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Rochdale grooming: Victim's story and Race connection.

100% agreed.

But what I'm saying is we need to realise that there is REALLY SMALL fraction within our community. And when I say 'we' or 'our community' I mean Asian community not just Pakistani community. I don't mean stereotype anyone.

But we need to realise this is a problem within the community. I know it's just small group of people who are doing this who happens to be of Pakistani heritage but the whole but the whole Asian community is being blamed.

Below please find from Glasgow an area which has relativity few British Pakistani or Asians

Press Releases

22nd December 2011


Glasgow Feminist Network and the Scottish branch of UK Feminista condemned a double sexual assault which occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning in Glasgow City Centre. The two attacks occurred within half an hour on James Watt Street . Police are looking for one suspect who appears to have spent some time in the area, apparently looking for victims[1].

These attacks are the most recent in a rising trend of sexual violence in Glasgow. Clara Smeaton, of Scottish Feminista, says: “In the period 2010-2011 over 900 sex-related incidents were reported in Glasgow[2]. The conviction rate in Scotland for reported rapes, at under 3%, is half the UK national average[3]. More must be done to prevent these crimes, and more perpetrators of sex crimes must be prosecuted and convicted.”

The city centre attacks follow a spate of four violent rapes in central Glasgow early last year[4]. Jane Stephen of Glasgow Feminist Network said that “Glasgow City Centre has become a no go area for women at night. Women shouldn’t have to live in fear. There are epidemic levels of sexual violence and new prevention strategies are needed. These attacks also come at a time of funding cutbacks. The Women’s Support Project in Glasgow, which supports victims of sexual violence, has had 100% of its funding cut from Glasgow city council this year[5]. The council must do more to protect these essential services.”


Press Releases | Glasgow Feminist Network
but cases like these are the oxygen for fascist like the BNP and EDL...and they will keep giving this ethnic colour for decades to come.

Of course they will!

That is one more reason - a minor reason - why we need to stand up and be counted, FIRST, and be seen to oppose these appalling things. Not after people say things to us, or about us, but straight up, loud and clear.
You are attempting to portray all Paklstanis with the same brush - how dim are you?
In the same aspect some nutter low life tryed to bury his daughter whilst she was alive - do you think for one minute i characterize all Indians in the same manner? Go read the posts from ALL people on their.
You are attempting to troll and flame bait. Grow up.
I will repeat these men have behaved in a disgraceful manner and embarrassed themselves, their families and their communities - and of course ruined the girls childhoods. All these offenses are disgusting. Don't think for one minute the Pakistani law abiding citizens in the UK - will forget or forgive them.

And what about your compatriots trying to pass the blame of this crime on the British parents for giving birth to the kids and letting them wander on roads and thus becoming an easy pray.. He is clearly passing the bulk of the blame to the parenting gone wrong in UK.. How shameless can one get to defend the heinous crime by such a weird logic?

and you can say anyone anything about anything happening in India. I am ashamed of people burying their girls alive and will not stand a bit to defend them and yes it is to be blamed on all of Indians because we are unable to get rid of stupid babas and tantriks who make fool of people, we are unable to educate our masses .. So yes, we all collectively have failed in that front.. There is no denying it..

I will be glad if more and more people throw shame on us for such acts and really wish such shames to become a power and force to eradicate ills in our society.. That's really a very small price for much larger good..
And what about your compatriots trying to pass the blame of this crime on the British parents for giving birth to the kids and letting them wander on roads and thus becoming an easy pray.. He is clearly passing the bulk of the blame to the parenting gone wrong in UK.. How shameless can one get to defend the heinous crime by such a weird logic?

and you can say anyone anything about anything happening in India? I am ashamed of people burying their girls alive and will not stand a bit to defend them and yes it is to be blamed on all of Indians because we are unable to get rid of stupid babas and tantriks who make fool of people, we are unable to educate our masses of what is right and what is wrong.. So yes, we all collectively have failed in that front.. There is no denying it..

I will be glad if more and more people throw shame on us for such acts and really wish such shames to become a power and force to eradicating ills in our society..

Famously said!

May I just add that you would be surprised if you knew how strongly some of our Pakistani friends feel about these hateful crimes ascribed to Pakistanis.
Baroness Flather was right in her controversial statement about the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities from South Asia, not only are they at the bottom of the education tables, arising due to having huge families to exploit welfare benefits, but also commit such perversion due to their absolute disregard in British laws. They commit polygamy in their country and register their newer wives to live off their benefits under the current Welfare laws. They should be punished under the strictest form of the Law and deported forthwith. Belatedly, as Angela Merkel has mentioned, multiculturalism has failed even in Britain due to such examples.
Famously said!

May I just add that you would be surprised if you knew how strongly some of our Pakistani friends feel about these hateful crimes ascribed to Pakistanis.

Sir, I would not have commented on the thread, had I not seen the line of defense being formed here.. Post #2 was where a Pakistani in UK was trying to get defensive..
Baroness Flather was right in her controversial statement about the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities from South Asia, not only are they at the bottom of the education tables, arising due to having huge families to exploit welfare benefits, but also commit such perversion due to their absolute disregard in British laws. They commit polygamy in their country and register their newer wives to live off their benefits under the current Welfare laws. They should be punished under the strictest form of the Law and deported forthwith. Belatedly, as Angela Merkel has mentioned, multiculturalism has failed even in Britain due to such examples.

Do you think that was positive or constructive? You do realize that our Pakistani or our Bangladeshi friends can easily point a figure at specific communities which permit honour killings, and enforce marriage as they wish, and a host of oppressive, anti-women measures? Will that retaliation help? Will we not forget about the crime, and start making this another India-Pakistan grudge match?
And what about your compatriots trying to pass the blame of this crime on the British parents for giving birth to the kids and letting them wander on roads and thus becoming an easy pray.. He is clearly passing the bulk of the blame to the parenting gone wrong in UK.. How shameless can one get to defend the heinous crime by such a weird logic?

Wrong again - read his posts again.
He like me lives in the UK - and we jointly condone the hideous act of these men. They deserve to have extra long sentences then when released suffer the wrath of the local communities.
There is a problem with British parenting - and that's a fact. The disfunctional upbringing of some of these girls does not help. They have a tendency of coming from single parent families and are simply pressured to be on the streets rather than at home. Any normal parent would not allow kids on the street in the early hours of the morning. This is not defending the crime - its pointing out facts. As i have said previously and for you il repeat you will not find Indian and Pakistani parents allowing their diamonds to be walking the streets at stupid times.
Sir, I would not have commented on the thread, had I not seen the line of defense being formed here.. Post #2 was where a Pakistani in UK was trying to get defensive..

You made amends, buddy. Your last mail - the bold portion - really made me feel proud.

Thank you very much.
Baroness Flather was right in her controversial statement about the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities from South Asia, not only are they at the bottom of the education tables, arising due to having huge families to exploit welfare benefits, but also commit such perversion due to their absolute disregard in British laws. They commit polygamy in their country and register their newer wives to live off their benefits under the current Welfare laws. They should be punished under the strictest form of the Law and deported forthwith. Belatedly, as Angela Merkel has mentioned, multiculturalism has failed even in Britain due to such examples.

Many of us on here have tried to call a criminal a criminal here. Not Indian or Pakistani. But you just cant help trying to get a dig in here can you. Keep going and I will hold the mirror up to you.
Do you think that was positive or constructive? You do realize that our Pakistani or our Bangladeshi friends can easily point a figure at specific communities which permit honour killings, and enforce marriage as they wish, and a host of oppressive, anti-women measures? Will that retaliation help? Will we not forget about the crime, and start making this another India-Pakistan grudge match?
I call the shots as i see it on the ground and the events that have occurred. If Pakistanis want to have a mud-slinging match instead of introspection, it shows their maturity in dealing with such topics. Do you disagree with any of the statements mentioned by Baroness Flather ?
@post 38 -

Listen man, I have read his post clear enough so don't even try to explain it to me.

For me, the people involved were criminal and they very well knew they were luring a kid.. If you are sensible, you can not blame a 13 yr old kid for getting deceived.. Shameless are people who try to seek a defense in British parenting..

TBh, your own parenting is in question if as a middle aged man you don't see 13 year old as a kid.. No matter how the kid was brought up, if you are brought up correctly then you will not see a kid as sex object.. I hope this is clear to you now and please stop giving any more justifications to me. You all sound like a broken record, trying to say the same thing in different words..
Baroness Flather was right in her controversial statement about the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities from South Asia, not only are they at the bottom of the education tables, arising due to having huge families to exploit welfare benefits, but also commit such perversion due to their absolute disregard in British laws. They commit polygamy in their country and register their newer wives to live off their benefits under the current Welfare laws. They should be punished under the strictest form of the Law and deported forthwith. Belatedly, as Angela Merkel has mentioned, multiculturalism has failed even in Britain due to such examples.

So Indians behave better than Bangladeshi and Pakistani? There are good and bad in all society. Get a grip. These acts are deplorable whoever commits them - but don't tarnish the 1 million Pakistanis that on the whole are law abiding citizens with the action of these morons. Don't make this a "we are superior" thread.
I call the shots as i see it on the ground and the events that have occurred. If Pakistanis want to have a mud-slinging match instead of introspection, it shows their maturity in dealing with such topics. Do you disagree with any of the statements mentioned by Baroness Flather ?

do you disagree with the statistics from your own govt about India:

Discrimination against Women

According to the 2001 census, female literacy in India is 54.16 % against male literacy of 75.85 %. Most of the working women remain outside the organized sector: A mere 2.3 % women are administrators and managers, and 20.5 % professional and technical workers.

There are an estimated 40 million Hindu widows in India, the least fortunate of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married. It’s believed that 15,000 widows live on the streets of Vrindavan, a Hindu holy city of about 55,000 population in northern India. Many widows – at least 40per cent are said to be under 50 – are dumped by their relatives in religious towns and left to live off charity or beg on the streets. Their plight was highlighted in Deepa Mehta’s award-winning film Water, which had to be shot mainly outside India because of Hindu extremist opposition to the production.

Nearly 9 out of 10 pregnant women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from malnutrition and about half of all children (47%) under-five suffer from underweight and 21 % of the populations are undernourished. India alone has more undernourished people (204 million) than all of sub-Saharan Africa combined. Nearly 20 % of women dying in childbirth around the globe are Indians. Six out of every 10 births take place at home and untrained people attend more than half of them. 44 % of the Indian girls were married before they reached the age of 18. It added, 16 % of girls in the age group 15-19 years were already mothers or expecting their first child and that pregnancy is the leading cause of mortality in this age group.

On an average one Indian woman commits suicide every four hours over a dowry dispute. During Indian marriage, women should bring jewellery, cash and even consumer durables as part of dowry to the in-laws. If they fail, the victims are burnt to death – they are doused in kerosene and set fire to. Routinely the in-laws claim that the death happened simply due to an accident.

Rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Every hour Indian women face two rapes, two kidnappings, four molestations and seven incidents of cruelty from husbands and relatives [National Crime Records Bureau Report 2006]

Fetus Killing

Women to men ratio were feared to reach 20:80 by the year 2020 as female fetus killing is rampant. Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, told Indian Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhury to Reuters. According to the 2001 census, the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys, while in the worst-affected northern state of Punjab, it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys. The availability of ultrasound sex-determination tests leads to such mass killings in India.

Around 11 million abortions are carried out in India every year and nearly 80,000 women die during the process, says a report from Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)

I call the shots as i see it on the ground and the events that have occurred. If Pakistanis want to have a mud-slinging match instead of introspection, it shows their maturity in dealing with such topics. Do you disagree with any of the statements mentioned by Baroness Flather ?

Should we be surprised that Baroness Flather is so out of touch?

11:27am Thursday 15th September 2011 in United Kingdom news By Asian Image reporter
Should we be surprised that Baroness Flather is so out of touch? Should we be surprised that Baroness Flather is so out of touch?

Let us be totally clear about this. These comments have would not have looked out of place in a Nazi propaganda news broadcast.

Just because Baroness Flather has Ethnic heritage does that make it alright?

If there ever was a reason for reforming the house of Lord then this was it.

Whilst Tory peer Baroness Flather may think that she is speaking out against political correctness – she has simply proved how out of touch she actually is.

The Baroness has been widely quoted as saying, “The minority communities in this country, particularly the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis, have a very large number of children and the attraction is the large number of benefits that follow the child.

“Nobody likes to accept that, nobody likes to talk about it because it is supposed to be very politically incorrect.”

She further employed the age old tactic of divide and rule to compare Pakistani and Bangladeshi families unjustly with Indians and Jews.

“Indians have fallen into the pattern here. They do not have large families because they are like the Jews of old. They want their children to be educated. “This is the other problem – there is no emphasis on education in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi families.”

Similar claims were against the Jewish people 70 years ago.

The worrying thing is it comes from a person who is a minority herself. And even more worrying she uses a comparison with the Jews as defense for her comments.

If anyone would to ascertain such preposterous claims they would be rightly lambasted. But the Baroness has managed to get her claims a level of credibility due her ethnic race.

All decent minded folk, feel her comments are totally unfounded and are clearly designed to demonize and marginalize an already beleaguered community.

Over the last decade, attacks on communities like the Pakistani and Bangladeshi community have become common practice amongst the more privileged members of our society.

The Baroness’s comments echo the thoughts of the ruling classes who were part of the Indian elite. These people were very much part of the establishment that enslaved India.

But rather than look at why she said this let us explore if the Baroness actually did her homework before making such claims.

Even a basic analysis of the facts, rejects her misguided and offensive assertion. Using the most recent research compiled by the Runnymede Trust, although the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities have a higher birth rate than the rest, they have dramatically fallen in the last ten years.

The average for both communities is below 3 and is close to the perceived family average of 2.4 Her central point was that families in these two communities deliberately have larger families in order to obtain more Welfare Benefits; Yet nowhere in her arguments is there any recognition of the dramatic fall in birth rates in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities which have declined by nearly 50% in the period from 1981 to 2006.

Baroness Flather also states disapprovingly that families in these two communities do not encourage their children into education, yet according to the Report 'An Anatomy of Economic Inequality in the UK' by the National Equality Panel, 18% of Pakistanis and 14% of Bangladeshis have undertaken higher education. Is this figure high enough? Maybe not, but the issue is not about targeting individual ethnic groups, but trying to establish why and what can be done to raise rates.

Nowhere in Baroness Flathers argument is there any recognition of the impact of unemployment and low household income on the ability of a person or members of a specific community to access continued and higher education, particularly in the current period when unemployment is rising alarmingly, household income is dropping at an astonishing rate and the cost of education itself is skyrocketing.

Looking at unemployment figures in general, according to the Office For National Statistics, unemployment rates amongst ethnic minority men are around 13% as compared to white male unemployment at 6%; When it comes to the figures for women it is 24% for ethnic minority women.

According to the Observer in 2009, 75% of all white people of working age in Britain have a job, whilst the corresponding figure for those of working age in Pakistani & Bangladeshi communities is under 50%; And it should be noted, most of these people without a job were actually born and brought up in this country.

It is hardly surprising that access to higher education and home ownership are really difficult issues for members of the Pakistani and Bengladeshi communities, as is the case of course with those people in Britain who are in a similar economic position.

Without jobs, is it any wonder that people finish up on benefits and are trapped in an ever increasing spiral of poverty and little hope.
So Indians behave better than Bangladeshi and Pakistani? There are good and bad in all society. Get a grip. These acts are deplorable whoever commits them - but don't tarnish the 1 million Pakistanis that on the whole are law abiding citizens with the action of these morons. Don't make this a "we are superior" thread.
Indians are definitely much better in terms of education, social status and assimilation than their South Asian counterparts on an average in the UK and the US. How many examples of perversion and child abuse crimes have we seen being committed by Pakistanis ? How many acts of terrorism have we seen being committed by British of Pakistani origin ? Heck, a Pakistani of the stature of a Lord allegedly put up a bounty on Obama's head for which he was promptly expelled. Do these not indicate a pattern here ? The sooner you recognize the rot, the better you will start correcting it.

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