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Whatever its development may be, I would like them to loyal to our country.

BTW, I think that pope should take his hands off China's matter. It is none of his business.

How about China getting their hands off Church's matters? How is religion state's matter?

I agree pope should not interfere, but I also do not support China's policies.
How about stop poising your nose out of China's home affair? How is China's affair become an indian's matter?

I don't like some of government's policies either, but when it comes to these stuffs, I'm totally oppose any foreign interference, be it an indian or that old stupid pope.
Thomas, you give me way too much credit. I'm hardly the first. You just don't hear about it much in the great Western Free Press.

Watch this terrific documentary, the God Who Wasn't There.
The God Who Wasn't There

Since the standard you apply would cover all other major religions as well, I assume you’re an Atheist?
People in the developing world (China included) is embracing christianity at the moment because the Christendom is a wealthy "religion" at the moment so everyone wants to be a part of this pop trend; they believe in this religion solely for materialistic gain especially in many poor parts of the world where missionaries are able to offer them some sort of food, money, medicine. Also, if you look around the world, most of the rich and wealthy countries (G7) tend to be Christians so people unconsciously believe that this is the "right" religion.

I remember reading from history when the Catholic priests came to Vietnam to convert the Vietnamese into Catholicsm starting in the 16th century, they all described those Vietnamese converts as lowly educated and super poor, hardly any rich and educated Vietnamese ever adopted this religion. :tongue:
People in the developing world (China included) is embracing christianity at the moment because the Christendom is a wealthy "religion" at the moment so everyone wants to be a part of this pop trend; they believe in this religion solely for materialistic gain especially in many poor parts of the world where missionaries are able to offer them some sort of food, money, medicine. Also, if you look around the world, most of the rich and wealthy countries (G7) tend to be Christians so people unconsciously believe that this is the "right" religion.

I remember reading from history when the Catholic priests came to Vietnam to convert the Vietnamese into Catholicsm starting in the 16th century, they all described those Vietnamese converts as lowly educated and super poor, hardly any rich and educated Vietnamese ever adopted this religion. :tongue:

F*ck the French! Why does our people to wait for whatever the Westerners approval to feel pride and confidence about ourselves? We need to get off the nail salon, Casinos, and "Paris by Night" videos and productions to improve ourselves. I mean just look at the Japanese, Indians, and Chinese and see how they are successful without "God".:hitwall::angry:
The purpose of Christianity is to dilute the history of one's civilization by submitting to a mythology all to conquer it. You tell me that mankind never had the concept of love for their fellow man before Jesus Christ came? Heck the concept of God was invented by the Indians and Chinese that got plagiarized by some Hebrew who so happened to capture a neat story during the time of the Silk Road trade.:chilli:
True. It does happen in India as well. But most westerners seems to be ignorant of these things. Christian Missionaries mostly concentrate on poorer section bribing them to convert. They even indulge in blaspheming other religions to make their point. Lot of attacks on Christians in India happen because of this.

But that doesn't mean entire religion is bad. Some of them convert because of change in faith. I don't see a problem with that. Its only when they force and bribe poorer sections to convert they loose their credibility. All religions have good and bad sides to it. Proselytism isn't on the bright side.

Well said my friend. Stay strong, stay true, and stay away from those Christian "infidels"! Look what Christianity did to America, turning the kids fat, lazy, incoherent to world around them, self-centered, racist, and cultureless!
People in the developing world (China included) is embracing christianity at the moment because the Christendom is a wealthy "religion" at the moment so everyone wants to be a part of this pop trend; they believe in this religion solely for materialistic gain especially in many poor parts of the world where missionaries are able to offer them some sort of food, money, medicine. Also, if you look around the world, most of the rich and wealthy countries (G7) tend to be Christians so people unconsciously believe that this is the "right" religion.

I remember reading from history when the Catholic priests came to Vietnam to convert the Vietnamese into Catholicsm starting in the 16th century, they all described those Vietnamese converts as lowly educated and super poor, hardly any rich and educated Vietnamese ever adopted this religion. :tongue:

The Poor throughout history have always been more receptive to Christianity. Even when Jesus was alive it was the poor and down trodden that he mainly reached out to. Jesus also said it was harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. This is because he puts his trust more in his riches then in God.

Presently Christianity is growing in Vietnam. Even though the persecution is even greater there then in China.

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F*ck the French! Why does our people to wait for whatever the Westerners approval to feel pride and confidence about ourselves? We need to get off the nail salon, Casinos, and "Paris by Night" videos and productions to improve ourselves. I mean just look at the Japanese, Indians, and Chinese and see how they are successful without "God".:hitwall::angry:
Paris by night is like a comedy for any sensible Vietnamese to laugh at them. Anytime I see them parade a private-first class near high-school dropout in the U.S military on stage and treat him like a super hero it just boggle my mind.:tongue:

Paris by Night needs to look at their adversary the Viet Cong. These people hardly had any education but they produce world-class scholar like Ngo Bao Chau who wins world-class award ie the Field Medal; that is something that bring pride to the Vietnamese, not some nail salon scientist or private first class in the U.S military that they keep parading.
After reading the entire thread, hue come to conclusion that WW3 will not be fought among nations it will be the WAR of the religions.

And one more observation, some Chinese here are so factually correct and they say instead of wasting time in praying its better to work or relax a bit, feels ambiguous?
Going back in history... Buddhism was meant to reform Hinduism which had become dogmatic and the caste system had hardened.

Under Emperor Ashoka it succeeded to an extent, atheistic concepts were injected back into Hindusim and the caste system was diluted, however the reform stopped because of the invasions from central asia which destroyed many Buddhist universities

There is however an interesting twist ;) . Dr Br. Ambedkar, called the 'Father of our constitution' was a Dalit but later converted to Theravada Buddhism. He abolished untouchability, outlawed the caste system and introduced positive discrimination

So in a way Buddhism did reform Indian society :)

you observed a very beautiful thing there, buddy justanobserver! FACT I must say.
hey Tanlixiang28776 you are one of the precise debate champs, what's your take on the above subject. Quite challenging, I hope you will exceed my expectations or an imagination.
hey Tanlixiang28776 you are one of the precise debate champs, what's your take on the above subject. Quite challenging, I hope you will exceed my expectations or an imagination.

Not exactly a complement per say but whatever.

Religion is unimportant. All I care about are the individuals.
Religion is not particularly important in China.

China has the largest number of non-religious people in the world,
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