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And here you are a Wahabi piece of **** tend to be an Indonesian, can't even reply my post with proper reply and turn the topic into a ideology bashing thread. :laughcry:

Aye not everyone is nationalist, there are commies too in Indonesia, but one thing for sure, religious implementation in Indonesia will never ever success. Indonesia is traditionally not a muslim country, just a country with muslims as majority no less nor more.
Even the government now are opening their hands to religious organizations including muslim ones can be considered generous, you should thank the nowadays Indonesian government, or else you will be punished for a treason just like Soeharto's era of Indonesian government and I will be happy to watch people like you get shot by PETRUS.

Pressure? what pressure? Percentage of Indonesians voting for Islamic parties itself is no more than 15 percent and here you are trying to play big. :cuckoo: Indonesian muslims themselves are mostly open minded than those in Middle East,

Indonesia is Indonesia, religion should not be confused with public and state affairs. Look how many "islamic" countries fail to fulfill their role to provide security and good economic condition for their people. Look the fact that Indonesia now reaches a position this high backed by secular system, don't even interrupt a good progress of Indonesia.

People are already talking about sending people to Mars and here you are a Wahabi, still talking about which matter is islamic and which isn't :hitwall:I am a muslim my self, but I don't see Islam in Indonesia the way you see it, I see Islam in Indonesia should be the one that support the nation and that is what Indonesians are doing now.

You are a Wahabi piece of ****, I can understand why you love Jihad so much, because non of you would see Indonesia as a secular developing country right? The best thing you can do is treat minorities with sticks and rocks, even bombs.

Ah i meet a stupid person again... if you dont like how the system work in indonesia, just simply go to mars and make some nation there, oh i got better idea how about you just go die. Maybe with your death you'll reduce "angka kemiskinan" and "warga berpendidikan rendah" in my lovely indonesia. The hijab case is closed, but why you still barking with you stupid mouth. Im just child so i dont understand english well but i think my word is considerably convey my feeling.

See? These people think Indonesia is only for Nationalist and Minority
They did not care so much when Christian Terrorist beheaded the entire People in Islamic Boarding School the Pesantren Walisongo in Poso and when Christian Terrorist killid an estimated 800 Muslim in the Ied ul Fitri 1999 in Maluku and starting civil war that lasted several years in there

When church get closed becouse of violation of the Law they make it like it was a big issue of discrimination
But when Masjid get burned it was rarely appears on news and if it does, it only show up in the running text
Oh my God...why this problem still talking until now? i bet,the ban of hijab now is just an a rumor... you can't say that police ban the hijab because they have their own design,& have their own problem right? just like what Nufix said before, POLRI have their own reason for banning the hijab for policewomen in a while, and now the problem are already clear right? you should talking and think about next problem and issue than confuse about the past. This country will never ever move on if every people still confused about the problems that already cleared in the past .correct me if i'm wrong ,and for Maluku and Poso , let it go now, thoose incident,are our black history,and that's our job to make sure thoose tragedy will never ever happening again on the future . i'm sorry if my english is not well enough. :happy:
See? These people think Indonesia is only for Nationalist and Minority
They did not care so much when Christian Terrorist beheaded the entire People in Islamic Boarding School the Pesantren Walisongo in Poso and when Christian Terrorist killid an estimated 800 Muslim in the Ied ul Fitri 1999 in Maluku and starting civil war that lasted several years in there

When church get closed becouse of violation of the Law they make it like it was a big issue of discrimination
But when Masjid get burned it was rarely appears on news and if it does, it only show up in the running text

How old are you? Are you have been in Poso and Ambon before to make a clarify for your statement? I bet you never going to visit those places beforehand, and continue to make bullshit craps like that. I was visiting those places in my capacity as voluntary NGO from UGM in parts of Jusuf Kalla efforts to brings end of communal conflict had been happened in Maluku and Poso. And about the truth is, the story is never about religions conflict as we heard conveniently in Jakarta. The story about what happened in Maluku and Poso is too long to be discussed here, but you can visit my collagues in Pusat Study Konflik dan Perdamaian Universitas Gadjah Mada any time you want.
How old are you? Are you have been in Poso and Ambon before to make a clarify for your statement? I bet you never going to visit those places beforehand, and continue to make bullshit craps like that. I was visiting those places in my capacity as voluntary NGO from UGM in parts of Jusuf Kalla efforts to brings end of communal conflict had been happened in Maluku and Poso. And about the truth is, the story is never about religions conflict as we heard conveniently in Jakarta. The story about what happened in Maluku and Poso is too long to be discussed here, but you can visit my collagues in Pusat Study Konflik dan Perdamaian Universitas Gadjah Mada any time you want.

And you can visit eks Laskar Jihad that share their blood in there with the local Muslim, you still can find them in the Salafi Majlis specially in Java

Did you see What our current President say about Laskar Jihad?
If not, see it on youtube, He support it!
So don't joking around saying it was Terrorist organization,
They rescue christian elder, women, and child during the fighting
Frearing that maybe some foolish want to take ravange and ignore the Islamic Rule of Engagement

@Julian Rachman
Yes it was our black history and we need to make sure that was not going to happen again, I was please with the authority in there in suppresing fighting that still happen some times in Ambon

And yes the Hijab problem was finish, but they already try it twice and no guarantee they will not do that again
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And you can visit eks Laskar Jihad that share their blood in there with the local Muslim, you still can find them in the Salafi Majlis specially in Java

Did you see What our current President say about Laskar Jihad?
If not, see it on youtube, He support it!
So don't joking around saying it was Terrorist organization,
They rescue christian elder, women, and child during the fighting
Frearing that maybe some foolish want to take ravange and ignore the Islamic Rule of Engagement

@Julian Rachman
Yes it was our black history and we need to make sure that was not going to happen again, I was please with the authority in there in suppresing fighting that still happen some times in Ambon

And yes the Hijab problem was finish, but they already try it twice and no guarantee they will not do that again

just talking and barking, lit the flame of haters
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