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Religion is not particularly important in China.

China has the largest number of non-religious people in the world,

its good to be a non religious person...i m olso one of those who donot believe in god.....its always hardwork which makes a man sucessful and rest depend on luck
Archbishop Arulappa seems to have been a Catholic. Because of the lack of evidence for the Thomas story, he decided to forge some "ancient manuscripts". But he was caught.

He couldnt get any evidence because no one would part with their manuscripts. Not to mention, the character he employed to mine data, never really cared. Why do you need to go back in time when research methodologies were far less advanced and mediocre? Arulappa's case is no different from a modern day scholar forging date to gain doctorate. There are numerous authorities on st.thomas who rely on proper research methodologies and meticulously mine and analyse date.
Forget Islamic invasions, Sati predates Islam - Pandu's 2nd wife in Mahabharat - nakul and sahadev's mother commits suicide

People have been committing suicide in all cultures. But Sati is not a recommended practice of Sanatan Dharma.
And assuming the scenario (assuming) where st.thomas never landed in malabar, i still wouldn't give a second thought about following hinduism which is "native" to india. Simply because i do not believe it to be true. Just because my people came up with it, doesn't mean it has to be true. I can also wax eloquently about the numerous evil practices that were prevalent in Hinduism until the British landed and got rid of it.

British got rid of "evil" practices as much as Indian gov. got rid of caste discrimination, meaning nothing. It's like saying racism doesn't exist anymore. All religions must go through great purge. Sati is as much Hindu as burning witches is Christian.
He couldnt get any evidence because no one would part with their manuscripts. Not to mention, the character he employed to mine data, never really cared. Why do you need to go back in time when research methodologies were far less advanced and mediocre? Arulappa's case is no different from a modern day scholar forging date to gain doctorate. There are numerous authorities on st.thomas who rely on proper research methodologies and meticulously mine and analyse date.

Read part 2 - Archbishop Arulappa was a participant in the forgery. If there had been any credible evidence, Arulappa could have photographed it, and published with proper citations. By the way, the Archbishop Arulappa forgery is quite recent - from the 1970's. It isn't a case of lack of advanced methodologies, it is a case of lack of honesty.
How is the 'goa inquisition' in anyway related to the christian faith? Christianity does not advocate violence or coercive measures. Infact christianity grew under oppression. There have always been those who come up with their own doctrines and advocate it. The catholic church recognizes the evils comitted by it (witch hunt, etc) . Infact, they have gone to extraordinary lengths to set records straight, instead of justifying it. Fact remains, none of what they did were in accordance with the christian faith. They did what they did for personal gains.
How is the 'goa inquisition' in anyway related to the christian faith? Christianity does not advocate violence or coercive measures. Infact christianity grew under oppression. There have always been those who come up with their own doctrines and advocate it. The catholic church recognizes the evils comitted by it (witch hunt, etc) . Infact, they have gone to extraordinary lengths to set records straight, instead of justifying it. Fact remains, none of what they did were in accordance with the christian faith. They did what they did for personal gains.

LOL..that's typical excuse by all religions (oh we didn't know what we were doing blah blah). Only saving grace is that now they openly denounce it. Thanks "gawd" I am not religious.
Read part 2 - Archbishop Arulappa was a participant in the forgery. If there had been any credible evidence, Arulappa could have photographed it, and published with proper citations. By the way, the Archbishop Arulappa forgery is quite recent - from the 1970's. It isn't a case of lack of advanced methodologies, it is a case of lack of honesty.

like i said, how is it any different from the numerous researchers out there who forge data? You never bothered to read accounts of other researchers....you just decided to focus on one flawed man.
LOL..that's typical excuse by all religions (oh we didn't know what we were doing blah blah). Only saving grace is that now they openly denounce it.

well, a spade is a spade after all. If what they did is not in accordance with the doctrine how is it associated?

Btw i am not catholic. Im a marthomite, one of those syrian churches.
How is the 'goa inquisition' in anyway related to the christian faith? Christianity does not advocate violence or coercive measures. Infact christianity grew under oppression. There have always been those who come up with their own doctrines and advocate it. The catholic church recognizes the evils comitted by it (witch hunt, etc) . Infact, they have gone to extraordinary lengths to set records straight, instead of justifying it. Fact remains, none of what they did were in accordance with the christian faith. They did what they did for personal gains.

Similalry, Sanatan Dharma has nothing to do with the socials ills maliciously attributed to it. The Church has not expressed guilt and remorse for its crimes in Goa, as far as I know.
Similalry, Sanatan Dharma has nothing to do with the socials ills maliciously attributed to it. The Church has not expressed guilt and remorse for its crimes in Goa, as far as I know.

Portuguese were creepy people;) There is already a major debate over virtues of old colonial masters. General consensus is that Portuguese and Spanish thoroughly r*** local culture and supplanted it with their own while English just r**** the country;)
like i said, how is it any different from the numerous researchers out there who forge data? You never bothered to read accounts of other researchers....you just decided to focus on one flawed man.

There are several authoritative studies that argue that the Thomas story is a myth. For example the book: 1991 - The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple - Ishwar Sharan

If those that support the St Thomas story want a debate, I'm sure one could be arranged.
How is the 'goa inquisition' in anyway related to the christian faith? Christianity does not advocate violence or coercive measures. Infact christianity grew under oppression. There have always been those who come up with their own doctrines and advocate it. The catholic church recognizes the evils comitted by it (witch hunt, etc) . Infact, they have gone to extraordinary lengths to set records straight, instead of justifying it. Fact remains, none of what they did were in accordance with the christian faith. They did what they did for personal gains.

Don't even get me started on the church and their series of child abuse cases. Set records straight??? By paying off kids who were raped by priests?
Portuguese were creepy people;) There is already a major debate over virtues of old colonial masters. General consensus is that Portuguese and Spanish thoroughly r*** local culture and supplanted it with their own while English just r**** the country;)

Correct - the Belgians take the cake though. The funniest was how the Portuguese tried to hang onto Goa till the 1960s
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