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Are these Indian personalities as well know in Iran as this article claims?

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Dont try to fool me. The first one is Maharani Gayatri Devi, she is RAJASTHANI.

She was the princess from Bengali princely state of "Koch Bihar" marrying in Rajashthani royal family.
Gigawatt and La Bong. now I admitted infront of everyone that Kashmiris and Punjabis are the ugliest people on earth.. we are.. we admit that. What else u want me to admit? :cry: i wish I was Tamilian :cry: Jinxed girl is crying n crying :cry:
Gigawatt and La Bong. now I admitted infront of everyone that Kashmiris and Punjabis are the ugliest people on earth.. we are.. we admit that. What else u want me to admit? :cry: i wish I was Tamilian :cry: Jinxed girl is crying n crying :cry:

But you always pointed out you feel inferiority complex because you are not a Pashtun or Iranian. :lol::lol:
No... I wanted to be Tamilian and Bengali all my life.. I promise, that is why I visited that Tamilian thread, but u never aceepted me as your own... I wanna be tamilian, please accepy me Gigawatt please... Today you opened my eyez!! Punjabis and Kashmiris have NOTHING IN COMMON WITH IRANIANS, we have more in common with Tamilians.. please accept me, please!

LMAO, jhooth nahi bolte :rofl::rofl: I already saw your desire of being wannable Iranian in that secret thread. :girl_wacko:
Gigawatt and La Bong. now I admitted infront of everyone that Kashmiris and Punjabis are the ugliest people on earth.. we are.. we admit that. What else u want me to admit? :cry: i wish I was Tamilian :cry: Jinxed girl is crying n crying :cry:

More I search for Pakistani Punjabis, more I get assured that they don't look like Indian Punjabis. I mean I have many Punjabi friends, none of them look like these Aryans below.




Seems Alexander had to do a lot of work in those land! :lol:
You are a racist prick. Go back to your cave, thats where you belong with such bigoted views of yours.

the best part is I am not a racist but it is an option... a choice for me, however, for an perarseian or for a hindu there is not such an option.. even if they want so....pity
This is not only because they are curious about India. (Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan are household names).
I serioiusely doubt that. I have got lots of Iranian friends and travelled to Iran once, never saw such a thing.
what they call perarseian is a mixture of hindues and jews in brief a genetic garbage...

Persians are not a mix of Hindus, however we do share a common ancestry. Also are in the same language group. Similar to the situation that you Turkish share with Mongols. You both speak similar languages and both come from Barbaric nomad tribes.

I hope I have enlightened you and increased your knowledge on the matter :)
Labong and Gigawatt, we Punjabis, Kashmiris and Pashtuns admit that we r the ugliest people on earth. We admitted it. Now what are we fighting for? Now put this thread to rest.
Iran's fastest-growing faith seems to be Hinduism of the New-Age guru variety. (Buddhism comes a close second). Sathya Sai Baba, Rajneesh, Mahesh Yogi and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are familiar figures in middle class drawing rooms. For many in the elite, Yoga is far more important than Haj.

Ohhh man!!
Someone please close this godforsaken thread !
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