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Pastor Beaten And Paraded Naked By Hindu Extremists

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Let me tell you my recent experience as a Christian. I was in the polling booth for the ongoing state elections. I had two options with me. On one side there was Congress which is immersed in corruption and on the other side was BJP which is like a hidden time-bomb for us. As I wasted my time pondering, Booth Officer signalled me to do it quick. In the end, I opted for an independent candidate who was educated with clean track record. I am not sure he will win though.
Who are you to tell me that? This is my Country and I will decide where I live.

Chill dude. From your location, I assume you are a Keralite.Tell me when was a Keralite Christian abused for his beliefs. On the contrary thanks to the large number of educational institutions the Christian Missionaries operate they hold vast power to even bring down Govts.
Then you should move to Kerala and become part of the most powerful groups in the land even to the extent of CM.

Really, hopeless post really.

I am surprised by the discrimination people like blooboy must be suffering within India. He is telling you to move from your land because you are raising your voice for Christians rights.

It's an example of the Orissa riots when Christians were forcefully evicted from their land and forced to live in the jungles of Chattisgarh in refugee camps where there was no water, no food. Very sad. The mentality of some of our Indian friends is very sad. How can they claim to be a secular country?

Seeing the bias prevalent it makes me proud that we Pakistanis had enough good sense to understand we would never be treated fairly by the Indians. Perhaps in the future Christians might develop such views about India?
I have personally witnessed their lies man, you can call me what ever you want.
As far as Jesus returning to earth, I have no problem with that, but saying that one who belives in other religion will be left to rote in hell is some thing that i am concerned about.
You yourself have accepted that preacers do bring bad name to beloved Christianity.

A wrong preacher does not mean that the teachings are Christ are false. A few Aasaram Bapus does not mean that all Hindu saints are corrupt.


---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ----------

Chill dude. From your location, I assume you are a Keralite.Tell me when was a Keralite Christian abused for his beliefs. On the contrary thanks to the large number of educational institutions the Christian Missionaries operate they hold vast power to even bring down Govts.

I dont live in Kerala. It is UP. The potboiler of Indian politics.

Unbelievable - i saw this the other day - its terrible how minorities are treated. Then our Indian members turn a blind eye to it - yet when sad incidents occur in Pakistan they cant post enough! Accept - there is good and bad everywhere - lets eradicate it everywhere!!!!

********.com - Hindu Terrorists Attack Christian Pastor

Mate, you are no state to talk about minorities my brother and yes good and bad is everywhere but what makes India different is the structure of the country. There is so much difference between Islamic republic and Secular democracy. By constitution already minorities are second-class citizens in Islamic republic but in India there's still hope to get justice.

Let's talk about Hindu minority in Pakistan shall we? Wait all their girls are being kidnapped and becoming Muslims now? and let's compare it to Muslims in India? Christianity is different case, Vatican city is trying to change our demographics in NE India.
Really, hopeless post really.

I am surprised by the discrimination people like blooboy must be suffering within India. He is telling you to move from your land because you are raising your voice for Christians rights.

It's an example of the Orissa riots when Christians were forcefully evicted from their land and forced to live in the jungles of Chattisgarh in refugee camps where there was no water, no food. Very sad. The mentality of some of our Indian friends is very sad. How can they claim to be a secular country?

Seeing the bias prevalent it makes me proud that we Pakistanis had enough good sense to understand we would never be treated fairly by the Indians. Perhaps in the future Christians might develop such views about India?

We have issues with some extremist nutheads but we will never ever think of seceding from our Motherland.
A wrong preacher does not mean that the teachings are Christ are false. A few Aasaram Bapus does not mean that all Hindu saints are corrupt.
Brother I am not against any religion, I studies in 7th day Adventist, and I know real Christians do not tell lies about Christ, if they don't know atleast refer to the right source about Christ. All I am saying is some of the Half Baked Pastors are doing more damage to the religious unison that we enjoy in our nation.
Let me tell you my recent experience as a Christian. I was in the polling booth for the ongoing state elections. I had two options with me. On one side there was Congress which is immersed in corruption and on the other side was BJP which is like a hidden time-bomb for us. As I wasted my time pondering, Booth Officer signalled me to do it quick. In the end, I opted for an independent candidate who was educated with clean track record. I am not sure he will win though.

from where i see, you did the right thing.. If every one focussed on doing the right thing instead of party cr@p, we would be in a much better place
I have personally witnessed their lies man, you can call me what ever you want.
As far as Jesus returning to earth, I have no problem with that, but saying that one who belives in other religion will be left to rote in hell is some thing that i am concerned about.
You yourself have accepted that preacers do bring bad name to beloved Christianity.

I am very disappointed in you. I thought you thought differently from the others.

Chill dude. From your location, I assume you are a Keralite.Tell me when was a Keralite Christian abused for his beliefs. On the contrary thanks to the large number of educational institutions the Christian Missionaries operate they hold vast power to even bring down Govts.

A Non-Christian is telling a Christian that he has a great amount of rights in India. So you coerce others to agree with you, to say they are not maltreated in India and there is no bias. Very sad. Very sad indeed.

It brings me back to the original question. I believe it is the only fit question for such 'secular' people:
a) Should the pastor be tried and convicted.
b) Should the pastor be hanged unto death.
c) Should the pastor be evicted and sent to Kerali tied to a tree.
d) Should the pastor be burnt alive by RSS mobs.

I even added more options for you.

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

We have issues with some extremist nutheads but we will never ever think of seceding from our Motherland.

Of course not. I was just merely suggesting that if bias and discrimination continued they might develop such views. I mean even us Pakistanis went down that path when we got sick of the bias.
From your extensive knowedge, can you name some of them members of High caste Indian establishment?

Exaggerated narratives are dime -a-dozen!!
for eg " from my travels to Pakistan, I discovered that Pakistani military establishment that rules Pakistan are hateful Jihadis and have close relations to world renowned terrorist organisations and have extreme hatred towards Ahmedis and Hindus.

Go ahead and prove that wrong!!

I guess the poor Dalits are not allowed anywhere near something like a PC....sure as hell they would be keen to rain on your parade. !!
A Non-Christian is telling a Christian that he has a great amount of rights in India. So you coerce others to agree with you, to say they are not maltreated in India and there is no bias. Very sad. Very sad indeed.

You have no idea of how Kerala or even for that matter India functions.

---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

Of course not. I was just merely suggesting that if bias and discrimination continued they might develop such views. I mean even us Pakistanis went down that path when we got sick of the bias.

And within 30 years you broke into two.
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