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Iran bans women from universities

.Not all the boys are lazy and not all the girls are hardworking.).

Not all but many, lets face it 18 year old guys still need to do a lot of growing up they are more interested in girls and parties than studying hard. More girls at that age are looking for a secure future. Just about every country where there is good equal education more females end up at uni than males.
Stopping someone from a major just because the student happens to be a female.


What will be next big thing on Mooooolahs and Ayatooooolah's list?

This is a HUGE joke, and rotten egg on the face of Ayatoooolahs. It is time they are kicked out of the halls of government and shoved back into hojras of Qum from where this plague emerged to begin with.

Iranians are so bright, their civilzation so old, and yet these beardoes are making their lives as difficult as possible.

And the Iranians who are bright, and their civilzation so old, take all this Moooolah cr@p just because it is packaged in the cover of religion.

Those two issues are mutually exclusive. An educated woman might now not be able to study mining, but she can go study something else. Do you understand this simple fact or not?

I'm not sure how much more I can break it down for you.

The author of that article wanted to take things to a certain direction and he managed to do so with you. a logical person would say "if that was the case and the mullahs wanted to limit women, they would kick em out of universities not certain courses."

1) women will still outnumber men in universities

2) this move is only for a year and things will go back to normal next year

3) start thinking from now on. Put that brain to some use.

Not all but many, lets face it 18 year old guys still need to do a lot of growing up they are more interested in girls and parties than studying hard. More girls at that age are looking for a secure future. Just about every country where there is good equal education more females end up at uni than males.
yeah, but from what I understand (not first hand experience, since I didn't go to HS and university in Iran) the situation is worse in Iran b/c of the two year military service. Guys will just say "**** it" and won't even go after they finish their service. That's adding problems.
Those two issues are mutually exclusive. An educated woman might now not be able to study mining, but she can go study something else. Do you understand this simple fact or not?

I'm not sure how much more I can break it down for you.

The author of that article wanted to take things to a certain direction and he managed to do so with you. a logical would say "if that was the case and the mullahs wanted to limit women, they would kick em out of universities not certain courses."

1) women will still outnumber men in universities

2) this move is only for a year and things will go back to normal next year

3) start thinking from now on. Put that brain to some use.

yeah, but from what I understand (not first hand experience, since I didn't go to HS and university in Iran) the situation is worse in Iran b/c of the two year military service. Guys will just say "**** it" and won't even go after they finish their service. That's adding problems.

My Dear friend Abii,

You were the last person I expected to come here and defend Moolahs and Ayatoooolahs' idiotic policies.


Perhaps it is not them ayatoooooolahs, but Iranian nationalism that is forcing you to defend an obviously p i g-headed decision.

Can someone confirm with a source that this news is untrue, I personally have my doubts but can we lay this issue to rest and have someone finally confirm one way or the other.
My Dear friend Abii,

You were the last person I expected to come here and defend Moolahs and Ayatoooolahs' idiotic policies.


Perhaps it is not them ayatoooooolahs, but Iranian nationalism that is forcing you to defend an obviously p i g-headed decision.

Not defending it at all. I think it's idiotic to the core. Who cares if women are better, more power to them. But I also have to live with the Iranian reality and that's the fact that mullahs won't allow women to outnumber men in the workforce. So how could there be more women in universities and more men in the work force? It can't be right? But that's already happening. I also know for a fact that some fields, like chemistry, are OVERWHELMINGLY dominated by women, and ERA also talked about this.

If I was making the decisions, and we didn't have this mullahocracy, I would only put restrictions on fields where women have shown a disinterest in working after obtaining their degrees. If women are consistently obtaining degrees in mining and then not working in the field for obvious reasons, then universities need to change their entrance qualifications and make them more in favour of men. But in other areas where both men and women can work in, I would say tough luck guys, either get your **** together or go become a mechanic.

Can someone confirm with a source that this news is untrue, I personally have my doubts but can we lay this issue to rest and have someone finally confirm one way or the other.
what's untrue or true? They're putting restrictions on about 10% of degrees and are only allowing men to enter (these are mostly mining and oil type degrees). According to Era, Nejad has ordered universities to scrap this and starting next year women will again be allowed to take 100 percent of the offered degrees.
If I was making the decisions, and we didn't have this mullahocracy, I would only put restrictions on fields where women have shown a disinterest in working after obtaining their degrees. If women are consistently obtaining degrees in mining and then not working in the field for obvious reasons, then universities need to change their entrance qualifications and make them more in favour of men. But in other areas where both men and women can work in, I would say tough luck guys, either get your **** together or go become a mechanic.

I see what you are saying. We did something similar in Pakistan some years ago.

Girl seats in medical colleges were reduced when people noticed that many many woman graduates from medical college were not practicing as doctors few years after their graduation.

Now I am not sure about Iran, but in Pakistan, taxpayers used to finance 100% of higher education (recently it is less than 100% because many private schools offering degrees that you have to pay for).

Thus for a poor country like Pakistan to spend $millions on a female doctor, and then seeing her ditch the profession few years later was pretty disheartening when medical doctors are in HUGE short supply.

However such "gender based" policies turned out to be unpopular and counter-productive.


Well both boys and girls tend to change the field of their profession, or leave Pakistan altogether.

See you can't engineer and control human beings.

Therefore such policies are wrong.

And in Pakistan they did end up canceling such "girl-specific" rules. ,


p.s. Another option is to make students pay for their education perhaps based on government backed loans. And then they have to work X number of years to pay it back. This will ensure that both girls and boys serve their nation or at least pay back financially.
I see what you are saying. We did something similar in Pakistan some years ago.

Girl seats in medical colleges were reduced when people noticed that many many woman graduates from medical college were not practicing as doctors few years after their graduation.

Now I am not sure about Iran, but in Pakistan, taxpayers used to finance 100% of higher education (recently it is less than 100% because many private schools offering degrees that you have to pay for).

Thus for a poor country like Pakistan to spend $millions on a female doctor, and then seeing her ditch the profession few years later was pretty disheartening when medical doctors are in HUGE short supply.

However such "gender based" policies turned out to be unpopular and counter-productive.


Well both boys and girls tend to change the field of their profession, or leave Pakistan altogether.

See you can't engineer and control human beings.

Therefore such policies are wrong.

And in Pakistan they did end up canceling such "girl-specific" rules. ,


p.s. Another option is to make students pay for their education perhaps based on government backed loans. And then they have to work X number of years to pay it back. This will ensure that both girls and boys serve their nation or at least pay back financially.
makes sense.

In Iran you have to get a certain grade on your SATs to be accepted into public universities which are paid for by the govt. If you can't meet the min marks, you have to go to private university and pay for your education.

In public universities maybe the govt can have some control (in exchange for free tution), but in private universities they should back off completely.
makes sense.

In Iran you have to get a certain grade on your SATs to be accepted into public universities which are paid for by the govt. If you can't meet the min marks, you have to go to private university and pay for your education.

In public universities maybe the govt can have some control (in exchange for free tution), but in private universities they should back off completely.

Adminssion requirements in Pakistani public universities are similar. Candidates have to score certain GPA in their high school exams. This GPA is combined with few other entrance exams + interviews to get the final "merit" score.

Based on this score you can get "FREE" taxpayer funded education in public schools.

Public schools are well funded and do have adequate amount of labs and faculty resources.

However there are some private universities now that are more prestigious than public schools. Students prefer those even when they have to pay from their pocket.

I feel public universities should charge their students as well. Deserving / merit students should get government backed guaranteed loans to cover the cost.

Money thus saved should be re-allocated to our K-12 grade schools (Iran perhaps do not need extra money for their K-12 schools but Pakistan does).

Let's put all these gender inequality nonsense aside for one minute.
Iran has the highest ratio of female to male in universities,putting this on the side of the 2-year military service for men which makes them less interested to attend universities after finishing it (if they fail to be accepted in entrance exam 2 years after high school),can cause a problem in coming years.I don't want to go in to family planning and psychological reasons.But it can cause a shortage of educated and skill workforce (since most women can not work in relatively hard conditions) and actually government has wasted the money on education.let's face it,in my university,there are plenty of women studying engineering,I'm almost sure most of them won't follow a job that suits their education.
I oppose this move for some major courses like accounting which is suitable for both men and women,but I support it for courses related to oil industries and similar ones (not a complete ban though,limiting I mean).you should note that,only 36 universities have done this,and most probably,it is going to be reversed in next year (if not,they have actually shot in their feet).It's still not going to change the composition of men to women in universities.

On a side note,I recently read on net that according to a German research,one-gender universities and educational schools have much more efficiency in educational results (You may not agree with it).
Stopping someone from a major just because the student happens to be a female.


What will be next big thing on Mooooolahs and Ayatooooolah's list?

This is a HUGE joke, and rotten egg on the face of Ayatoooolahs. It is time they are kicked out of the halls of government and shoved back into hojras of Qum from where this plague emerged to begin with.

Iranians are so bright, their civilzation so old, and yet these beardoes are making their lives as difficult as possible.

And the Iranians who are bright, and their civilzation so old, take all this Moooolah cr@p just because it is packaged in the cover of religion.


first of all its not a Ban, a ban would woman cannot get education past grade 12.
This is some kind of gender adjustment in different field of education, where woman get education and dont persue employment and hence there might be shortage of skilled workers in certain technologies. Its like in Pakistan so many woman get admission in medical colleges and dont practice medicine afterwards. such a waste of education, those woman might as well get a degree in sociology...I think its a smart move, they know their requirements and working to fix the shortage. very smart
The correct sentence is that Iranian women outnumbered men in Universities not outperformed them like some ignorant people and flame trollers want to say unjustifiably.

These are mostly programs that attract more women than men, and if there are consistently 90% females in a program something must be done about it at least to see why and make adjustments.

The title of the thread is too inflammatory, false and incorrect.
Iranian friends, is this news true or false? any confirmations ?
Iranian friends, is this news true or false? any confirmations ?

Follow the thread brother. Follow the thread.

you will see the news is 100% straight from horse's mouth. Off course horse has to have a beard. It is Iran we are talking about.

Iranian friends, is this news true or false? any confirmations ?
Read the past 2 pages.

About 10% of degrees being offered by 36 universities are being restricted to men only. This is most likely going to be reversed next year. There is a major reason why these universities are doing this: women outnumber men 6 to 4 overall and in some fields the ratio is even much higher. At the same time they're not pursuing careers in certain fields, or are being forced out of these fields b/c of social conditions-ie mining is a male dominated field, so this is done to balance out the issue. But they're going overboard and hopefully next year the govt will force them to reverse their decision for most of the degrees.
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