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World's first atomic bomb built by Chinese-American


Jun 28, 2010
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Chien-Shiung Wu | The Most Inspiring Asian Americans of All Time | Asian American Personalities | GOLDSEA

Madam Wu (Chien-Shiung Wu) is arguably the most admired female scientist in U.S. history and one of the most talented experimental physicists of all time. Her procedure for using gaseous diffusion to separate U235 from U238 was key to the Manhattan Project's success in building the world's first atomic bomb. Her most acclaimed work was devising an elegant experiment to prove out the Nobel-winning theory of CN Yang and TD Lee that parity is not conserved in weak nuclear reactions. For that and other pioneering work the Shanghai native became a celebrity of the scientific community.

where would US military be without Chinese-American scientists ?
She gave the white man the power to rule the world.
A lot of chinese scients contributed back to China for rocket and nuclear tech
China even built the first gun powder and bombs. With out Chinese, where would the whole world stand, that is the quesion!
E=mc2 proposed by german scientist,Einstien and practically used by US on German ally Japan. Whats there in that...
The article is not correct.

The first nuclear weapon ever built was a Plutonium device. This woman (obviously talented) had exactly zero to do with that. She focused on the Uranium isotope separation, not the synthesis of Plutonium. In 1945, after years of effort, there was enough uranium for only 1 bomb. There was enough plutonium in the pipeline for 2, with more to come in Spetember and October.
where would US military be without Chinese-American scientists ?
She gave the white man the power to rule the world.

Was a team effort through the Manhattan project, though the contribution of Chinese Americans to US military research is substantial and on-going.
China even built the first gun powder and bombs. With out Chinese, where would the whole world stand, that is the quesion!

Still killing each other through muscle power I suspect... The means are more efficient today but the intent has always been there.
The article is not correct.

The first nuclear weapon ever built was a Plutonium device. This woman (obviously talented) had exactly zero to do with that. She focused on the Uranium isotope separation, not the synthesis of Plutonium. In 1945, after years of effort, there was enough uranium for only 1 bomb. There was enough plutonium in the pipeline for 2, with more to come in Spetember and October.

The Plutonium was still produced from a Uranium reactor. The problem they had was in enriching the Uranium to weapons grade, but you still needed to separate U-235 and U-238 to power the reactor that bred Plutonium.
Don't forget the contribution of Nazi scientist and decorated Nazi war hero Wernher von Braun... you know the rest
I ain't a hater. If she actually did invented the bomb then good for her.

But I smell irony because when there were news that Carlos Sim is the RICHEST MAN on the earth, Chinese were saying 'what's the point in banana democracy. That's not something Mexicans should be proud be of.' and when this Asian American woman invented (hypothetically) the ATOM BOMB (THE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION) they take pride in that?
I ain't a hater. If she actually did invented the bomb then good for her.

But I smell irony because when there were news that Carlos Sim is the RICHEST MAN on the earth, Chinese were saying 'what's the point in banana democracy. That's not something Mexicans should be proud be of.' and when this Asian American woman invented the ATOM BOMB (THE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION) they take pride in that?

This thread was not started by a Chinese.
I ain't a hater. If she actually did invented the bomb then good for her.

But I smell irony because when there were news that Carlos Sim is the RICHEST MAN on the earth, Chinese were saying 'what's the point in banana democracy. That's not something Mexicans should be proud be of.' and when this Asian American woman invented (hypothetically) the ATOM BOMB (THE WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION) they take pride in that?

WTF are you going on about?

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