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Iran, China at odds in disputed islands row following Xi visit to Saudi Arabia

Looks like China acknowledged there was a dispute, without taking a position. It didn't say the islands belong to Arabs. If Iranians felt offended at that, well unfortunately that's realpolitik.

At the end of the day Arabs/Sunnis are a bigger market in the Middle East, so China needs to take a middle road approach.

These islands were in Iranian hands since parthian times at least. They were in physical Iranian hands before uae existed

Nobody has ever taken the uae seriously.

And now china announcing that there is a dispute and they support it being decided in kangaroo un institutions dominated by the west?

China is welcome to trade or do whatever it wants woth anybody. China even sold missiles to saudi arabia. Which are the only saudi means of hitting Iran, and were sold knowing they would only be used against Iran

Iran never complained because china can trade with whoever it wants

But china has no right to make any statements questioning Iranian territorial integrity. It is an absolute red line for Iran
These islands were in Iranian hands since parthian times at least. They were in physical Iranian hands before uae existed

Nobody has ever taken the uae seriously.

And now china announcing that there is a dispute and they support it being decided in kangaroo un institutions dominated by the west?

China is welcome to trade or do whatever it wants woth anybody. China even sold missiles to saudi arabia. Which are the only saudi means of hitting Iran, and were sold knowing they would only be used against Iran

Iran never complained because china can trade with whoever it wants

But china has no right to make any statements questioning Iranian territorial integrity. It is an absolute red line for Iran
Like I said, this argument is between you and UAE. China only acknowledges there is a disagreement. No side was chosen. You cannot expect China to completely take your narrative and run with it.
These islands were in Iranian hands since parthian times at least. They were in physical Iranian hands before uae existed

Nobody has ever taken the uae seriously.

And now china announcing that there is a dispute and they support it being decided in kangaroo un institutions dominated by the west?

China is welcome to trade or do whatever it wants woth anybody. China even sold missiles to saudi arabia. Which are the only saudi means of hitting Iran, and were sold knowing they would only be used against Iran

Iran never complained because china can trade with whoever it wants

But china has no right to make any statements questioning Iranian territorial integrity. It is an absolute red line for Iran

Relax brother. China is not anti-Iran. China has sent its vice premier to Iran this week.

Also don’t forget that China has contributed many weapons technologies to Iran too. Not just to Saudi Arabia.

All this is aimed at the US, not Iran. Look at the bigger picture. China taking the role of helping the Arabs. Russia taking the role of helping Iran.

That statement was probably pushed by Saudis to get petroyuan, so China had to reluctantly agree to it if Saudis were going to play ball with the petroyuan. It’s not something China wanted to do, but had to do in order to get Saudi support. China’s biggest enemy is the US. China has been under sanctions by the US and the petroyuan is seen as a retaliation against those sanctions.

Let’s be rational about this.
You know, I had a thought earlier, why not just have China build 3 brand new islands paid for by UAE on its side of the gulf?
Iran is relatively close to China and almost free from western influence
Still chinese went to Arabs.
I wonder why? 🧐🧐

China has options while Iran does not have much options just like Russia.

Russia and Iran are heavily sanctioned and they badly need Chinese support.

No Iran for the BRICS-S then?

Iran in SCO and KSA in BRICS.

Iran is a military power while KSA is an economic power.
That's just how realpolitik works in this world. Russia has cosy relationship with both China and India,neither China nor India want to push Russia to choose side. The US tried hard to "force" global south countries choose side between the US and China,so far with little success.

Iranians are idiots and they have cornered themselves.

They have picked fights with Israel, US, Europe, Arabs, Turkiye, Azerbaijan and now with China.

No ones takes them seriously.
Actually no.
Iran wants to be western's puppet but US doesn't accept them.
They pretend to be close to us, but as I remember in 2015, they quickly shifted contracts of ours to the western after the Iran Nuclear Deal signed.
So I never believe the so-called 25-year cooperation agreement as not a single Chinese official newspaper mentioned it.
China has trillions of dollars trade with west, how comes that? Are you actually betraying yourselves by making Chinese workforce the working horses of west?

Xi commented on Iranian lands thinking that it was a good way to milk Arabs. Arabs will be milked anyways, no matter by Americans or the Chinese.

But if UAE thinks that they can get the 2 islands then they have to come and get them.

Chinese president opened a front and he has to accept the consequences of being a hypocrite. This dumbo of a panda is close to lose Taiwan and maybe he thinks that we are like them.
China has trillions of dollars trade with west, how comes that? Are you actually betraying yourselves by making Chinese workforce the working horses of west?

Xi commented on Iranian lands thinking that it was a good way to milk Arabs. Arabs will be milked anyways, no matter by Americans or the Chinese.

But if UAE thinks that they can get the 2 islands then they have to come and get them.

Chinese president opened a front and he has to accept the consequences of being a hypocrite. This dumbo of a panda is close to lose Taiwan and maybe he thinks that we are like them.

China should probably kick Iran out of SCO to drive some sense into the brains of the Iranians.
China has options while Iran does not have much options just like Russia.

Russia and Iran are heavily sanctioned and they badly need Chinese support.

Iran in SCO and KSA in BRICS.

Iran is a military power while KSA is an economic power.

Ya that's not going to be making the Iranians happy. They were front runners for Brics.
These islands were in Iranian hands since parthian times at least. They were in physical Iranian hands before uae existed

Nobody has ever taken the uae seriously.

And now china announcing that there is a dispute and they support it being decided in kangaroo un institutions dominated by the west?

China is welcome to trade or do whatever it wants woth anybody. China even sold missiles to saudi arabia. Which are the only saudi means of hitting Iran, and were sold knowing they would only be used against Iran

Iran never complained because china can trade with whoever it wants

But china has no right to make any statements questioning Iranian territorial integrity. It is an absolute red line for Iran
Its just that China is not taking on Iranian position entirely on the dispute of the islands, China is neutral.
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China has trillions of dollars trade with west, how comes that? Are you actually betraying yourselves by making Chinese workforce the working horses of west?

Xi commented on Iranian lands thinking that it was a good way to milk Arabs. Arabs will be milked anyways, no matter by Americans or the Chinese.

But if UAE thinks that they can get the 2 islands then they have to come and get them.

Chinese president opened a front and he has to accept the consequences of being a hypocrite. This dumbo of a panda is close to lose Taiwan and maybe he thinks that we are like them.
Our panda is cute..
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Several years ago, I have seen a post in Iraqi military forum which has mentioned that a neighbouring country of Iraqi use its delegate in Iraqi parliament to forbid Iraqi to buy Chinese weapons which can arm 4 mechanized division.
China always just trying to defuse tensions. China isn't taking sides, so better not read into something thats not there.
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