......well tough times ahead for india.....good luck
Or you have no balls,or honor to be friend in need...am i surprised;No,not even a bit for who am i to challenge one Genes...:coffee:

Why don't you deploy your army then to help your Afghan friends...

Australia is already in Afghanistan.

If you mean, India, then no there is no reason for India to deploy its soldiers in Afghanistan.
As the things are going it would be too late then. You would be a mere spectator by then. :)

Thanks for admitting this blunder. A blunder that might cost many Indians there lives in future.

Then you also remember, the cost of Indian lives will be much more for you as we will revert it with interest now from two sides. You are still paying your past dues, We have not opened your current account yet.


Please dont burst their bubble

Hey hey, my comment has nothing to do with @RKhan 's comment. I was just teasing.
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As the things are going it would be too late then. You would be a mere spectator by then. :)

But that will be fun to watch :)

NA will hold its traditional strongholds like before, and we will have our influence there. Think about Pakistan, it doesn't have good holds in that part, and if talibans become bad talibans, then entire Afghanistan is gone for Pakistan, and you might even lose Pakistan to talibans given the inside support they have in certain sections of Pakistani military establishment.

Who knows what the future holds, but so far Pakistan always ended up losing in its own game. :)
79 is a small number but we should have done this soon after 9/11 when Karzai came to power, ideally we should place 200-300 there and keep assisting the afghanistani troops like we are doing at the moment. More than security forces we need other ground based assets to collect data and information on potential terrorist attacks which will become more important once US pull out in 2014.
I agree, What PLA General's son and his group did was overflowing love. They kidnap the girl to show how much love they have for chinese girls. Evil western & external media falsely portrayed it as rape.

Isolated incident. That juvenile brat will not get away with just 3 years in reform home, rest assured.
Yes, let India send its army to the Hindu Kush, so it can re-visit its glorious history. :angel:

...o yeah .. we should but with better winter clothes this time (as cold harsh winter was te reason for the deaths of Hindus in those days, )and take the land and drive out the locals.. btw I wud love to invite pakistani muslims to visit Godhra :) .. "the Good ol` date" should be commemorated with a bit of multi-culturalism !! WHAT ?
You don't have to understand our pain buddy....we're still Hindus.....

But we're surprised to see that you don't understand the pain, your own forefathers had to go through......Just because you're a born-Muslim, you try to ignore your entire non-Muslim past......but that won't make your past non-existent......
The more you'll try to ignore it, the more you'll suffer from Identity crisis.....you can't ignore that the religion you follow is forced upon you....

I really do understand your pain dear……
I am Muslim and proud Pakistani Muslim who……
I dont guess i should start a troll war so let it go and brag on Taj mehal and delhi Qila……:sleep:

They are some of the biggest na-mards I have ever seen. they attack their own sisters and daughters. Shoot their own daughter for going to school like malala. Talibans (and the whole people Taliban controlled areas in North Pakistan) are actually the biggest na-mard cowards in the history of this planet.

You better differenciate b/w Talibans and TTP……:coffee:
btw how many people had you seen recovering from a headshot in just 15-20 days?? :oops:
My Lala is a disputed thing……:pop:

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