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Iran bans women from universities

please comment on the topic, how hard is that.

to assign every thing said against some one to a high-hand conspiracy is hardly a mark of self-respect.

on the topic,

is there any rebuttal by iranian news agencies/universities ? till such time we cannot call it fake simply because the source is a western news agency.

sounds huge coming from you. off topic post reported.

you must be high on some yellow stuff, if an Indian brings a fake new i will compare it to India!!!
and I am sorry I dont understand Indlish, explain "sounds huge coming from you??". When you talk to non-Indian drop your stupid indian jokes with bobbling head, kia bolta hay
Perhaps the Mullahs felt the need to rebalance the gender ratio of university graduates from the 65% female to half. By this measurement, they are already much more progressive than the western universities.

I guess that's understandable, but obviously not a smart move. You still can't compare Iran to the Saudis of course, with the latter's non-existent rights for women. Still, it could be the start of a long campaign, with woman's rights slowly being rescinded until they approach Taliban levels. Hopefully this won't happen.

rebalance by removing opportunities? :blink: Yep, thats progressive, move backwards to move forward!:hitwall:
Thats weird

Well I will wait till females outnumber males by a huge margin in science & technology courses in India.

Females already outnumber males in medical courses since 2010 (in Maharashtra) and their representation has actually increased for the past 2 years
But still they enjoy women reservation ..
The benefit is that we guys have many options :P

But in engineering it is totally opposite .. In my bro's college the ratio is 70:30 in favour of boys :lol:
What is Iran doing? why are they going toward the Saudi direction now?
Do you believe that Iran banned women from colleges?

It doesn't mean they are banned from uni...only certain degrees.
Perhaps the Mullahs felt the need to rebalance the gender ratio of university graduates from the 65% female to half. By this measurement, they are already much more progressive than the western universities.

I guess that's understandable, but obviously not a smart move. You still can't compare Iran to the Saudis of course, with the latter's non-existent rights for women. Still, it could be the start of a long campaign, with woman's rights slowly being rescinded until they approach Taliban levels. Hopefully this won't happen.
Progressive? In a western university...if you qualify you get any degree you want...how is artificial tampering of mix progressive? Females have out numbered males in Universities in the west for some time...not screwing with it makes us less progressive?
It seems no one read my post,so I say again,first the thread title is misleading.
Ahmadinejad has strongly opposed this and ordered to reverse it,but since the time for course-selection process has already passed,it's impossible to reverse it for current educational year,most probably women will be allowed in these courses from next year.
The universities has done this on their own claiming that allowing women to some male-oriented courses like mining engineering is a waste of money,the same way allowing men in courses like midwifery is banned in Iran.ّI don't think this has anything to do with gender inequality.Anyway,I agree, this is a wrong move,they should limit women entrance to some courses,the same should be done for men.
Right now,65% of students in Iran are women.
It's wrong for banning some degrees for either men or women ..
In India , boys enjoy a lot , waste a lot of time and study less .. Girls are the one who do the things in limit and study harder .
I think the same case is in Iran

So limiting some degrees to girls for sheer incompetence of boys is very wrong .. You are in turn creating low grade graduates even though you have higher quality students available ..
That's the sole reason why I hate caste based reservation in India
It's wrong for banning some degrees for either men or women ..
In India , boys enjoy a lot , waste a lot of time and study less .. Girls are the one who do the things in limit and study harder .
I think the same case is in Iran

So limiting some degrees to girls for sheer incompetence of boys is very wrong .. You are in turn creating low grade graduates even though you have higher quality students available ..
That's the sole reason why I hate caste based reservation in India
No,I think to some degree it is right,you should be able to put differences between this and gender inequalities.
In my own university (Sharif),in the course I study (material science and engineering),from 67 entries of 2009-2010 educational year,50 are boys and 17 are girls.But in department of chemistry,from more than 70 entries,only there are 10 boys and others are girls.I think it can cause a problem in the future.Not all the boys are lazy and not all the girls are hardworking.For a course like mining engineering or marine studies or oil studies,you should agree men are fit better than women.Women can not always be in mines or on decks 24/7 or in oil refineries,these jobs are better for men.Even in western countries,you see more men studying in these courses.The same is right for some courses that are suitable for women,like nursery,accounting,home managements. (this is my personal opinion).
The issue started when Iranian Mullah regime start observing, the more women become educated, the less child she produce which is creating imbalance in Iranian society with young generation shrinking and old generation increasing in IRAN.
I hope its not true. Iran minus the mullahs is one of my top choices for a truly civilised great nation.
The thread title is misleading.Iran hasn't banned women from universities!!!
Ahmadinejad himself has ordered this issue to be reversed and strongly opposed it.The universities themselves has done this,claiming that these courses are 'male-oriented' and approving women in them is wasting of money!like the mining engineering.However this is a bull crap and shouldn't have be done,but this is temporary and only for one year since the course-selection time has already passed and there is nothing anyone can do about it.From the next year,women will be allowed in these courses again.How the hell can Iran stop women from entering universities while 65% of current students are women?!
Some people are just searching on the net to post anything negative about Iran in here.,the worst part is twisting the news.
oh thank god
thought the mullahs went full retard again.

btw, I did a bit of googling and it seems here in Canada they have the same problem, albeit not as bad as Iran. Appareantly girls have better GPAs coming out of high school than guys, so even though they don't openly admit it, the administrators sometimes accept guys when there are girls with higher grades just to balance out the genders.

It doesn't mean they are banned from uni...only certain degrees.
And appareantly only for this year.
as far as Ive understood, Iranian women (in a country where majority are considered "young") are actually very educated and well qualified in their fields
The issue started when Iranian Mullah regime start observing, the more women become educated, the less child she produce which is creating imbalance in Iranian society with young generation shrinking and old generation increasing in IRAN.
You might need to "observe" the article in order to understand the situation first and then comment. They're not banning anyone from universities, just limiting the degrees they can choose by about 10 percent, and appareantly it's only for the current calender year.
The level of ignorance in this forum is so God damn high.

You might need to "observe" the article in order to understand the situation first and then comment. They're not banning anyone from universities, just limiting the degrees they can choose by about 10 percent, and appareantly it's only for the current calender year.

Senior clerics in Iran have become concerned about the social side-effects of rising educational standards among women, including declining birth and marriage rates. Critics have termed the move as a attempt to undermine the fight for women’s rights in the country.

Iran bans women from over 70 university courses: Report – The Express Tribune
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