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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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Perhaps one day, the simple minded Chinese citizens will see through their ridiculous regime's workings.

Don't expect too much from us. As you said, we Chinese are "simple-minded". :lol:

It must be embarrassing for you guys, to be beaten so comprehensively in every single economic indicator, by a bunch of "simple-minded" Chinese.
Easily solvable. :azn:

Haven't you seen the news? The CPC is considering what to do with the one-child policy, and perhaps will change it into a two-child policy. Or just scrap it completely.

Remember that demographic changes take decades to come into effect. We have all the time in the world, and all the necessary tools to preempt it. All it requires is one policy change.

Let's see if it comes about. Any effect of reversal of this policy will only show up after a few decades as you realized.
Don't expect too much from us. As you said, we Chinese are "simple-minded". :lol:

It must suck, to be beaten so comprehensively in every economic indicator, by a bunch of "simple-minded" Chinese.

As a more evolved society - India takes a much larger view and looks at the macro rather than micro picture. In the civilized world freedom and social progress must go hand in hand with economic progress. We understand China lags behind in every freedom indicator. But that is to be expected.
Let's see if it comes about. Any effect of reversal of this policy will only show up after a few decades as you realized.

Of course.

Still, the problem of an aging population (as projected several decades into the future), was always predicted as a result of the one-child policy.

So if the one-child policy is no longer there, then those future projections don't work anymore.
Don't expect too much from us. As you said, we Chinese are "simple-minded". :lol:

It must be embarrassing for you guys, to be beaten so comprehensively in every single economic indicator, by a bunch of "simple-minded" Chinese.

A bit of an hyperbole. ;)

Just check the CCP manual on the desk again, we are doing better on some of them already. Not that China is our benchmark anyways. :tongue:
Naah chinese have IQ of 101 while indians have IQ of 95 or so :china:
Don't expect too much from us. As you said, we Chinese are "simple-minded". :lol:

It must be embarrassing for you guys, to be beaten so comprehensively in every single economic indicator, by a bunch of "simple-minded" Chinese.
Of course.

Still, the problem of an aging population (as projected several decades into the future), was always predicted as a result of the one-child policy.

So if the one-child policy is no longer there, then those future projections don't work anymore.

OK, let's keep up the pretense and let me go along and play anti China.

There will be a period when the skewed age ratio will hit China before any effects of reversal of policy comes about.

Till then, you will have the inverted pyramid with one young family having 4 old age dependendents. That is bound to hit your growth shortly, probably as soon as within this decade.

Nothing you do can prevent that from happening.
A bit of an hyperbole. ;)

Just check the CCP manual on the desk again, we are doing better on some of them already. Not that China is our benchmark anyways. :tongue:

Yes - the opaqueness of the Chinese system in legendary. For a long time they were showing investment from Hong Kong to mainland China as "Foreign Direct Investment". Whether this is a result of their population being simple-minded and gullible or their regime being untruthful or a combination of both is anyone's guess.
Naah chinese have IQ of 101 while indians have IQ of 95 or so :china:

If you want to talk about numbers, China's IQ is actually 105.

Though I have always said, that IQ tests are only good for measuring how good someone is at taking IQ tests.

They are pointless for almost everything else.
If you want to talk about numbers, China's IQ is actually 105.

Though I have always said, that IQ tests are only good for measuring how good someone is at taking IQ tests.

They are pointless for almost everything else.
Attack on Pak will be attack on China

This also implies that..

Any attack by Pakistan(26/11 type) will be an attack by China

Isn't it? Who are we kidding?
OK, let's keep up the pretense and let me go along and play anti China.

There will be a period when the skewed age ratio will hit China before any effects of reversal of policy comes about.

Till then, you will have the inverted pyramid with one young family having 4 old age dependendents. That is bound to hit your growth shortly, probably as soon as within this decade.

Nothing you do can prevent that from happening.

I think you're right. :tup:

Still... Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea etc. have some of the lowest birth rates in the world.

But are still growing very fast (some at near double-digits), even though they are already considered to be advanced economies.

Singapore for example grew at 17% during the first half of 2010, yet has the 3rd LOWEST birth rate in the entire world.

That said, I don't think anyone would disagree that a low birth rate in itself, is not a good thing.
Matey, you were the one threatening another 62, weren't you?

Just a friendly reminder. Read the post again, there was no such "threat".

You really think there are any issues between us that warrant war?

What do you think the war (if it happens) would lead to?

China tries to avoid conflict at all cost, but when it's sovereignty is being threatened and her warnings fall on deaf ears then the only possible course of action will be an aggressive one. India and US knows this 1st hand.

Its funny you calling others violent. That 1962 skirmish is long past and the relations between us have been decent. I prefer they remain that way.

Was I wrong? Read what that Indian poster said then tell me I am wrong.

If China supports Jihadi terror from Pakistan, they should remember that they are invariably going to be the next target.

You have all the required attributes if you know what I mean. ;)

Next target on India's list?

Do you know how un-scary that sounds? No offense, but I really don't think China is too worried being on India's "hit list".
Just a friendly reminder. Read the post again, there was no such "threat".

Reminder for what? You think you can repeat 1962?

As likely as another Japan or Mongol takeover of China!

China tries to avoid conflict at all cost, but when it's sovereignty is being threatened and her warnings fall on deaf ears then the only possible course of action will be an aggressive one. India and US knows this 1st hand.

Not sure why you need to lump your adopted homeland with India! Pakistan is US' ally, not India.

Was I wrong? Read what that Indian poster said then tell me I am wrong.

That Indian poster didn't talk o any war with China, only responding to Pakistan in case of another terror attack!

And you threaten India with 1962 for that? Are you openly willing to come out in support of terror attack on Indian civilians?

Next target on India's list?

Do you know how un-scary that sounds? No offense, but I really don't think China is too worried being on India's "hit list".

I thought I was explicit, probably my mistake.

I meant next target of Jihadis. You are pork eating Godless kaffirs (sic.), a perfect target for them Jihadis.
You are pork eating Godless kaffirs (sic.), a perfect target for them Jihadis.

I guess plenty of people across the world would come under the heading of "kafir", going by it's traditional definition. In fact, most of the world would come under that definition.

In that case, the global extremism movement has plenty of big targets out there... like the USA, Europe, etc. which have all been attacked by Al Queda.

China will benefit from keeping a low profile, and keeping up the policy of non-interference. We don't exactly have the capability of hunting terrorists halfway around the world (not enough power projection yet), so it is better for us not to be a target in the first place.
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