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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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There is a famous quotation of Bishop Desmond Tutu:

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.

Frankly, I have no sympathy for scoundrels (which many of the missionaries are).

Christians should realize how they are being fed lies by the Church. Stop becoming useful idiots for foreign powers.

At the same time I believe in the rule of law, and even scoundrels should be dealt with in a legal manner.

Yea you are right mate these Christians are really evil
Yea you are right mate these Christians are really evil

for once i wont contest you but you are gernalising all..sure some christian's have this nagging keeraa to justify conversion's by any mean's..mostly false & melacious but not all are same??????
Whatever might have been the motivation ,whatever may have been the person's crime, those people should not have taken law in their own hands. Such violence must be condenmed by all.
There is a famous quotation of Bishop Desmond Tutu:

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.

Frankly, I have no sympathy for scoundrels (which many of the missionaries are).

Christians should realize how they are being fed lies by the Church. Stop becoming useful idiots for foreign powers.

At the same time I believe in the rule of law, and even scoundrels should be dealt with in a legal manner.

See Christianity had its share of bad apples perhaps even more than others but does it justify what's happened in India?
Moreover I couldn't comprehend what you meant by "idiots" & "foreign powers" and specially"lies by the Church".
See Christianity had its share of bad apples perhaps even more than others but does it justify what's happened in India?
Moreover I couldn't comprehend what you meant by "idiots" & "foreign powers" and specially"lies by the Church".

It is certainly unjustified brother I am with you on this

for once i wont contest you but you are gernalising all..sure some christian's have this nagging keeraa to justify conversion's by any mean's..mostly false & melacious but not all are same??????

My reading of the situation is that dalits are easy prey to any religion which suggests the equality and brotherhood of man. after all who would choose for themselves and their children to be classed in this manner.

Whatever might have been the motivation ,whatever may have been the person's crime, those people should not have taken law in their own hands. Such violence must be condenmed by all.

Mate something we agree on. If their are criminals or people who break laws they should be dealt with by police etc
See Christianity had its share of bad apples perhaps even more than others but does it justify what's happened in India?
Moreover I couldn't comprehend what you meant by "idiots" & "foreign powers" and specially"lies by the Church".

I have no issue with Christians, or even with the original Christianity (which is not the same as what is propagated by the Churches).

However many Church organizations function as branches of foreign intelligence agencies. I strongly urge you to listen to this lecture by the scholar Iain Buchanan:

Iain Buchanan - The Role of Evangelicals in U.S. Imperialism on Vimeo

As a recent example consider the role of the Church in sabotaging the Indian nuclear energy program with the protests at Kudankulam, which are being funded from abroad. The Indian followers are unfortunately playing the role of useful idiots, serving the goals of foreign powers.
what has this got to with secularism?

Well if India was secular you wouldn't go around beating up Christians would you

and when it comes to religious terrorism muslims better keep their mouth shut

that is rather eloquent for you old boy. Now tell me how does it feel to live in the heart of India the epicenter of Hindu terrorism encouraged by that ideology that has similarities to Zionism and Nazism what is it.... Hindutva
Well if India was secular you wouldn't go around beating up Christians would you

that is rather eloquent for you old boy. Now tell me how does it feel to live in the heart of India the epicenter of Hindu terrorism encouraged by that ideology that has similarities to Zionism and Nazism what is it.... Hindutva

my friend this is not true.. at all (u are assuming everything with biased mind)

hindus are the one of the most peaceful people on this earth...
(in last 1000 years, muslims invaded and killed/raped millions of hindus and sikhs(remember ranjit singh) thousands of times...)

RSS is politically motivated small puppet of BJP... it doesn't have public support unlike muslim extremists in Pakistan (full public support)

RSS ideology is not even 1% of hinduism......(just politically motivated)

also u can't compare RSS with pakistani or any other Muslim extremists... coz RSS Ideology might me threat be a threat but confined to india....where it doesn't have support of people..
RSS motivated people don't explode themselves//carry rocket launcher/behead people different religions....or do 9/11 and 26/11..

where as,

Muslim extremists are threat to whole world....
they very very intolerant people..(remember Salmaan Taseer's..assassination..etc..etc)

also, can u post any thing same below for hindus...



I have no issue with Christians, or even with the original Christianity (which is not the same as what is propagated by the Churches).

However many Church organizations function as branches of foreign intelligence agencies. I strongly urge you to listen to this lecture by the scholar Iain Buchanan:

Iain Buchanan - The Role of Evangelicals in U.S. Imperialism on Vimeo

As a recent example consider the role of the Church in sabotaging the Indian nuclear energy program with the protests at Kudankulam, which are being funded from abroad. The Indian followers are unfortunately playing the role of useful idiots, serving the goals of foreign powers.

There are many things than that meets the eye.There is lot of politics involved and if you look only what you want to see then it would hamper your vision.Russia and US both have a majority of "Christians" and one is trying to corner the other and India is just a pawn in between.Think about this and understand the politics going on.Also remember neither US nor Russia give a damn about Christians or Christianity.

There are many things than that meets the eye.There is lot of politics involved and if you look only what you want to see then it would hamper your vision.Russia and US both have a majority of "Christians" and one is trying to corner the other and India is just a pawn in between.Think about this and understand the politics going on.Also remember neither US nor Russia give a damn about Christians or Christianity.

Yes, but in the Kudankulam case it is the Indians Christians who are making themselves pawns of foreign powers, regardless of Indian interests.

If you really look deeper, you will find that even the Vatican does not give a damn about (genuine) Christianity ... they are interested only in useful idiots. The same also applies to most of the other denominations.
my friend this is not true.. at all (u are assuming everything with biased mind)

hindus are the one of the most peaceful people on this earth...
(in last 1000 years, muslims invaded and killed/raped millions of hindus and sikhs(remember ranjit singh) thousands of times...)

RSS is politically motivated small puppet of BJP... it doesn't have public support unlike muslim extremists in Pakistan (full public support)

RSS ideology is not even 1% of hinduism......(just politically motivated)

also u can't compare RSS with pakistani or any other Muslim extremists... coz RSS Ideology might me threat be a threat but confined to india....where it doesn't have support of people..
RSS motivated people don't explode themselves//carry rocket launcher/behead people different religions....or do 9/11 and 26/11..

where as,

Muslim extremists are threat to whole world....
they very very intolerant people..(remember Salmaan Taseer's..assassination..etc..etc)

also, can u post any thing same below for hindus...




Now since you are a false flag... and would be banned for this post.

I congratulate you on posting the photos which do present something whats happening in countries like Pakistan.
May be the seniors who have been advocating and teaching secularism here to Indians.... say something about Human rights in their respective nations.
My religion is great and every one must follow it else they should die... Don't remember when even a random hooligan in India told about beheading a T.V. star on Pakistani news channels who so long have been.......... about religions in India and else where in the world... other than his own.
Guess that the axe is on right foot or is it still that conspiracy.
While they don't have any thing which can be said about open violation of Human and religious rights of their fellow faith followers in their friendly country..... which provides them with sparkling looking dream planes and tanks... and outshines.
Grow some spine... or I should say backbone.
Mods deleted Solomon ( a Jew's ) post here because he posted a fair, sound and respectful yet religious( islam) leaning post/ question here. They said " we don't allow discussion of religion here " …

34 pages. into this post... I guess they meant 'we don't allow any posting about " Islam" here, even if done respectfully. But have a go at discussing other religions' .

It's post like these that get me banned here, they hate my subtle thought provoking ones ...:drag:
Mods deleted Solomon ( a Jew's ) post here because he posted a fair, sound and respectful yet religious( islam) leaning post/ question here. They said " we don't allow discussion of religion here " …

34 pages. into this post... I guess they meant 'we don't allow any posting about " Islam" here, even if done respectfully. But have a go at discussing other religions' .

It's post like these that get me banned here, they hate my subtle thought provoking ones ...:drag:

This is a political issue. We need to expose these evil people who parade Christian Pastors without clothes.
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