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TOP 10 Countries who hate india most..where indian word is an abuse....

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Oh, you're still a coconut. No doubt about that.

A "hindu middle aged hairy trolling coconut," who also happens to be a dumb kid with the worst username........hmmm...:omghaha:

It's okay razzzzyyyyy dear you can call me whatever you want...as long as you give me free geology lectures I am good :smitten:
I don't care the monkeys nutt sack you just wrote.


2.australia...... from cricket to uranium to geopolitics, australia wants to play a dominant role in indian ocean, but can't due to india and china.. they wanted to become right hand of usa in asia... and always target to india for poverty and quality of living.....

3.srilanka...though they hate the tamils most, small country jumping on behalf of china and pakistan..:rofl::rofl: creates always hurdle in india's interest in UNO.

4.new zealand..:cry:. (chota muh aur badi baat) we have already seen what they did during COMMON WEALTH GAMES,they pretend to be the most innocent country , and always target to india, but india have a respectable place in the world and we grab their jobs,

5.italy....From the beginning on wards italy was the only european hurdle in our uno...no need to say about present ..

6.china... competitor ... :devil:

7pakistan..:pakistan: i would say that people of pakistan is not hating indians , though i may be wrong,but i placed pakistan 7.. dont know about their government.

8.bangladesh.... our bengali brothers.. may be due to border disputes and false propaganda, created by pakistan..they hate us.

9.hong kong(china).. recent clash due to indian bussiness


though i may be wrong about the sequence but you guys will not find a single country beyond the list.. what would be your list on this issue:whistle::smitten::smitten:

It doesn't matter what you think, the fact is you are jabroni living in the world of fiction called shining India.
Geology facts, for your coconut? How sweet prof. razzy :D

No just kidding, i got you. my mistake, thought all of pakistan was part of the subcontinent, but will def. look into it!

all of pak is a part of indian subcontinent,it is used to denote the all the south asian countries except afghanistan..

it was indian plateau which collided with asia.this plateau excludes north(by north i mean really north ) india and almost all of pakistan..

although these two words are interchangable...

Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me sum it up for ya.

When Indian-African plate crashed into Asia in the span of millions of years, huge mountain ranges such as the Himalayas, and rivers to adjacent lands formed.

This is much clear

@Android @Srinivas @Icewolf @batmannow @Gigawatt @danger007 @Rusty @Screambowl @ZYXW @RazPaK
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yes but sindh, punjab and specially pakistan administered kashmir is part of it wherever we go they all come with us :D

Forget that happening in real life....

I am surprised it even happens in your dreams though ;)

haha Just kidding ! :P
how did a thread about people who hate India become a lesson on geography?
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