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‘Iran respects all divine religions’

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religious people !? Really ???

a bahai can **** his sister :confused: nice religion :tup:

The children of incestuous relationships have a high risk of congenital defects (see the wiki article ht tp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest#Inbreeding). Bahais have been around in Iran and the surrounding countries for 10 generations or so. If there was in fact any inbreeding going on, it would be obvious.

This story about Bahai incest is just a lie spread by the Iranian government/mullahs. There's no truth in it at all. Have you ever heard even one case of a Bahai brother and sister marrying? It's a crock of *****

As in Islam, Christianity and Judaism, the Bahai scriptures contain general principles which are worked out in detail in the jurisprudence. Three principles are relevant in the Bahai teachings:

1) "“distance is nearer than nearness.” ." (It is better to marry an unrelated person, the further the better)

2) a relationship by marriage is to be treated as equivalent to a relationship by blood. (This is deduced from the Kitab-e Aqdas verse, "It is forbidden you to wed your fathers' wives."

3) "unions between relatives that are not explicitly treated, are referred to the House of Justice, which will give a ruling based on the culture, medical requirements, wisdom, and the capacity of human nature." (from a ruling by Abdu'l-Baha, expanding on a verse in the Aqdas (Q&A nr. 50). The House of Justice here is the elected national body that heads each national Bahai community. Cultures vary, so it may be necessary for different countries to have different rulings, just as some Muslim countries welcome first-cousin marriages and others forbid them).

Principles 1 and 3 are covered in one letter from Abdu'l-Baha, which I have translated on my blog at
ht tp://senmcglinn.wordpress.com/2010/11/22/religious-law-and-house-of-justice

But the fourth principle is actually decisive in every country today: Bahais are required to obey the laws of the land, and a Bahai marriage cannot take place against the laws of the country. Since in each country there are laws that specify the forbidden degrees of marriage, the national Houses of Justice ( = National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahais of XX ) do not need to make a ruling. It would only be an issue, if there was a country where the marriage of close relatives was legal, in which case the Bahais of that country might need a more restrictive religious ruling. Except perhaps for first-cousin marriage in some North African countries (where there are very few Bahais and no national Spiritual Assemblies because the Bahais are not free), the question does not require any discussion in the Bahai community.
Yes ! enough ! it is clear :drag:

Enjoy your Beer :tup:

we have pure girls in IRAN & what you have in Amsterdam ?

p0rnstar :enjoy:

Nothing aginst Iranian people , but , hypocrites like you should be banned from visiting EU and Western countries , even peole in my home country , should be banned for life until they are taught to respect that being liberal for a woman doesnt mean shes a $lut.
A girl/ Woman , who likes a guy , fancies him.. what is wrong in having physical relation with that guy???
A Lot of the times Passion do wither off from the relationships..and sincere efforts should be made to bring the fire back in the relationship , but if that doesnt happen , the couple should break their relation and go their seperate ways. A male dominated society will call the woman $lut or whatever names .. which is NOT right.
If a man can have multiple partners / wives... whats wrong with that if a woman does so ????

PS. What do ye mean by PURE girls??? Virgin???
so after an Iranian girl had s3x , what will U calll her ??? Un-Pure???
so STFU and go in some religious Thread , this isnt for U.

And the Pakistani and Iranian people who are calling Bahaì religion names and asking the authenticity of their prophet , look at your own religion and prophet/s before pointing fingers at other`s religion.
Let us live in peace .. We dont want to learn Islam , no offence intended .... Ur happy with Ur believes , we are with ours.
Nothing aginst Iranian people , but , hypocrites like you should be banned from visiting EU and Western countries , even peole in my home country , should be banned for life until they are taught to respect that being liberal for a woman doesnt mean shes a $lut.
A girl/ Woman , who likes a guy , fancies him.. what is wrong in having physical relation with that guy???
A Lot of the times Passion do wither off from the relationships..and sincere efforts should be made to bring the fire back in the relationship , but if that doesnt happen , the couple should break their relation and go their seperate ways. A male dominated society will call the woman $lut or whatever names .. which is NOT right.
If a man can have multiple partners / wives... whats wrong with that if a woman does so ????

PS. What do ye mean by PURE girls??? Virgin???
so after an Iranian girl had s3x , what will U calll her ??? Un-Pure???
so STFU and go in some religious Thread , this isnt for U.

Calm down please.
He doesn't represent all Iranians on the forum.
So now I think it's the time for you to STFU.
Calm down please.
He doesn't represent all Iranians on the forum.
So now I think it's the time for you to STFU.

I said people like him , In Iran and in India... put on ur reading glasses bud!!

I said people like him , In Iran and in India... put on ur reading glasses bud!!
FFS .. some people !!!!
I said people like him , In Iran and in India... put on ur reading glasses bud!!

FFS .. some people !!!!

Thanks, my eyes are 20/20, they work fine without glasses.

You need to calm down. Your post, from the third paragraph, doesn't look to be addressed to Soheil as it seems to me.
Thanks, my eyes are 20/20, they work fine without glasses.

You need to calm down. Your post, from the third paragraph, doesn't look to be addressed to Soheil as it seems to me.

Well. Didnt Soheil and other lads wanted to know the àuthenticity of their prophet and asking whose their prophet , satan or my àss????
U my friend , should have gone to Specsavers...
watch the short vid below.. just for laughs

Specsavers Funny Commercial - YouTube
Well. Didnt Soheil and other lads wanted to know the àuthenticity of their prophet and asking whose their prophet , satan or my àss????
U my friend , should have gone to Specsavers...
watch the short vid below.. just for laughs

Specsavers Funny Commercial - YouTube

I didn't understand what you meant. How is it related to what you said earlier?
Soheil wants to worship your as$? How you do it? You bend over and he does what? or it's done someway else? someone clarifies it please.

I'm clueless what you're talking about, I never had a talent in understanding religions or topics related to them. I always did poor in theology. Don't know why.
I agree with Arian in the case,not only divine religions,but everyone with every belief should have a chance to live a decent life in Iran.No one should ask them in what they believe or not and no one should go after prosecuting them.
If they started to cause trouble,then its ok to punish them according to law.
HiiiM ! tell me more ... :D what else ?

What else do u want to know brother jaan?

Nothing aginst Iranian people , but , hypocrites like you should be banned from visiting EU and Western countries , even peole in my home country , should be banned for life until they are taught to respect that being liberal for a woman doesnt mean shes a $lut.
A girl/ Woman , who likes a guy , fancies him.. what is wrong in having physical relation with that guy???
A Lot of the times Passion do wither off from the relationships..and sincere efforts should be made to bring the fire back in the relationship , but if that doesnt happen , the couple should break their relation and go their seperate ways. A male dominated society will call the woman $lut or whatever names .. which is NOT right.
If a man can have multiple partners / wives... whats wrong with that if a woman does so ????

PS. What do ye mean by PURE girls??? Virgin???
so after an Iranian girl had s3x , what will U calll her ??? Un-Pure???
so STFU and go in some religious Thread , this isnt for U.

And the Pakistani and Iranian people who are calling Bahaì religion names and asking the authenticity of their prophet , look at your own religion and prophet/s before pointing fingers at other`s religion.
Let us live in peace .. We dont want to learn Islam , no offence intended .... Ur happy with Ur believes , we are with ours.

indians.... :hitwall:
They have. But even if that wasn't the case, it still would not matter. Bahai's see themselves as religious people and thats the only thing that count.

I didn't knew there was a problem? And no, I'm not a Bahai. I'm a Atheist. And at least I have the tolerance to respect other religions.

Actually in my experience Atheist are the most intolerant people, you can test this by saying something in which you show your believe in God and then look at their faces, If you know them well enough they will inform you of their strong disapproval of what you just said and if they dont know you well enough then you can just enjoy the colors on their faces.
Actually in my experience Atheist are the most intolerant people, you can test this by saying something in which you show your believe in God and then look at their faces, If you know them well enough they will inform you of their strong disapproval of what you just said and if they dont know you well enough then you can just enjoy the colors on their faces.

I'm an atheist and I'm very tolerant of all religions. Including Abrahamic religions like Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
I'm more inclined toward agnosticism and skepticism though.
khob maloom shod shahin vataniam tanesh mikhare :D
be surenas :tup: midad :)
khob maloom shod shahin vataniam tanesh mikhare :D
be surenas :tup: midad :)
gooz che rabti dare be shaghighe?
Ba'desham shoma tane Surenas ro bekharoonin, tane Shahin pishkesh :P
Ja inke be fekre jang ba doshmanamoon bashin oftadin be ham jadidan?

what is bahai religion

A religion that was built based on political reasons, kinda :P
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