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Aug 3, 2012
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Muslim scholars and human rights groups
are appealing to the Indonesian police to
rescind a ban on female personnel to wear
hijab while on duty, The Jakarta Post
reported Monday, June 17.

“The opportunity to become a member of
the police force should be equal, including
for Muslim women who wear hijabs,”
Poengky Indiarti, the executive director of
rights watchdog Imparsia, said.

“It’s discrimination if only female members
of the corps in Aceh are allowed to wear
the garb.”

Muslim policewomen in Indonesian have been
banned from wearing hijab since 2005.

The ban was part of orders for all police
personnel to abide by wearing the official

Violation of the ban puts police member at
the risk of dismissal.

“By allowing female members of the police
to wear hijabs, the National Police would
uphold the country’s motto of Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika [Unity in Diversity],” Muslim
scholar Azyumardi Azra told the Post.

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of
dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s

The Muslim headscarf has been in the
spotlight since France banned the outfit in

Since then, several countries banned hijab.
Indonesia is the world's most populous
Muslim state with Muslims making up around
85 percent of its 237-million population.

Basic Right

Scholars and activists said wearing the hijab
is a basic right of Muslim policewomen.
“In Indonesia, many institutions have allowed
their employees to wear hijabs,” Neta S.

Pane, chairman of the Indonesian Police
Watch (IPW), said.
“I urge policewomen to look for support
from the House of Representatives’
Commission III on legal affairs and the
Women’s Empowerment and Child
Protection Ministry for the abolition of the

Amidhan Shaberah of the Indonesian Ulema
Council (MUI) said the hijab ban showed that
the police were a “repressive institution”.
But police officials defended the hijab ban
as “necessary”.

“This has nothing to do with human rights
or privileges,” said National Police
spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronny Sompie.

He argued that hijab could compromise a
female officer’s work, especially during
conflicts involving two groups of faiths or
in religious conflicts.

“The National Police have their own

Another police spokesperson, Sr. Comr.
Agus Rianto, said the police would not
change the policy on hijab.

“We are complying with the decree until it is

But another police commissioner, Adrianus
Meliala, signaled that the police could amend
the ban on the wearing of the Muslim

“According to the National Police General
Supervision Inspectorate, they will issue a
regulation that allows female police officers
to wear hijabs, but they have to be taken
off during official ceremonies.”

Scholars and activists said wearing the hijab
is a basic right of Muslim policewomen.

Police Hijab Ban Saddens Indonesia Muslims | islam.ru
Forcible prevention of religious practice is considered an act of war
Do you really live in Indonesia? or just another false flagger?

This news is so yesterday, the chief of police has aborted the plan to ban hijab. Even the police invited hijab companies to make a special design for woman police.

here I quote you an interesting news
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sebuah perusahaan ritel kerudung asal Jawa Barat mengklaim telah membicarakan proyek seragam yang merupakan pesanan dari instansi kepolisian. Disebutkan, Polri sudah melakukan diskusi mengenai rancangan jilbab bagi para polwan di institusinya.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A veil retail uniform company from West Java claimed to have discussed the project which is the order of the police agency. Moreover, the police already had discussions about the design of hijab for policewomen in the institution.

Polri Disebut Akan Pesan Jilbab untuk Polwan | Republika Online

The plan to ban hijab for the policewomen is because their performance on the field, hijab could hinder their movement because there's no legal regulation to limit the design and the size of hijab they wear. Sometimes, some of police members wear big size hijab that will surely hinder them to move quick. Indonesia is traditionally not a hijab wearing country too, just because swift "islamic purification" from Middle Eastern Ulamas many women started to "force" implementation of hijab in public institutions while in fact many did it voluntarily outside public institutions.

So, instead of banning the hijab, finally the national police has their own limit and design for the hijab.


New hijab design for Policewomen


The design is already implemented to those who are on patrol duty, this photo clearly shows two policewomen, which one of them is wearing newly designed Hijab.
Do you really live in Indonesia? or just another false flagger?

This news is so yesterday, the chief of police has aborted the plan to ban hijab. Even the police invited hijab companies to make a special design for woman police.

here I quote you an interesting news

The plan to ban hijab for the policewomen is because their performance on the field, hijab could hinder their movement because there's no legal regulation to limit the design and the size of hijab they wear. Sometimes, some of police members wear big size hijab that will surely hinder them to move quick. Indonesia is traditionally not a hijab wearing country too, just because swift "islamic purification" from Middle Eastern Ulamas many women started to "force" implementation of hijab in public institutions while in fact many did it voluntarily outside public institutions.

So, instead of banning the hijab, finally the national police has their own limit and design for the hijab.

Bla bla bla, finally nationalist has give up
Just like 70s or 80s when they banned student to wear Hijab(I just know that from Television), they cannot stand a presure from Muslim Society

This is what happened when Nationalist rule the Nation, They call Jihad when they need them and they put them as Third class citizen when they don't need them even when Muslim was Majority in here
Not every body in this country is Nationalist, they should be scare when we're started to get silence

Remember Nationalist is no more then a Pieces of Scrap without Muslim help in the War of independent
Bla bla bla, finally nationalist has give up
Just like 70s or 80s when they banned student to wear Hijab(I just know that from Trans 7),

This is what happened when Nationalist rule the Nation, They call Jihad when they need them and they put them as Third class citizen when they don't need them even when Muslim was Majority in here
Not every body in this country is Nationalist, they should be scare when we're started to get silence

Remember Nationalist is no more then a Pieces of Scrap without Muslim help in the War of independent

And here you are a Wahabi piece of **** tend to be an Indonesian, can't even reply my post with proper reply and turn the topic into a ideology bashing thread. :laughcry:

Aye not everyone is nationalist, there are commies too in Indonesia, but one thing for sure, religious implementation in Indonesia will never ever success. Indonesia is traditionally not a muslim country, just a country with muslims as majority no less nor more.
Even the government now are opening their hands to religious organizations including muslim ones can be considered generous, you should thank the nowadays Indonesian government, or else you will be punished for a treason just like Soeharto's era of Indonesian government and I will be happy to watch people like you get shot by PETRUS.

Pressure? what pressure? Percentage of Indonesians voting for Islamic parties itself is no more than 15 percent and here you are trying to play big. :cuckoo: Indonesian muslims themselves are mostly open minded than those in Middle East,

Indonesia is Indonesia, religion should not be confused with public and state affairs. Look how many "islamic" countries fail to fulfill their role to provide security and good economic condition for their people. Look the fact that Indonesia now reaches a position this high backed by secular system, don't even interrupt a good progress of Indonesia.

People are already talking about sending people to Mars and here you are a Wahabi, still talking about which matter is islamic and which isn't :hitwall:I am a muslim my self, but I don't see Islam in Indonesia the way you see it, I see Islam in Indonesia should be the one that support the nation and that is what Indonesians are doing now.

You are a Wahabi piece of ****, I can understand why you love Jihad so much, because non of you would see Indonesia as a secular developing country right? The best thing you can do is treat minorities with sticks and rocks, even bombs.
And here you are a Wahabi piece of **** tend to be an Indonesian, can't even reply my post with proper reply and turn the topic into a ideology bashing thread. :laughcry:

Aye not everyone is nationalist, there are commies too in Indonesia, but one thing for sure, religious implementation in Indonesia will never ever success. Indonesia is traditionally not a muslim country, just a country with muslims as majority no less nor more.
Even the government now are opening their hands to religious organizations including muslim ones can be considered generous, you should thank the nowadays Indonesian government, or else you will be punished for a treason just like Soeharto's era of Indonesian government and I will be happy to watch people like you get shot by PETRUS.

Pressure? what pressure? Percentage of Indonesians voting for Islamic parties itself is no more than 15 percent and here you are trying to play big. :cuckoo: Indonesian muslims themselves are mostly open minded than those in Middle East,

Indonesia is Indonesia, religion should not be confused with public and state affairs. Look how many "islamic" countries fail to fulfill their role to provide security and good economic condition for their people. Look the fact that Indonesia now reaches a position this high backed by secular system, don't even interrupt a good progress of Indonesia.

People are already talking about sending people to Mars and here you are a Wahabi, still talking about which matter is islamic and which isn't :hitwall:I am a muslim my self, but I don't see Islam in Indonesia the way you see it, I see Islam in Indonesia should be the one that support the nation and that is what Indonesians are doing now.

You are a Wahabi piece of ****, I can understand why you love Jihad so much, because non of you would see Indonesia as a secular developing country right? The best thing you can do is treat minorities with sticks and rocks, even bombs.

Not much different with Iranian, always saying that I was wahabi terrorist etc.
Let me make it clear I was not a fans of a Usamah bin Ladin

Which Islamic Countries?
Egypt? Secular
Syria? Ba'athy
Iran? Majoosi

You better be know first on what are you saying before you say it

What Islamic parties? I did not see that Hizbiyyah was Legal in Islam

What pressure eh? Tell me why did Nationalist Reject Piagam Jakarka even when it was only for Muslim

Religius implementation in indonesia never work? Haha
Did you ever read story? Read it again
No need to go around, in my city itself there when still rule by Palembang Sultanate we have our on Religious system like in Saudi, Sultan rule the Nation, Mufti lead the people's Spiritual

Don't get me wrong, I was not the same one with those FPI or MMI
I disagree with them too, they only make thing worse in here
I also respet the current president, since he is openly supporting Laskar Jihad on International Media in the past maybe you can the vidio in youtube,
I also hold my mouth saying anything bad about goverment and even supporting them
Until recently they realy-realy make me angry with their altitude
Not much different with Iranian, always saying that I was wahabi terrorist etc.
Let me make it clear I was not a fans of a Usamah bin Ladin

Which Islamic Countries?
Egypt? Secular
Syria? Ba'athy
Iran? Majoosi

You better be know first on what are you saying before you say it

What Islamic parties? I did not see that Hizbiyyah was Legal in Islam

What pressure eh? Tell me why did Nationalist Reject Piagam Jakarka even when it was only for Muslim

Religius implementation in indonesia never work? Haha
Did you ever read story? Read it again
No need to go around, in my city itself there when still rule by Palembang Sultanate we have our on Religious system like in Saudi, Sultan rule the Nation, Mufti lead the people's Spiritual

Don't get me wrong, I was not the same one with those FPI or MMI
I disagree with them too, they only make thing worse in here
I also respet the current president, since he is openly supporting Laskar Jihad on International Media in the past maybe you can the vidio in youtube,
I also hold my mouth saying anything bad about goverment and even supporting them
Until recently they realy-realy make me angry with their altitude

Wow another Hezbot Thahrir pieces of craps finaly found in Defence PK. It is such a long time when i can't bashing them verbally or by typing in open forum like this. First, if you don't like Indonesian rule you can just go to your Saudi homes, Indonesian people already full of craps like you to be feeded. Second, after what happened with PKS and FPI, Indonesian peoples right now progressing toward nasionalism and secularism ever more than before. Jokowi phenomenon proves that when he beat a lot of guys who pretended to be Shar'i but already known for their hyprocisy. Third, Islamic value is better to be implemented by persons not to be adopted as a National Constitutions. UUD 45 and Pancasila is more than enough to accomodate every single religions and peoples in Indonesia regardless who they are, even the most stupid bastard like you got a place in Indonesia without fears of government oppessions like before.
haha its funny to see you guys fighting like this...

There was no ban..and the problem of mobility was also solved due to new design of Hijab...

So whats the matter now? Everything is alright...

Indonesia is a traditional Islamic Country...keep it that way and don't make it extreme..simple as that.

Wahabism is good for Arabia...

Indonesians practice Islam, not "wahabism"
Wow another Hezbot Thahrir pieces of craps finaly found in Defence PK. It is such a long time when i can't bashing them verbally or by typing in open forum like this. First, if you don't like Indonesian rule you can just go to your Saudi homes, Indonesian people already full of craps like you to be feeded. Second, after what happened with PKS and FPI, Indonesian peoples right now progressing toward nasionalism and secularism ever more than before. Jokowi phenomenon proves that when he beat a lot of guys who pretended to be Shar'i but already known for their hyprocisy. Third, Islamic value is better to be implemented by persons not to be adopted as a National Constitutions. UUD 45 and Pancasila is more than enough to accomodate every single religions and peoples in Indonesia regardless who they are, even the most stupid bastard like you got a place in Indonesia without fears of government oppessions like before.

I have already said that Hizbiyyah was not legal, and yet you're saying that I was Hizbut Tahrir?
What a joke!

PKS and FPI is Hizbiyyah too, read it again and if you did not understand it, just learn it

People who believe That humanmade law is Equal or even Better then the law of God is no longger Muslim
As simple as that

Since you say it, I assume that you know what you're saying
If not then, Shame on you!

Explain it to me, what is wahhabism?, The meaning? Who say it firts? Did people you accuse to be Wahhabi said them self that they're wahhabi?

And what kind of Islam that Indonesian goverment practicing?
Give me the Hujjah Syar'I about this

One more, if it was about Mobility issue then why did Goverment also ban Hijab for student in 70s or 80s?
People who believe That humanmade law is Equal or even Better then the law of God is no longger Muslim
As simple as that

Explain it to me, what is wahhabism?, The meaning? Who say it firts? Did people you accuse to be Wahhabi said them self that they're wahhabi?

And what kind of Islam that Indonesian goverment practicing?
Give me the Hujjah Syar'I about this

One more, if it was about Mobility issue then why did Goverment also ban Hijab for student in 70s or 80s?

Your argument is based on the assumption of Indonesian government is also based on Islam's codes, the fact is, our constitution is not based on Islamic principles. The question of "And what kind of Islam that Indonesian government practicing?" is not even legit because Indonesia, in government level, does not constitute any of Islamic practices instead of laws that are based on UUD 1945. Therefore, there's no need for you to ask the Hujjah Syar'i about that, because that doesn't affect anything nor is that legalizing or il-legalizing any of decisions that are being made based on different basic principles.

One more, if it was about Mobility issue then why did Goverment also ban Hijab for student in 70s or 80s?

That was Soeharto's era, nowadays Indonesia is no longer prohibiting religious symbols in public places, if so, then why are people like you still alive? Stop playing victim dude :cuckoo:

Police banning Hijab was a new issue, based on different circumstances unlike in Soeharto's era. PNS and TNI for example, are not prohibiting their employees to wear hijab. That means the decision was made on institutional level, not government because that was only the Police.

And just so now the plan to ban Hijab is already dropped, why are you still making it a problem? :closed:
I have already said that Hizbiyyah was not legal, and yet you're saying that I was Hizbut Tahrir?
What a joke!

PKS and FPI is Hizbiyyah too, read it again and if you did not understand it, just learn it

People who believe That humanmade law is Equal or even Better then the law of God is no longger Muslim
As simple as that

Since you say it, I assume that you know what you're saying
If not then, Shame on you!

Explain it to me, what is wahhabism?, The meaning? Who say it firts? Did people you accuse to be Wahhabi said them self that they're wahhabi?

And what kind of Islam that Indonesian goverment practicing?
Give me the Hujjah Syar'I about this

One more, if it was about Mobility issue then why did Goverment also ban Hijab for student in 70s or 80s?

The word i get is bold is more than enough proof to accuse you as one of their symphatizer or followers of their principle. Indonesia is not based any Sharia law.
Your argument is based on the assumption of Indonesian government is also based on Islam's codes, the fact is, our constitution is not based on Islamic principles. The question of "And what kind of Islam that Indonesian government practicing?" is not even legit because Indonesia, in government level, does not constitute any of Islamic practices instead of laws that are based on UUD 1945. Therefore, there's no need for you to ask the Hujjah Syar'i about that, because that doesn't affect anything nor is that legalizing or il-legalizing any of decisions that are being made based on different basic principles.

That was Soeharto's era, nowadays Indonesia is no longer prohibiting religious symbols in public places, if so, then why are people like you still alive? Stop playing victim dude :cuckoo:

Police banning Hijab was a new issue, based on different circumstances unlike in Soeharto's era. PNS and TNI for example, are not prohibiting their employees to wear hijab. That means the decision was made on institutional level, not government because that was only the Police.

And just so now the plan to ban Hijab is already dropped, why are you still making it a problem? :closed:

I said that becouse he said so, you should said it to him not me
He's who first said Indonesia is practicing Islam, I just want to corret him and now you help me already to corret him

BTW you still did not answer my previous question, don't run dude

Like I said LEARN!
I was saying that I'm not one of them, why you did not understand that simple word
Yes indeed not based on Sharia Law but not Secular too
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People are already talking about sending people to Mars and here you are a Wahabi, still talking about which matter is islamic and which isn't :hitwall:I am a muslim my self, but I don't see Islam in Indonesia the way you see it, I see Islam in Indonesia should be the one that support the nation and that is what Indonesians are doing now.

There is a good saying , today a lot of people in this world using their brain to the fullest to learn how to explore outer space and discovering a lot of new thing that can benefit to human civilization, n here in Indonesia we've got some people that exceed them in many expertise, because they already think about how to go to heaven.:hitwall::woot::devil:
Ah i meet a stupid person again... if you dont like how the system work in indonesia, just simply go to mars and make some nation there, oh i got better idea how about you just go die. Maybe with your death you'll reduce "angka kemiskinan" and "warga berpendidikan rendah" in my lovely indonesia. The hijab case is closed, but why you still barking with you stupid mouth. Im just child so i dont understand english well but i think my word is considerably convey my feeling.
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