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Afghan Presidential palace under Taliban attack.

@Abu Zolfiqar

Its one of those "Messanger Attacks".

well, negotiating from a position of weakness is never a good thing

i dont think "peace talks" will yield much fruition as far as accepting Karzai as "legitimate leader" is concerned

the message is pretty simple and I think Karzai knows the message when he wakes up from his sleep due to windows shattering and his palace shaking.

"hit close to home" as they say
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Karzai has been staring back at Americans and they surely dindnt like that....
Karzai has been staring back at Americans and they surely dindnt like that....

media reported that in 2011 Americans were quietly in back-channel talks with Afghan taleban/"haqqani" group

it seems that this was inevitable and obviously a sign that NATO forces see karzai as unreliable and unable to take control of his war-torn country

it's been a strange decade
Since when resistance to foreign invasion is terrorism..?...were Tipu Sultan....Bhagat singh....Mr Bose...terrorists ?

quite confusing when taliban scumbags are equated to subhash bose and bhagat singh, either you are oblivious to lives of bose and bhagat singh, or intentionally turning a blind eye to brutality and savagery of taliban and their reign of terror.

It becomes even more confusing when ISAF is compared to occupation forces especially when Pakistanis a key non-nato ally.

namely terror on innocent civilians, right?

it's unfortunate to see senior contributors to the forum selectively endorsing taliban.
So someone is trying to sabotage US-Taliban talks.

Qayum Karzai must be benefited by Karzaai's death.
what's sadder is double standards

as for supporting terrorism, is Qatar and US terrorists by negotiating with terrorists?

something to think about, young lad
quite confusing when taliban scumbags are equated to subhash bose and bhagat singh, either you are oblivious to lives of bose and bhagat singh, or intentionally turning a blind eye to brutality and savagery of taliban and their reign of terror.

It becomes even more confusing when ISAF is compared to occupation forces especially when Pakistanis a key non-nato ally.

it's unfortunate to see senior contributors to the forum selectively endorsing taliban.

Bhagat Singh tried to kill the goras its another thing he was not that equipped at that time. Current day bhagat singhs are advanced besides your neta ji chandra boss was aidded and shelttered by the same Taliban back then in Afghanistan for the same reason "freedom" from occupiers.

NO difference

as far as endorsing Taliban well the entire world is endorsibg them /US/NATO is endorsing them why should we shy away.

@Abu Zolfiqar
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Bhagat Singh tried to kill the goras its another thing he was not that equipped at that time. Current day bhagat singhs are advanced besides your neta ji chandra boss was aidded and shelttered by the same Taliban back then in Afghanistan for the same reason "freedom" from occupiers.

NO difference

as far as endorsing Taliban well the entire world is endorsibg them /US/NATO is endorsing them why should we shy away.

@Abu Zolfiqar
Multiple history fails.... Please learn the origins of "TALIBAN" (hint: Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam)
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