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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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i heard in kerela some muslim fanatic roaming in bike beating people who talk with muslim women.

Never heard about it..but may be an isolated incident just like the one under discussion. As far as Muslim community is concerned , from what I understand they are increasingly adopt Arabic traditions like Burkha & Niqab..but as long as they keep to themselves, I don't see any problem.
Thats impossible, having family in India I have realized that they can never raise their voice for their rights without being called traitors to their land. The minorities are in a delicate position. If they continue raising their voice they will be called anti-indian, if they forsake their rights they will be nothing but an oppressed, brutalized minority attacked by fanatics constantly with no court or humanitarian group willing to give them justice.

My advice to you is not to give up on your rights or you will regret it all your life. I don't say this as a Pakistani, I say this as a fellow human being truly worried by the fate you are suffering in India.

See even now you are abusing your own people to please the majority. Christians must display unity in the face of adversity.
Muslims in India are more united than in any other country, as a collective socity they can demand anything for their community and there are certain sects in INDIA that does not like any one getting anything they always complain if some one demands something,
YOu don't have to worry about our brothers, though they are from a minority community they are our brothers and let us do the bothering for them.
Old news pal. Happened in mid '09 not on Feb 6,2012 as reported and posted here.

All these goons are cooling heels in jail.
Almost all of my Christian contacts say the same and despise them...so don't you think there is a certain level of responsibility among Christian community to reign in these trouble makers.

I guess you are a Hindu. Can you rein in RSS? No, you can't. Similarly, it is not in our hands. We don't enact laws. It is upon the Government to keep such miscreants in check.
Thats impossible, having family in India I have realized that they can never raise their voice for their rights without being called traitors to their land. The minorities are in a delicate position. If they continue raising their voice they will be called anti-indian, if they forsake their rights they will be nothing but an oppressed, brutalized minority attacked by fanatics constantly with no court or humanitarian group willing to give them justice.

My advice to you is not to give up on your rights or you will regret it all your life. I don't say this as a Pakistani, I say this as a fellow human being truly worried by the fate you are suffering in India.

See even now you are abusing your own people to please the majority. Christians must display unity in the face of adversity.

Which world do you live in? :lol::lol:

So in essence, what you are saying is, any religion in this world is good except hindus. Hindus always do the wrong and Mr.Blooboy has to be very cautious with evil hindus. :lol::lol:


Your country must be having bright future with majority of immatured kids like you..with such an hatred all over...
My advice to you is not to give up on your rights or you will regret it all your life. I don't say this as a Pakistani, I say this as a fellow human being truly worried by the fate you are suffering in India.

See even now you are abusing your own people to please the majority. Christians must display unity in the face of adversity.

Thanks for your concern dude. I heard AK Antony, a devout Christian, is suffering at the hands of his Hindu masters (or is it Sikh) to keep neighbours like Pakistan in line.;)

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ----------

I guess you are a Hindu. Can you rein in RSS? No, you can't. Similarly, it is not in our hands. We don't enact laws. It is upon the Government to keep such miscreants in check.

I am not a member of RSS and neither Kerala have such a huge RSS base as we see in North India.
So in essence, what you are saying is, any religion in this world is good except hindus. Hindus always do the wrong and Mr.Blooboy has to be very cautious with evil hindus. :lol::lol:
Mr. Blooboy eats lots of fish and has got good grey matter in his head. He has a very good company of Hindu, Muslims friends who say 'dosti pehle, sab baad mein'. hehehehe :D
I guess you are a Hindu. Can you rein in RSS? No, you can't. Similarly, it is not in our hands. We don't enact laws. It is upon the Government to keep such miscreants in check.

I don't know why you are even listening to this. Why don't you ask them the fundamental questions. Its okay for RSS, Bajrang Dal and VHP to preach whatever they want but its not okay for a pastor to preach? So insecure?

And what justifies attacking Christians who have no relation to the incident. Why don't you ask them why they are justifying that?
Muslims in India are more united than in any other country, as a collective socity they can demand anything for their community and there are certain sects in INDIA that does not like any one getting anything they always complain if some one demands something,
YOu don't have to worry about our brothers, though they are from a minority community they are our brothers and let us do the bothering for them.

I am personally attached to issues of minority rights. I am not letting it slide easily whether in India or in Pakistan.

Which world do you live in? :lol::lol:

So in essence, what you are saying is, any religion in this world is good except hindus. Hindus always do the wrong and Mr.Blooboy has to be very cautious with evil hindus. :lol::lol:


Your country must be having bright future with majority of immatured kids like you..with such an hatred all over...

When did I say Hindus are bad? Don't misqoute me. Hindus are some of the best people I know.

I just claimed this is the way people think. Blooboy is afraid of being called a traitor which is why he will never admit it that every word I said is the truth. That's how peoples mind works. If they raise their voice for their rights they immediately become traitors.
I am personally attached to issues of minority rights. I am not letting it slide easily whether in India or in Pakistan.

You can start by scrapping the blasphemy laws and the discriminatory provisions in Pakistani constitution.

When did I say Hindus are bad? Don't misqoute me. Hindus are some of the best people I know.

I just claimed this is the way people think. Blooboy is afraid of being called a traitor which is why he will never admit it that every word I said is the truth. That's how peoples mind works. If they raise their voice for their rights they immediately become traitors.

Nobody called blooboy a traitor here. Its all in your head dude.
You can start by scrapping the blasphemy laws and the discriminatory provisions in Pakistani constitution.

and stuff like getting 20 extra marks in exams for memorizing Quran ... !!!
I am not afraid of being called a traitor. I openly say what I feel is wrong. This goes to both Hindu extremists and Pentecost Pastors. But I must accept, what happened to that poor Pastor was totally wrong. He wasn't committing any crime. Those goons must be punished.
Thanks for your concern dude. I heard AK Antony, a devout Christian, is suffering at the hands of his Hindu masters (or is it Sikh) to keep neighbours like Pakistan in line.;)

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ----------

I am not a member of RSS and neither Kerala have such a huge RSS base as we see in North India.

Minority affairs minister A R Antulay invokes GOD's name to support his lie! - YouTube

I am more concerned about how the voice of Antulay was silenced by India. Why are minorities not allowed to express their views? He is immediately made into a Pakistani agent for expressing his views.

Christians are suffering the same thing. Look how pastors are killed for professing their faith.
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