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Just because Hinduism is "native" to India doesn't mean a native should be following it. Those who follow a faith follow it because they believe it to be the truth. I am proud of my culture and ethnicity, it does not mean i should be proud of the religions that spawns as a culture progresses. I am not addressing you specifically but the saffron parties in general. They have no right to demand those of different faiths to "return" to hinduism just because it is what our "ancestors" followed. I don't understand this argument.

Anyway, my own ancestors as far as my family tree goes, (we have a written record from 18- something) have all been Christians. Even if they weren't, i couldn't care any less.

Odd that you somehow believe one should be critical of even "traditional" values and yet blindly follow Christianity? You are right, one can do whatever the hell they want. It's a free country afterall. But I always found being informed more important that being "closer" to some mythical God. And yeh, Hinduism is equally lame.
Excellent, China, Excellent!!! You are Super Power in Asia and that is what we need you and are proud of it. :china:
Whatever happens around the world Islam is blamed for it if you look at it from an angle, its the christians who are going Extreme, they would target muslims, Islam, China ofcourse they can't digest every morning bashing China for the human right and what not and then bring in christian teachings in it. No offense to christians i respect them as well, but please that christian mullah psyche is showing no magic upon this world nothing has been fixed globally in the name of christianity their god and their interests they've unleashed wrath on Muslims states and not just that now they've extreme views about China what is next?...So look around who is the target libya, yemen, iraq, afghanistan, chechnya, kashmir, even pakistan and now another dimension China..this is getting serious fanatical extremist fascist christian govts are running amok. Christian missionaries are destroying cultures.
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we are not talking about Islam here....i think you have it confused with Christianity.
Just because Hinduism is "native" to India doesn't mean a native should be following it. Those who follow a faith follow it because they believe it to be the truth. I am proud of my culture and ethnicity, it does not mean i should be proud of the religions that spawns as a culture progresses. I am not addressing you specifically but the saffron parties in general. They have no right to demand those of different faiths to "return" to hinduism just because it is what our "ancestors" followed. I don't understand this argument.

Anyway, my own ancestors as far as my family tree goes, (we have a written record from 18- something) have all been Christians. Even if they weren't, i couldn't care any less.

How do you feel about the fact that many people in Europe and the US are turning towards Sanatan Dharma? (U.S. Views on God and Life Are Turning Hindu - Newsweek)
Mech we are not talking Islam here but in reference to the blame being put on certain religion while "they" move forwards with their dirty agenda in the name of their religion destroying culture and interference with others in this case now China.
How do you feel about the fact that many people in Europe and the US are turning towards Sanatan Dharma?

What am i supposed to feel? Besides sympathy.
Like i said, i believe what i believe because i believe it to be the truth. Others may have different views. How is that you associate christanity with europe or the americas? If you do a bit of research, Christianity came to the shores of Malabar from a direct disciple of Jesus Christ himself. A disciple called "Thomas" landed in kerala and established the first church in India. Long before even the Europeans got the wind of it. In fact, Christianity was established in India before the British or the Portuguese.

What surprised the first wave of foreigners who came with a vision of spreading the gospel were surprised to find Christianity already existing in the subcontinent. They didnt like it simply because they didn't control it. The British, Portuguese , all have been against the churches founded in India until the 19th century. They even ransacked a church to steal documents and relics.

Not to mention, Christianity also came to India as a result of Syrian migration long before the British ever set foot here.
What am i supposed to feel? Besides sympathy.
Like i said, i believe what i believe because i believe it to be the truth. Others may have different views. How is that you associate christanity with europe or the americas? If you do a bit of research, Christianity came to the shores of Malabar from a direct disciple of Jesus Christ himself. A disciple called "Thomas" landed in kerala and established the first church in India. Long before even the Europeans got the wind of it. In fact, Christianity was established in India before the British or the Portuguese.

What surprised the first wave of foreigners who came with a vision of spreading the gospel were surprised to find Christianity already existing in the subcontinent. They didnt like it simply because they didn't control it. The British, Portuguese , all have been against the churches founded in India until the 19th century. They even ransacked a church to steal documents and relics.

Not to mention, Christianity also came to India as a result of Syrian migration long before the British ever set foot here.

You may find this interesting: Thomas in India - neither factual nor secular - The St Thomas In India History Swindle

Also see this article, originally published in the Illustrated Weekly of India, in 1987: Archbishop Arulappa Makes History
Actually it's against the teaching of Christianity!

Bin Laden is also against the teachings of Islam, but does the Wall Street regime stop reminding everyone that he is a Muslim?

Not all Jews are Zionists, but if Israel bombs civilians, people mistakenly blame all the Jews. Why?
Not all Jews are Zionists, but if Israel bombs civilians, people mistakenly blame all the Jews. Why?

Not people but Muslims (if there is a distinction). More to do with sheer hate of Jews and creation of Israel and less to do with any bombing. Afterall, there are Palestinians refuges in all the neighboring countries and they are treated like crap. Darfoor happened and Muslim nations didn't even bat an eye. Should Israel be criticized for how it has treated Palestinians? Perhaps. Is that why most Muslim nations hate it (or atleast one around it). No. Palestinian are nothing more than political point for Arab nations to take shots at Israel. There is absolutely no sincere gesture from Arab nations (and Muslim nations at large) to actually help Palestinians.
You may find this interesting: Thomas in India - neither factual nor secular - The St Thomas In India History Swindle

Also see this article, originally published in the Illustrated Weekly of India, in 1987: Archbishop Arulappa Makes History

Do you honestly expect me to take the words of koenraad elst or hindu author seriously? Koenraad is a known orientalist and that too without any institutional affiliation. He is by no means an authority of anything. Here is an interesting thing, he actively defends the hindutva movement. Which shatters his credibility one hundred and ten percent. Numerous works of his involve "bashing Christianity", "bashing islam" etc.

There is no swindle and there is no falsification, thomas did land in malabar. I suggest you actually read the historical accounts rather than conspiracy theories. This is no different to how Pakistanis say indus civilization is wholly Pakistani .

Here is how you should go about it. Instead of googling "st.thomas a liar" or "st.thomas did not land in India", "proving christianity wrong" etc etc. Try and Google for authoritative accounts from reliable sources. If you cannot remain impartial or biased then forget what i said.
Do you honestly expect me to take the words of koenraad elst or hindu author seriously? Koenraad is a known orientalist and that too without any institutional affiliation. He is by no means an authority of anything. Here is an interesting thing, he actively defends the hindutva movement. Which shatters his credibility one hundred and ten percent. Numerous works of his involve "bashing Christianity", "bashing islam" etc. There is no swindle and there is no falsification. I suggest you actually read the historical accounts rather than conspiracy theories. This is no different to how Pakistanis say indus civilization is wholly Pakistani .

Here is how you should go about it. Instead of googling "st.thomas a liar" or "st.thomas did not land in India", "proving christianity wrong" etc etc. Try and Google for authoritative accounts from reliable sources. If you cannot remain impartial or biased then forget what i said.

This is what is called an ad-hominem argument. Elst is quoting from historical sources, including "The Acts of Thomas". Also try to understand why Archbishop Arulappa was caught red-handed in forgery.

By the way, I have no problems with your being Christian. But please try to free yourself from falsehoods.
And assuming the scenario (assuming) where st.thomas never landed in malabar, i still wouldn't give a second thought about following hinduism which is "native" to india. Simply because i do not believe it to be true. Just because my people came up with it, doesn't mean it has to be true. I can also wax eloquently about the numerous evil practices that were prevalent in Hinduism until the British landed and got rid of it.
By the way, I have no problems with your being Christian. But please try to free yourself from dishonest indoctrination.

Free yourself from dishonest indoctrination and propaganda.

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