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Pakistan warns US "disastrous consequences" on more raids

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I assume the Pakistani crew of the ship issued a plea for rescue or assistance. I don't believe anyone in Pakistan asked the Americans to rescue us from OBL.
If the U.S. Navy sent in troops to retrieve OBL without asking any Pakistani, why would you assume they would only board a Pakistani ship if asked?
He's got OBL, his second term is assured, well almost.

Nobody every lost popularity by chest thumping about defending the nation. Pakistan is his punching bag, especially with Petreus at his side.

Given the domestic doldrums, he is likely to try and shift the focus back to terrorism and national security.
If the U.S. Navy sent in troops to retrieve OBL without asking any Pakistani, why would you assume they would only board a Pakistani ship if asked?

I don't know maritime law and custom. Presumably, it is customary to help a ship in distress, e.g. under pirate control, without being asked. It might even be a law.
Nobody every lost popularity by chest thumping about defending the nation. Pakistan is his punching bag, especially with Petreus at his side.

Given the domestic doldrums, he is likely to try and shift the focus back to terrorism and national security.

Nothing more left in Pakistan to go after and they are withdrawing from Afghanistan too. They will continue their drone attacks on Pakistan and may conduct a Seal operation if they find some high value target.

But it will be interesting if Obama tries to open another front, maybe Iran.

I am still amazed as to how US presidents manage to deflect attention from one country to another. The way Bush deflected attention from Afghanistan to Iraq was mind blowing, Obama may do something similar, though chances are very less.

However, the most concerning thing for Pakistan is that Petraeus will be at CIA and the first thing he will do is to go full throttle after all targets that he can find in Pakistan.

So, IMO, more than Obama its Petraeus that Pakistan should worry about.
I see we have the usual Indian troll brigade having a pow-wow.

So many Indians are still seething with frustration at the failure of their government to do anything after 26/11, so now they are living vicariously through American might.

Every jingoinstic Indian teenager has suddenly become a geopolitical expert on American policy.

Developereo, we do not need to do anything, whatever we could have done, would not have been more than what is happening in Pakistan. In-fact good we did not do anything, it could have diverted the attention of war on terror. I now understand it, by not doing anything how we gained so much.

Also, it is not always right to show your bravado by attacking the other, we have to always look at cost to benefit. That cost to benefit was not worth the fight and we made the right decision. Do you have a logic to explain if we would have attacked then we would have gained anything let me know, if you agree then why this question?
I don't know maritime law and custom.
No, you don't. Suffice to say that the U.S. once went to war against the British because of too many such boardings. I hear something close to gratitude coming from you about this incident, but recriminations about seizing and killing OBL even though Pakistani citizens, many under near-daily attack or threat, are essentially terrorist hostages themselves.
Developeeo said "I assume the Pakistani crew of the ship issued a plea for rescue or assistance. I don't believe anyone in Pakistan asked the Americans to rescue us from OBL. "

You think that the Americans are helping you for no reason and killing Osama is going to augment Pakistan. actually killing OBL is going to cause you trouble. From the perspective i see the issue. GoP has been using OBL for achieving its personal goal in Kashmir or to occupy Afgan when the US leave and now as OBL is gone they got to find an alternative to fill the gap.
But it will be interesting if Obama tries to open another front, maybe Iran.

No, America can't afford to fight another war right now. That's why Pakistan fits in. It's just an extension of the Afghan war and it's not really a declared war; just occasional drone strikes to score some headlines by announcing 'major' kills.

Developereo, we do not need to do anything, whatever we could have done, would not have been more than what is happening in Pakistan. In-fact good we did not do anything, it could have diverted the attention of war on terror. I now understand it, by not doing anything how we gained so much.

Also, it is not always right to show your bravado by attacking the other, we have to always look at cost to benefit. That cost to benefit was not worth the fight and we made the right decision. Do you have a logic to explain if we would have attacked then we would have gained anything let me know, if you agree then why this question?

That's partly hindsight and partly sour grapes rationalization. In the immediate aftermath of 26/11, there was intense pressure in the media and public to respond like America did after 9/11.
No, you don't. Suffice to say that the U.S. once went to war against the British because of too many such boardings. I hear something close to gratitude coming from you about this incident, but recriminations about seizing and killing OBL even though Pakistani citizens, many under near-daily attack or threat, are essentially terrorist hostages themselves.

The issue with the American raid is not so much what it did, but the fact of it -- the sovereignty and vigilance issue. Although I really don't know what to believe at this point. It seems equally likely that it was a joint operation and Pakistan is foregoing credit to minimize the blowback.

You think that the Americans are helping you

I don't think the Americans had any thought about Pakistan's benefit when they nabbed OBL. It was purely for American interests. As for Pakistan, I don't see how OBL helped Pakistan. The Kashmiri fighters will continue their struggle regardless of him.
No, America can't afford to fight another war right now. That's why Pakistan fits in. It's just an extension of the Afghan war and it's not really a declared war; just occasional drone strikes to score some headlines by announcing 'major' kills.

That's partly hindsight and partly sour grapes rationalization. In the immediate aftermath of 26/11, there was intense pressure in the media and public to respond like America did after 9/11.

You want India to go on a full scale war with the Paks so that we can avenge Mumbai, you got to be crazy. If such thing happens than for sure its MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction),
We dont have to go to war with Pak to destroy you. You are doing it to your self, the moment you support terrorist outfits in your soil, they will turn back on your people and your government. we have seen this happen in the history.
Americans helped the talibans to drive USSR out and the talibs turned their back on the US.
So will LeT & JuD and other terror outfits that are being nurtured by your Government will turn their backs on you.
The issue with the American raid is not so much what it did, but the fact of it -- the sovereignty and vigilance issue. Although I really don't know what to believe at this point. It seems equally likely that it was a joint operation and Pakistan is foregoing credit to minimize the blowback.
So Pakistanis are confused? Just like the captain of the Pakistani vessel grateful of being rescued but unlike him too frightened and proud to admit this?
This is for public consumption, Public will get a means to vent their anger, mostly by mouth.
The issue with the American raid is not so much what it did, but the fact of it -- the sovereignty and vigilance issue. Although I really don't know what to believe at this point. It seems equally likely that it was a joint operation and Pakistan is foregoing credit to minimize the blowback.

I don't think the Americans had any thought about Pakistan's benefit when they nabbed OBL. It was purely for American interests. As for Pakistan, I don't see how OBL helped Pakistan. The Kashmiri fighters will continue their struggle regardless of him.

It looks like Pakistani's are very scared, everywhere they do not want to take credit. Does not sound good about you. You keep asking people that why India did not attacked after 26/11, why don't you ask yourself why you do not have guts to even admit what you are doing.
You want India to go on a full scale war with the Paks so that we can avenge Mumbai, you got to be crazy. If such thing happens than for sure its MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction),
We dont have to go to war with Pak to destroy you. You are doing it to your self, the moment you support terrorist outfits in your soil, they will turn back on your people and your government. we have seen this happen in the history.
Americans helped the talibans to drive USSR out and the talibs turned their back on the US.
So will LeT & JuD and other terror outfits that are being nurtured by your Government will turn their backs on you.

guys like you have no thinking . . and are probably just 6th 7th graders who dont know anything about the world . .so who ever brain washed u by saying that we train terrorists in our soil is wrong . . im not here to start an argument but you should rather research before speaking something like this at a pakistani forum . . we cant just let anyone blame and blame and even when the truth is being exposed . . so u stil believe in osama's killing? after they killed osama and dumped the body in ocean? so you believe this? seriouslY? ur ready to believe this but not ready to believe that WE DONT KILL OUR OWN PEOPLE . . .now how dumb is that ..even a blonde would agree over this . .why would u possibly dump the body in ocean when u could actually get more evidence(s) . . this is al nonsense . and + we know how ur media portray things . . so yes i won't talk to you more u should probably go and research things on ur own and stop pointing at others . . 3 fingers are pointing back at you . . MR RAW AGENCY !
It looks like Pakistani's are very scared, everywhere they do not want to take credit. Does not sound good about you. You keep asking people that why India did not attacked after 26/11, why don't you ask yourself why you do not have guts to even admit what you are doing.

Bang on target and an extremely pertinent question.
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