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20,000 Muslims killed in Burma by police

The number may not be right but the issue is the killing, not the numbers
On a side note, Bangladeshis could, you know, apply pressure on their government instead of posting here

fateh71 is a very obvious internet hindu, these hindus are the same who enjoy muslim killings all over the world whether it be drone attacks, gujrat massacre, kashmir genocide or burma muslim killings

question is that where the data is not manioulated but is it enough to deny the entire existance of an event by saying that its all propaganda and rubbish?

We can say the same thing........If acc. to you, the Burmese are not opening up to international media, then WHY would we accept your 20,000 figure......

If, according to you, no-one is able to know what exactly is going on in Burma, then how come you guys know for sure that it's 'genocide'????

Therefore acc. to your logic, you can't claim it's a 'massacre' until Burma 'opens up'......and if you do(like you're doing), we'll also claim that it's NOT, applying YOUR OWN logic.....

When you are debating about something, you need to show proofs in support of your logic/claims.....and since we're debating on the internet, the proofs can only be in the form of web links, which you're unable to provide in support of your claims....BUT we provided proofs in support of our claims......
You're even using fake pics to support your claims....which in turn implies that your claims are fake......It's simple logic..

Based on the information available so far from neutral sources....we see that a kind of ethnic clash is going on in Burma where both Muslims and Buddhists are dying, which is very unfortunate BUT it's NOT AT ALL like what you're claiming that ONLY Muslims are being killed by the authority.....

and where is the proof of your claim that the buddhists are dying too??

havent you already seen the graphic images of rohingya muslim killings?

Bigger Quesition... Where is UMMAH????

its so sad to see the bigotted indian extremists a.k.a internet hindus speaking in such manner while there is a mass killing going on, UN doesnt represent hindus or christians, does it not represent all the human beings??, while burma is black listed as the most dangerous country but when it comes to muslims, UN is silent?
More than 20,000 Muslims are killed this month in Burma (Mayanmar) by police, army and Buddhist extremists.Now whr is f***** UN????

Whr is America????
Whr is media????

Lol.. 9 pages of heap of crap on basis of just a bullshit propaganda.... :lol: and then they wonder why world does not take them seriously...
The number may not be right but the issue is the killing, not the numbers
On a side note, Bangladeshis could, you know, apply pressure on their government instead of posting here

The issue is already covered under other threads. This thread is specifically claiming 20,000 muslims have been killed. So far every indication is about 50 muslims have died, while even one person losing their life is an equally big crime, using these dead and stateless people to make fake political propaganda is really shameless.
Iranian Supreme Leader:
Silence against Myanmar Killings Proves the West's Human Right Lies

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the salvation of the Islamic Ummah depends on founding a civilization based on divine revelations, spirituality, and ethics.

The Ayatollah was speaking Saturday in a gathering of the reciters of the holy Ouran who were visiting the supreme leader on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramazan.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic republic of Iran wants to create a civilization based on the spirituality taken from Quran and divine guidance.

The Ayatollah strongly criticized the western civilization and said this civilization is based on exploiting humans and materialism and is far from ethics.

“The obvious manifestation of the false assertions of the West on ethics and human rights is its silence over killing of thousands of people in Myanmar,” said the Ayatollah.

He added western civilization has brought nothing but corruption and exploitation of human beings wherever it has gone in the past centuries.

“Dignity, prosperity, materialistic and spiritualistic progress, good morality and conquering the enemies all happen by practicing the Quranic teachings,” concluded Ayatollah Khamenei.

Mojnews :: Silence against Myanmar Killings Proves the West's Human Right Lies
Iranian Supreme Leader:
Silence against Myanmar Killings Proves the West's Human Right Lies

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the salvation of the Islamic Ummah depends on founding a civilization based on divine revelations, spirituality, and ethics.

The Ayatollah was speaking Saturday in a gathering of the reciters of the holy Ouran who were visiting the supreme leader on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramazan.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic republic of Iran wants to create a civilization based on the spirituality taken from Quran and divine guidance.

The Ayatollah strongly criticized the western civilization and said this civilization is based on exploiting humans and materialism and is far from ethics.

“The obvious manifestation of the false assertions of the West on ethics and human rights is its silence over killing of thousands of people in Myanmar,” said the Ayatollah.

He added western civilization has brought nothing but corruption and exploitation of human beings wherever it has gone in the past centuries.

“Dignity, prosperity, materialistic and spiritualistic progress, good morality and conquering the enemies all happen by practicing the Quranic teachings,” concluded Ayatollah Khamenei.

Mojnews :: Silence against Myanmar Killings Proves the West's Human Right Lies

BS, the west has put Burma under sanctions for decades (while asia has been doing business with burma happily) and only recently have tried to give concessions and tried to bring Burma in the mainstream . The violence there has come at a very unfortunate time for the west as they don't have enough leverage but OTOH they stand to lose the gains made with Burma govt and push them back to govts who don't care about human rights, and ayatollahs of the world also do not hold them responsible.

Ayatollah should worry about the Syrian case where actually 20,000 Muslims have been killed, even though by other Muslims so does not exactly boil the blood.
Indians continue defending the indefensible - killings, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Pathetic people and "civilization".
The number may not be right but the issue is the killing, not the numbers
On a side note, Bangladeshis could, you know, apply pressure on their government instead of posting here

What? About not allowing the recent influx of Rohingyas?

We have. They didn't listen.

And just what on earth are you implying Bangladesh would do? Get in there and help them out? Yeah right! :lol:

We will do according to the norms of International Law. But yes, denying the recent influx of Rohingyas is regrettable.

Iranian Supreme Leader:
Silence against Myanmar Killings Proves the West's Human Right Lies

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the salvation of the Islamic Ummah depends on founding a civilization based on divine revelations, spirituality, and ethics.

The Ayatollah was speaking Saturday in a gathering of the reciters of the holy Ouran who were visiting the supreme leader on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramazan.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic republic of Iran wants to create a civilization based on the spirituality taken from Quran and divine guidance.

The Ayatollah strongly criticized the western civilization and said this civilization is based on exploiting humans and materialism and is far from ethics.

“The obvious manifestation of the false assertions of the West on ethics and human rights is its silence over killing of thousands of people in Myanmar,” said the Ayatollah.

He added western civilization has brought nothing but corruption and exploitation of human beings wherever it has gone in the past centuries.

“Dignity, prosperity, materialistic and spiritualistic progress, good morality and conquering the enemies all happen by practicing the Quranic teachings,” concluded Ayatollah Khamenei.

Mojnews :: Silence against Myanmar Killings Proves the West's Human Right Lies

The West did not lift all sanctions on Myanmar yet. And they aren't importing a single good from Myanmar for now:
It’s too early to lift Myanmar sanctions: US envoy
One thing which amazes me is that nobody here has blamed the country which has strongest influence in myanmar(china) in failing to stop violence on rohingyas on the otherhand they are blaming india a country which is giving refuge to rohingyas despite having millions of its population below poverty line which they always likes to point out
One thing which amazes me is that nobody here has blamed the country which has strongest influence in myanmar(china) in failing to stop violence on rohingyas on the otherhand they are blaming india a country which is giving refuge to rohingyas despite having millions of its population below poverty line which they always likes to point out

China has said that it doesn't interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. At least at present :confused:

Although, Bangladesh have good relations with PRC. And will continue to move up in the future.
Indians continue defending the indefensible - killings, genocide and ethnic cleansing. Pathetic people and "civilization".

Kallu, please post the pics of actual Rohingyas and not Uighurs,Tibetans, Thais, Malays, Rwandans etc and maybe then we will believe. :)
One thing which amazes me is that nobody here has blamed the country which has strongest influence in myanmar(china) in failing to stop violence on rohingyas on the otherhand they are blaming india a country which is giving refuge to rohingyas despite having millions of its population below poverty line which they always likes to point out

Indians and Chinese are not involved, but both could put pressure on Burmese Junta/army.

Chinese pdf posters are not cheer leading the Burmese in their Muslim killings or trying to deflect blame on them or to justify their genocidal actions. Essentially they are taking the Burmese side. No other nationals are doing it except Indians. That is what I find amazing and objectionable. This shows that a part of India's population have been indoctrinated with religious hatred for Muslims, as I cannot find any other way to explain this pdf phenomenon.

I wonder if the Burmese were killing Hindu's in Burma instead, what their reaction would be. I would protest against such action and not take the Burmese side. Indians say that during the conflict in Sri Lanka, many people supported the Sri Lankan Army's war crimes. I did not. Personally I am against killing of non-combatant innocent civilians any where and if Sri Lankan army committed war crimes, they should be held responsible and the victims should proceed with a case in International Criminal Court. But by the same token, ICC cases should be filed against Indian Army and security force for killings in Kashmir and against Norendra Modi or his henchmen or whoever was behind the Gujrat riot. No killing of innocent people should go unpunished. Killers should not be able to hide from justice.
Indians and Chinese are not involved, but both could put pressure on Burmese Junta/army.

Chinese pdf posters are not cheer leading the Burmese in their Muslim killings or trying to deflect blame on them or to justify their genocidal actions. Essentially they are taking the Burmese side. No other nationals are doing it except Indians. That is what I find amazing and objectionable. This shows that India's population have been indoctrinated with religious hatred for Muslims, as I cannot find any other way to explain this pdf phenomenon.

Bit of a generalization wouldn't you say?

It's kind of like saying all Muslims are terrorists because some are extremists.

Oh well, we are all busy trying to take over the Internet :coffee:
Kallu, please post the pics of actual Rohingyas and not Uighurs,Tibetans, Thais, Malays, Rwandans etc and maybe then we will believe. :)

People should not be posting false pictures.

If some country seal up the border, make sure a people who live as slave labor, have no mobile phones or cameras to record genocide and have no internet access to send this info, and then their cheer leaders would come and ask where is the proof, what should the world think? That there is no crimes taking place or there is a big question mark till they open up the affected area to journalists or UN investigators?

What is happening inside Burma ?

So the world should not ask for proof, instead the world should ask the Burmese to open up their killing fields.

You may smile at your apparent attempt at winning the debate, but people are dying and suffering. They deserve better from "humanity".

Sovereignty does not give a state the right to kill people and hide their crimes.
i know hosting refugees is not a cheap task and as it is Bdesh is tearing by the seems with large population issue -- but shame on Bdesh and shame on the whole Muslim world for remaining deaf, dumb and mute

nobody is doing anything to help those people
Bit of a generalization wouldn't you say?

It's kind of like saying all Muslims are terrorists because some are extremists.

Oh well, we are all busy trying to take over the Internet :coffee:

Ok, that was too general a statement, I corrected it saying a part of. Thanks for pointing it out.

PDF posters are definitely doing a good job of making this impression about India.

i know hosting refugees is not a cheap task and as it is Bdesh is tearing by the seems with large population issue -- but shame on Bdesh and shame on the whole Muslim world for remaining deaf, dumb and mute

nobody is doing anything to help those people

You should shame our current India leaning Awami League govt. led by Hasina. This policy of turning back refugees is not supported by the majority people, afaik.

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