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General Bajwa Another Public encounter (Strong Language)

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Bro what I am trying to say this ex treacherous general has brought it upon himself since he is involved in crimes against humanity and the new boss is following suit but on a unprecedented scale.

Just imagine what will happen once his intoxication will be over.
Its wrong, he was with his family and in a foreign country minding his own business. I understand why people are furious with Bajwa but what if tomorrow Imran Khan or his sons are targeted by anti PTI people. We should not promote this kind of behaviour.

In Pakistan we witness extreme hatred in politics, false propaganda, private videos, torture of opponents, name calling. All public is enjoying it until it happens to them or their leader. As a nation we should unite to condemn all wrongs, even if it happens to opponents.
Agree with you 100% but when you backstab a nation of 223 million people and ruin their life— you should expect retaliation. What he did to Swati and his wife , you think people will just ignore this asshole in public? Bajwa wife and kids are living a life of luxury by destroying Pakistan, putting million below the poverty line - they deserve the insults that come their way.

We don’t live in a perfect world and can’t expect everyone to behave rationally. He lived like a Pharaoh in Pakistan and after ruining the country he took an oath to protect , he is enjoying his retirement.

I don’t feel sorry for this asshole and his wife. His wife is not above other women of Pakistan who are being threatened by rape and violence due to his policies.

And this was an Afghan apparently but my view won’t change if a Pakistani calls out this haramkhor and his family in public.
lol try doing that to President Obama or Bush and the Secret service would be all over him.
We need protection for our retired leaders in the same way no matter where they go.
lol try doing that to President Obama or Bush and the Secret service would be all over him.
We need protection for our retired leaders in the same way no matter where they go.
American politicians won’t dare even think about what Pakistani haramkhor politicians and military has done to Pakistan. They also don’t retire in other countries.
lol try doing that to President Obama or Bush and the Secret service would be all over him.
We need protection for our retired leaders in the same way no matter where they go.
Bajwa should be brought back to the Pak land and put on trial for the engineering he did in collusion with other haram khors generals. Some silly ar*es all of a sudden defending him like he was some pious man and he did good for this country, for which country men owes him. For his actions he should be tried and handed over to the firing squad namely regime change which is a treason in any civilized or barbarian country. We are blaming PDM for the economy and where our country stands but most of the blame lies with him and these good for nothing generals who can't fight and are nothing more then are leeches.
No wonder from the last 15 years all of the army chiefs have ran off to other lands so they can enjoy the fruits of their corruption and stashed money in the off shore accounts and still they are expecting respect abroad. Lets wait and see which land is going to come calling for the dirty Harry and mosquito general at the helm.
Shame an Afghan had the courage to say on his face what he felt rather then just making the video.
Country at least was on the rise and after his actions we lost democracy, economy got damaged, 1000'0 people have lost jobs, many have been killed and some ladies have lost what's precious to every family. We have a new cult of **** for which even Sonny Leoane is protesting have been introduced by these generals in our country to black mail people. How many men have committed suicide cos they couldn't feed their families after loosing their jobs?
Imran have been too kind to them and just following the law so change can come peacefully otherwise with any other nut case at the party helm could have dragged these greedy generals out of their beds at the middle of the night like they are doing the house raids.
Time have come for these generals to go and face the music and let this country to make name for herself at the world stage.
Politics aside, cursing out someone out infront of their wife is no metric of bravery, especially if you do it while hiding behind a camera and knowing the other person cannot respond.
Don't really condone this.

But oh well, least of my concerns after all he did.

Maybe Billo the FM will help him out here, akhir usi ki PM bhi to banana hai.
Yeah but its ok to barge into people homes at night, insult women, threaten them with rape and undressing, loot houses, abduct kids and elderly, commit murders (model town). itni byghairti laty kahan sy ho bhai?
And showing male organ to arrested female
That’s new
What has the 9th May tragedy and its response to do with an unfortunate incident involving a foul mouthed Afghan and retired employee of Government of Pakistan in Paris?

When you ask silly questions like that,

maybe first you should ask what has Army got to do with politics and economics ?

Had Army been doing their job ( securing the borders ) this day wouldn't come.
As a Pakistani, I felt so bad that what have become of our army, as a human being I felt sad since I saw a helpless man being insulted.
To me, it wasn't a proud moment nor a moment of vengeance or laughter but it is food for thought for those in power that tomorrow they might face the same insult.
I saw a helpless man who was threatening to call the police but a year ago he was the Pharoh of Pakistan. He brought this on himself, he is the sole reason.
Pakistanis seem to have been infinite sympathy for hardened criminals and at the same time they’re intolerant of minor offenses. They’ll feel sorry for big thieves and lynch petty shop lifters.

The generals made Pakistan’s most notorious criminal, Zardari, the president of Pakistan and spent five years saluting him non-stop. If the world hurls insults at Pakistan then we’re offended.

Similarly, the generals destroyed Afghanistan for dollars, just like they’re destroying Pakistan. Still, some some feel sympathy for a criminal general who deserves to be court martialed and shot.

At least they should know that they will have nowhere to hide.
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