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20,000 Muslims killed in Burma by police

To the Burmese the Rohingyas are terrorists and its their internal matter just like the Tamils were terrorists to the Lankans and it was their "internal" matter.

But then hypocrisy is your middle name and hence no surprise.

Moreover courtesy the Burmese, we realize once again, how meaningless, hollow the word "Ummah" is.

When it was relevant in the first place? Through out the history Muslims killed more Muslims than whatever infidels managed to do to them.
What's fascinating is the predictable reaction of the Indians.

Whenever Muslims get killed around the world, these Indians celebrate and defend the killers. Beyond the human compassion, one might have thought they might express solidarity with Rohingyas because they are ethnic Bengalis, but the Indian hatred for Muslims overshadows any ethnic links.

As for the media, the most glaring absence is of Al Jazeera. They have sold out so utterly in order to chase Western audiences, that they parrot the Western media agenda letter for letter. If the Western media doesn't care, neither will Al Jazeera. The organization which started out proclaiming itself as "the alternative view" has degenerated into a parrot. Alternative American news sites offer more diversity of opinion than does Al Jazeera.

Cut the shi* out . I don't see any Indian member here giving an anti-muslim opinion except for one perhaps who I will not name .

The only question Indians are asking is this , why are no muslim countries particularly Bangladesh the immediate neighbor intervening ?

Why request international intervention when the same members on this forum oppose it vehemently elsewhere ? If anyone intervenes we will here constant cribbing about it later which will continue for years ?

also why exaggerate the numbers like this ?

The very least almost all Indian members have done here is condemn the atrocities and have hoped that they would stop. India is already home to many Rohnigya refugees and the link was given in a previous post regarding that .

That is far more than what Pakistanis were doing when Sri Lankan army was butchering Tamil civilians( Hindus and Christians) along with LTTE in Lanka in tens of thousands of numbers .We all remember how Pakistanis were cheering for the Lankans with no regard for a common hindu's life , in fact they were showing pride in the fact that Pakistan had sold the Lankans heavy weapons which were being used to carry out the massacre . A little introspection would go long way before pointing fingers .
When it was relevant in the first place? Through out the history Muslims killed more Muslims than whatever infidels managed to do to them.

They have no problems as long as muslims kill muslims and muslim kills other religion people(especially pakistanis), but other should not kill even one muslims and we can name hypocrism written over their forehead...
The killing is bad, but where did one get the list of 20000? Pure utter BS!!
Burma is a new democracy, and it will have problems, and china and india will protect myanmar to great extent...
Will pakistanis ask china to desert Burma? Even if it asks china wont leave burma...
So now you are equating an anti-terrorism campaign in Sri lanka to the ethnic cleansing in Burma?

The Sri Lankan government was fighting LTTE terrorists and the Indian government claims to be one of the foremost supporters of Sri Lanka in fighting the LTTE.

If you're going to complain about the Sri Lanka situation, better start in Delhi.

No need to act so naïve think tank . We know you are not dumb . You know as well as any one else that in the garb of finishing LTTE (which we supported SL for) Sri Lanka ended up killing thousand of innocent civilans as well and many times on purpose , not due to collateral damage . These facts have been well documented and reported. Now that your hypocrisy has been exposed , no need to act dumb . I have been here long enough to know you are not.
Cut the shi* out . I don't see any Indian member here giving an anti-muslim opinion except for one perhaps who I will not name .

The only question Indians are asking is this , why are no muslim countries particularly Bangladesh the immediate neighbor intervening ?

Why request international intervention when the same members on this forum oppose it vehemently elsewhere ? If anyone intervenes we will here constant cribbing about it later which will continue for years ?

also why exaggerate the numbers like this ?

The very least almost all Indian members have done here is condemn the atrocities and have hoped that they would stop. India is already home to many Rohnigya refugees and the link was given in a previous post regarding that .

That is far more than what Pakistanis were doing when Sri Lankan army was butchering Tamil civilians( Hindus and Christians) along with LTTE in Lanka in tens of thousands of numbers .We all remember how Pakistanis were cheering for the Lankans with no regard for a common hindu's life , in fact they were showing pride in the fact that Pakistan had sold the Lankans heavy weapons which were being used to carry out the massacre . A little introspection would go long way before pointing fingers .

leave it mate... HYPOCRICY is their middle name...
So, why doesn't al Jeezera make it a big deal?? And the IOC? Don't belly ache about the USA intervening here and not there.
The USA can't solve all of the Muslim world's problems. The Muslims of the world create so much violence that no one can police it all. Why doesn't Pakistan stand up for Myanmar's Muslims? Pakistan is a regional power, after all. Pakistan is perfectly capable of intervening if it cared about the plight of it's fellow Muslims.

Pak should not as other countries with Budhist population might take the otherside
. As it will be intervention in other country. And it will disturb already not so good conditions.
New if true - no innocent people should get hurt for anything. There must be some sort of conflict.
Hope everything get in order soon.
burma has freed many political prisoners, they have had democratic elections.. they are trying to solidify peace and unity in the country.... they have taken step forwards, i think you should be ashamed.. you bash america for putting sanctions on countries who commit such acts, now you bash america when they lift sanctions on a country with SUPPOSED ACTS.... WHERE IS THE PROOF??

pakistani and blangladeshis etc should all look at ur own human rights records.... you should blame ur own screwed up mentality since that is the cause for all this kind of crap
Bad mouth America and Americans every single day and complain when they do not come to your aid. This forum makes me laugh.

When they try to come to your aid as in Syria, that will be dubbed "American neo-con imperialist zionist policies to invade a Muslim country".

Where they are in majority they do not want America interfering in their killings, but where they are in minority and are at the short end of the stick they want America to come to their aid.

Only when all of their own cities are nuked would they cease their madness.

Mate come down to reality - how many nukes Islamic countries have and how many nukes non-Islamic countries have ? Ever thought about it ?

. Once the USA is 'taken care of', the entire kafir world would be sent a 'chilling message'.

Again - about 50,000 nukes,ICBMs,SLBMs in non-Islamic kafir world vs about just 100 odd nukes in Islamic world.

It's not even a contest.
All these are Western institutions you are talking about? There is nothing surprising about Western hypocrisy, idiocy, shameless murderous criminality. Western history and western current actions only show that hypocrisy, murder, unspeakable acts against defenseless people is the norm for the West. Only when all of their own cities are nuked would they cease their madness.

That is why the world needs to denuclearize the West and 'gas' them till their murderous tendencies are brought to a 'screeching' halt. United Nations has been a worthless organization. One fine example of that is the lack of action against USA, UK and their partners in crime for their immoral, mindless, murderous, criminal, atrocious invasion of Iraq.

It is a quandary as to why China, Russia and similar nations have not ditched the so called 'United Nations' and sent it to the dustbins of history in much the same way as the "League of Nations" were. Muslims should have (but are way too fragmented, and in many cases, way too ignorant to) deployed many millions of 'volunteers' to contain the 'drug trade' in Mexico and USA, and used this as a facade to carve out a niche in certain regions of the USA to inflict massive 'pain' on those criminal terrorists and turn the tables on them. One important factor that must not be ignored is that Muslims must ditch all links with US dollar, whether it be in the form of foreign exchange reserves held in US $ or be it in the form of Gulf Arab countries pricing and selling their valuable hydrocarbons in exchange for paper bills printed by American criminals. At the same time, important chokepoints like the Suez Canal, Straits of Hormuz, Straits of Malacca, Straits of Gibraltar should be provided enough 'attention' (including, in the form of deployment of attack submarines, frigates and destroyers loaded with Anti ship missiles and air defense systems) by the same Muslims to attain their goals.

It is the fault of the Muslims alone that Muslims have no unity to speak of in military, political, social or economic terms. Once the USA is 'taken care of', the entire kafir world would be sent a 'chilling message'.

Another one of the now very common 'nuke kaffirs' post on defence.pk . I would like Developoreo to comment on posts like these which he and his like conveniently ignore .
Question No 1 - Where is the OIC (Organization Of Islamic Cooperation)?
Answer - Poodle faking, as always.

Question No 2 - Where is the so called 'Muslim Ummah'?
Answer - they're busy fighting their own internal conflicts.

Question No 3 - Where is the link to the OPs outrageous claim that 20,000 Muslims have been killed?
Answer - There's none because it's a bundle of lies! Not more than 80 have been killed so far. Check it out here

Question No 4 - Why do some posters here love to exaggerate Muslim killings in other countries?
Answer - It's a persecution complex of some who love to continue living in self sympathy.

Agreed. Reminds me of the pakistani terrorist in mumbai who called media and claimed 30,000 muslims were killed in Gujarat riots (actual no less than 700), then he dissed the hindu kaffirs of india, then he cried a river for India's muslims, then he went our and shot up abt 50 Indian Muslims dead.

Orionhunter, their behaviour is indeed a stereotype. I think the example I gave covers almost all the points you raised too.

So BD won't take any refugees, Pakistan will not take back stranded pakistanis in BD living in camps, OIC will not be bothered, tens of thousands are dying in syria, pakistan, afghanistan etc at the hands of muslims, and these gentlemen are busy making up unsubstantiated terrorist propaganda and threatening to nuke the kaffirs!!!
Agreed. Reminds me of the pakistani terrorist in mumbai who called media and claimed 30,000 muslims were killed in Gujarat riots (actual no less than 700), then he dissed the hindu kaffirs of india, then he cried a river for India's muslims, then he went our and shot up abt 50 Indian Muslims dead.

Orionhunter, their behaviour is indeed a stereotype. I think the example I gave covers almost all the points you raised too.

So BD won't take any refugees, Pakistan will not take back stranded pakistanis in BD living in camps, OIC will not be bothered, tens of thousands are dying in syria, pakistan, afghanistan etc at the hands of muslims, and these gentlemen are busy making up unsubstantiated terrorist propaganda and threatening to nuke the kaffirs!!!

Calm down.. lets not drag this into a flame fight
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Why Muslim death is always exaggerated???
The death in Gujrat was 900+ and ppl exaggerated it to 5000
The BD rape/murder was exaggerated to 3 million
Now this figure is 10,000...

Can some one tell me why Muslim does it?? Can't they follow the real data???

PS: I am not against Islam, and I am not justifying death of Muslim.For me even one life is important. I am just saying that ppl should not exaggerate the numbers, No false propaganda. I will tell you one story of Muzaffarpur Bihar

I was in middle school, Ayodhya issue was in air, one day some one spread rumor that Hindu captured 10 Muslims and killed them. Riot started and many ppl affected, Later it was found that it was mere rumor...

So please stop spreading mis-information.
Okay, here are some of the reasons why the Government of Bangladesh refused entry to them:

The Myanmar government has conveyed its anxiety to the Bangladesh mission there that the Jamaat-e-Islami had been helping the Rohingya groups in Bangladesh with arms to incite sectarian clashes in Myanmar.

Foreign Minister Dipu Moni said this in a statement in parliament yesterday.

“For the sake of its national security, Bangladesh will not allow any more Rohingya in,” she said.

Referring to appeals from different human rights bodies and non-government organisations to allow the Rohingyas to enter Bangladesh, Dipu Moni said Dhaka was not a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol.

“Therefore, under no convention or protocol are we obliged to shelter the Rohingyas.

“Although we are not bound by any international laws, considering our experience of the 1971 [Liberation War], we have been sheltering the Rohingyas on humanitarian grounds," she told the House.

Okay now, technically Rohingyas are not refugees according to the definitions of international covenant on the matter. In order to qualify as a refugee, one must face state persecution. And since there is no evidence of state persecution now, they do not qualify as refugees and cannot seek sanctuary in another country.

But however, humane behavior is not dictated by international standards alone. Even though Bangladesh (including India back in 71) is not a member of the 1951 Refugee Convention or its 1967 protocol, Bangladesh should be obliged by customary international law and maintain certain principles in the case of people fleeing for their lives.

Now funnily, as far as "protocols" are concerned - may I ask Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni as to under what "protocol" was a Bangladesh citizen handed over to the FBI?
The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 674

There was no "protocol" dictating as such.

We know of no official agreement between India and Bangladesh when the latter handed over several ULFA agents to the former last year.

It is premature to say that just because there are no agreements, there is an absence of compassion. Sure, our border agency and coast guard gave them food and fuel to the rejected Rohingyas. But how is that anything close to security? Their lies are at risk.

How can Bangladesh's Foreign Minister take such a course of action? It is not even logical.

It is Bangladesh that should mobilize diplomatic forces directly at Myanmar, for which there aren't any signs of yet. However, the Foreign Minister on her part by refusing the Rohingyas have given the wrong signal to the Burmese.

Ultimately, it would leave them at the mercy of the majority and choosing between the demons and the deep sea.

As far as resources to take care of the refugees go, yes it is an issue. But the UNHCR did offer a $33 million aid package last year. The same government rejected it:
Recently, Bangladeshi authorities rejected a $33 million aid package from the United Nations intended for Cox’s Bazar, one of the most impoverished districts in the country, and where the majority of Rohingya refugees live. The UN program was designed to help reverse the annual three precent economic decline, a decline that Minister Razzaque blames on the Rohingya refugees. Other Bangladesh authorities say that the aid package was rejected because it might encourage other Rohingya currently living in Burma to flee to Bangladesh. This is appalling.

So where does this leave us?

According to many here, they are simply trolling at Jamaat-i-Islami. And I believe it makes sense in light of all the reasoning.
Jamaat strongly protests Dipu Moni?s statement in parliament regarding ?Jamaat link? to Rohingya

The UN, HRW, and the US have urged Bangladesh to take them in.
AFP: US urges Bangladesh not to send back Myanmar refugees

But this government seems to be more concerned about politics to "ban" a particular party other than working to address the issue.

The OIC is just 'concerned'. And that's all they can do.

I know, many folks here bad mouth Jamaat because it is more "Muslimish" and cheer-lead Awami League because it is more "secular", and that would be a bitter pill for them to swallow in case the latter collapse like a house of cards.

I mean Christ, the shame!! SHAME!!! :rofl:
Actually Indians like me are fascinated the shameless hypocracy shown by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis here. Bcs they were the same one who cheered on SL Buddhists to kill mostly Hindu/Christian Tamils. A lot of Pakistanis here were very proud that their country supplied the heavy arms and ammunition that Srilankans used to carry out the attrocites on Tamil population..but now when the tables have turned and Muslims are at the receiving end of another set of Buddhists in Burma, its very bad and want every damn organization in the world to intervene.
Why Indians betray with Tamil peoples & also fight against them when Srilankan Army were killing Tamils ? Is not it an Indian Hypocrisy ? Had any Bangladeshi or Pakistani joined with Srilankans to kill Tamils .
How anti terrorism campaign justify shelling of civilian areas?

What Pakistani or Bangladeshi was defending the killing of Tamil civilians? Proof please.

Anyways I remember many Pakistani/Bangladeshi posters here calling on SL to deport all Tamils to India and Tamils have lived in SL for a longer period that Rohingayas in Burma.

If so, they were wrong. Is that your guys' justification for defending the Burmese atrocities?

LTTE sprang out of the same problems that Rohingyas are facing in Burma..India only acted as the catalyst.

Precisely. When civilian atrocities are ignored, the terrorists take over the cause.

All the more reason to hold the Burmese authorities responsible so the situation doesn't escalate.

Why wouldn't it be for the dishonest Pakistani elite :lol:

What's dishonest about pointing out the predictable anti-Muslim stance of so many Indian posters on this forum?

Er.....did even single Indian poster support Burmanese military action?


There are several threads on this topic. Feel free to browse where Indians dismiss the Rohingya as criminals/terrorists/liars who deserve what's happening to them.

The obvious crocodile tears and projecting India as an enemy of Muslims :laugh:

I didn't make any statement about India as a country. I highlighted the predictable anti-Muslim stance of various Indian posters on this forum.

Seriously! people need to stop exxagerating numbers, as trivializes the issue.

its like cry wolf story, when really such a large massacre occurs, no one will believe you.

That part I agree with.

20,000 seems too high and 80 seems too low. Independent reports are needed.

To the Burmese the Rohingyas are terrorists and its their internal matter just like the Tamils were terrorists to the Lankans and it was their "internal" matter.

No. "Tamils" in Sri Lanka were not terrorists; the LTTE was a terrorist organization.

The label "terrorist" is applied by all repressive governments to justify their actions. Until there is evidence to justify such a label, the government's actions are criminal.

Especially against the civilian community as a whole as the Burmese are doing.

But then hypocrisy is your middle name and hence no surprise.

You guys are dreaming up "hypocrisy" where there is none. We have always condemned wholesale punishment of civilians.

It's only you who is defending this behavior by labeling all Rohingyas as "terrorists".

Moreover courtesy the Burmese, we realize once again, how meaningless, hollow the word "Ummah" is.

Spare us the "ummah" speeches.

Are you saying your compassion for someone is conditional upon how the "ummah" behaves? Are you incapable of making your own decisions?

Cut the shi* out . I don't see any Indian member here giving an anti-muslim opinion

Browse the threads. It's over and over. Dismissing it all as terrorism, victimhood, etc.

The only question Indians are asking is this , why are no muslim countries particularly Bangladesh the immediate neighbor intervening ?

Because legitimate intervention requires international authorization as a prerequisite, after facts are independently established. That is the question: why is the international community so silent on this issue, especially when Suu Kyi has been in the spotlight just now?

Why request international intervention when the same members on this forum oppose it vehemently elsewhere ? If anyone intervenes we will here constant cribbing about it later which will continue for years ?

Talk of intervention is premature. What is needed is a stop to the killing and an independent investigation.

That is far more than what Pakistanis were doing when Sri Lankan army was butchering Tamil civilians( Hindus and Christians) along with LTTE in Lanka in tens of thousands of numbers .We all remember how Pakistanis were cheering for the Lankans with no regard for a common hindu's life , in fact they were showing pride in the fact that Pakistan had sold the Lankans heavy weapons which were being used to carry out the massacre . A little introspection would go long way before pointing fingers .

To quote you guys, "stop the false victimhood". See how is feels?

No need to act so naïve think tank . We know you are not dumb . You know as well as any one else that in the garb of finishing LTTE (which we supported SL for) Sri Lanka ended up killing thousand of innocent civilans as well and many times on purpose , not due to collateral damage . These facts have been well documented and reported. Now that your hypocrisy has been exposed , no need to act dumb . I have been here long enough to know you are not.

This thread is not about Sri Lanka. No reasonable person would defend the killing of civilians under the guise of fighting terror.

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