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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

Nothing says trolling more than the offensive username, you think we can't read Chinese?

I have relatives in both China and Taiwan, and so does everyone else there (including you). But only a DPP member can admit that they are something that they hate.

Edit: banned member, nvm

in case you are new in USA, my friend, most taiwanese-americans are in fact very strong DPP, with few exceptions like those on this forum, those who are not are usually NEUTRAL in politics affairs.
Get your nose checked sir/madam. I stated nothing but the truth. You know when it is possible to defeat your enemy, is when you accept his strengths. I accept the reality that the Israelis are technically more sound then us, and they put efforts in it to make themselves better. Where is the rat in it. Do read what someone has written.

Nose? Son its a figure of speech.

Stated nothing but the truth? I think I am right when I say you're an undercover Zionist, or an accompice that the Zionist may have bought and brainwashed.

I think you need to get your HEAD tested since you dont seem to accept that Israhell got pounded in 2006 by Hezbollah.

Now it wishes to attack Iran but it cant do so hence it begs US to help and intervene Iran.

If it was "stronger" and if that is the "truth" then they wont be begging for the US to attack.

They only good at attacking broken countries such as Syria.

We dont need to justify our actions. No one gives a damn what you think.

We will keep bombing Hezbollah supplies, whether you like it or not. Suck it up.

You're right, you dont as long as the US can support you. And they will only support you until they are stable themselves. It wont be for much longer.

Your response says I am right hence you getting all mouthy - common sign of someone who is guilty.


Once again the US has you doing some dirty work this time, getting you to bomb. See I was all right once again as they do want to intervene - hence they are not happy with Russia supplying the Govt with arms.

Sooner the Zionist regime is wiped off along with the US the better for all.
But Syrian AD did not even react when Israel bombed Damascus suburbs it 3 times. Just couple kms from Assad's palace.

Because you had help from the US navy offshore that jammed and overwhelmed their outdated System. They have received 4 S300 systems that are manned by Russians...Here what is in the picture that IDF will have to face...


The read area is covered by the costal defence system Bastion P or yakhont, Add to the foray the S300 and the Pantsir System..
Another thing @500, it was a surprise attack, let's say for argument sake, can Israel prevent a Saudi Europhiter surprise attack using Black Shaheen missiles from a distance of 250km on low altitudes? I doubt that.

The Joke of the month!
Because you had help from the US navy offshore that jammed and overwhelmed their outdated System. They have received 4 S300 systems that are manned by Russians...Here what is in the picture that IDF will have to face...


The read area is covered by the costal defence system Bastion P or yakhont, Add to the foray the S300 and the Pantsir System..
In order to hit targets beyond the horizon Bastion needs real time intelligence, something that Syrians lack.

Delilah range > S-300 range. So it will take only several Delilah missiles to take out 1 billion S-300 systems
In order to hit targets beyond the horizon Bastion needs real time intelligence, something that Syrians lack.

Delilah range > S-300 range. So it will take only several Delilah missiles to take out 1 billion S-300 systems

Lol are S-300 is interceptor missile used to target missiles and aircrafts while Delilah is a Standoff missile..
In war time chances to approach Israeli objects from 250 km are little.

LOL and why is that? Saudi Air force can raid Israel from Tabuk air base(your nightmare).........you are not aware of the distance in b/t are you? :wave:
Nose? Son its a figure of speech.

Stated nothing but the truth? I think I am right when I say you're an undercover Zionist, or an accompice that the Zionist may have bought and brainwashed.

I think you need to get your HEAD tested since you dont seem to accept that Israhell got pounded in 2006 by Hezbollah.

Now it wishes to attack Iran but it cant do so hence it begs US to help and intervene Iran.

If it was "stronger" and if that is the "truth" then they wont be begging for the US to attack.

They only good at attacking broken countries such as Syria.

And I was wrong when I said you need to get your nose checked, in reality you need to make sure your brains are not leaking out of your butt. Now on the second part, I am not some ristay darr of yours so talk to me properly, acting like a 5 year old will really not help you at all.

If you end up in a fight against a big block, that can knock your a$$ out in one punch. What would you rather do. Go on charging at him like a retard that you are, or work your plan out keeping his strengths in mind. Well I am sure this is too hard a question for you to answer. So leave it.

Now take a deep breath or 2, wash your face, have a cup of coffee, and read my original comments again. And if you read them properly you will see, that I was actually telling @500 that their policies are nothing but counterproductive. But that too was too hard for you to understand I am sure. Now no need to bless me with some more of your stupidity.

And on your point of Hezbs war with israel, read my signature you clown, and stop making assumptions about others because your brain has a comprehension problem.

Lol are S-300 is interceptor missile used to target missiles and aircrafts while Delilah is a Standoff missile..

A Q?

Isnt Dalilah some what similar to our cruise missiles, not all the way some what. So they are terrain hugging, dont that make it hard for the radars to pick them up.
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LOL and why is that? Saudi Air force can raid Israel from Tabuk air base(your nightmare).........you are not aware of the distance in b/t are you? :wave:
No one in Israel considers Tabuk air base a as a threat.

Lol are S-300 is interceptor missile used to target missiles and aircrafts while Delilah is a Standoff missile..
So what? Delilah can destroy S-300 from safe distance.
LOL and why is that? Saudi Air force can raid Israel from Tabuk air base(your nightmare).........you are not aware of the distance in b/t are you? :wave:

just there is one single problem , your airplane go toward Israel and USA push a button and all their avionics go haywire
JPost : ‘Time needed for Syria to master the S-300’
Syria would require a considerable period of time before it could master the S-300 air defense system, a defense analyst said Friday.

The comments came soon after Russia said it remains committed to an arms deal with Syria to deliver the advanced platform.

If stationed in Syria, the S-300, which comes with advanced radars and covers a range of 200 kilometers, would pose a risk to Israel Air Force aircraft.

Yiftah Shapir, director of the military balance project at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, published a paper on the system in which he argued that “it is highly doubtful that the Syrian army, in its current situation, is able to invest the manpower and resources” to learn how to use the S-300.

Shapir also doubted that Syria can, at this time, set up the facilities to make the S-300 operational on its soil.

Those factors could prompt Assad to try and send the S-300 to a “safer place,” to Hezbollah’s custody in Lebanon, although this is unlikely to happen, Shapir said.

Hezbollah has the ability to send technicians to Russia to study the S-300, and store it in a safe location in Lebanon. However, Israel would almost certainly reject such a development, and take action.

A third option, that Russia will send its own crews to operate the S-300 on Syrian soil, is also unlikely, due to the dangers they would face from rebels and “a third party,” Shapir said.

Assad is seeking the air defenses now because of the recent air strikes in Syria – one in January and two this month – attributed by foreign media sources to Israel.

The strikes “demonstrated to Assad what his vulnerabilities are,” Shapir wrote.

“Assad, who is making gains in his internal struggle against the rebels, requires guarantees against foreign intervention,” he added.

The chances of a US, NATO, or Turkish intervention in Syria have recently grown, Shapir said. Possessing the S-300 will send out the message that Syria has far better air defenses than Libyan dictator Muammar Gadaffi did, and that Moscow is fully behind Damascus.

“At this stage, it is difficult to know whether Russia intends to proceed with the deal and sell the systems to Syria... or whether all of the maneuvers of recent weeks are empty... and aimed at demonstrating Russia’s determination to support Assad, while sending a message to Israel that there is a heavy price for its attacks in Syria,” Shapir said.
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