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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

Are you allergic to using punctuation? I'm actually serious. Use it.
So if establishment ask wrong Imran does it how one wrong makes another right if Imran has no authority than better he should not be pm again

What did IK do? Instead of telling IK not to be pm again you should tell establishment to stop interfering & tell ur leadership to submit themselves to the law.
Miss gogi watch golden gun pm house car

Farah gogi is wife of pmln mpa. ask pmln why she is so rich.
Now you will say Nawaz also did it than if you follow same lines on f sharif zardari than why should we uestion not be asked

I'm not even going to attempt to understand what you're trying to say here

He gave subsidy to mafia construction but never gave subsidy to agricultural sector common farmer who are the real backbone of oak we economy a blunder

Agricultural sector improved immensely under PTI. Farmers were helped out in different ways. Not everything is about subsidy. Fundamentals of economy were also improved. It wasn't perfect (I didn't agree with the focus on real estate or petrol subsidy either) but it was better than the absolute mess your leaders left the country in.
Haha I'm against all parties not part of any patwari as you are part of PTI patwari team I'm against every party patwari system if there is no result than I'm my book who ever you are you will be criticised

Imran did nothing just stole money from pockets increasing petrol on daily basis he thinks politics is as a cricket team where every one run by his gut feeling and he thinks he is invincible all the time is sheer arrogance

You obviously don't understand macroeconomics, since covid began literally everything in the world went up in price due to inflation and supply and demand.

I dont agree with everything he does, but hes better than an other option available! Or are you one of few who rather see another 30 years of Sharifs and Zardaris
Pulas should step aside and give awam open season on rana and the rest of these scum bags.
The police need to be very careful on what they are doing, harassment of families is going to bring more anger amongst general public, may lead to civil disobedience very quickly.
So what's the problem? Let it happen. Time is ripe for revolution

This tactic will only lead to more violence which could turn into a civil war.
That's the idea
though not recommended but a buckshot is justified here and can be defended in court under the pretext of trespassing or self defense because they never identified themselves as Police bor presented a warrant....for the owner of the gouse they could be robbers
Pakistan penal code 100 (Haan Hann) - If you feel your jismani izzat, jaan aur mal ko khatra hain - you can use such force as is reasonable to defend yourself or others. Gaaand me maro dau kartoos BC key!
But court will also take into account that the victims considered and believed them as police officials and never doubted them not being police doing forced felony. At most, court will consider it to be unlawful arrest or detainment. They also had time to warn them of using lethal force or call police helpline for help. And with our judicial system, good luck proving self defense especially if there was no weapons with the alleged police officials.

Many times, police officials don't identify themselves and most of time, intel people too. And then, how do we verify that the documentation they provide for identification is not a fake one? If they threaten you to take away by force even if to allegedly police station, can we consider it kidnapping and use lethal force?

And I believe U.S. has better laws in favor of civilians, 1st (Ammendment) unlike Pakistan which is influenced by British law.
read my post #379
Shame? What shame?

What murder? He did this in self defense

Buddy due to his actions he has helped the imported government come in power with most of the crooks on bail, before NCV the country was heading towards right track, sadly the country is sinking further abyss towards a civil war.
You obviously don't understand macroeconomics, since covid began literally everything in the world went up in price due to inflation and supply and demand.

I dont agree with everything he does, but hes better than an other option available! Or are you one of few who rather see another 30 years of Sharifs and Zardaris
Sir most countries have recovered plz stop excesus due to these stupid exceses we can never prosper plz see Vietnam Korea Indonesia
But court will also take into account that the victims considered and believed them as police officials and never doubted them not being police doing forced felony. At most, court will consider it to be unlawful arrest or detainment. They also had time to warn them of using lethal force or call police helpline for help. And with our judicial system, good luck proving self defense especially if there was no weapons with the alleged police officials.

Many times, police officials don't identify themselves and most of time, intel people too. And then, how do we verify that the documentation they provide for identification is not a fake one? If they threaten you to take away by force even if to allegedly police station, can we consider it kidnapping and use lethal force?

And I believe U.S. has better laws in favor of civilians, 1st (Ammendment) unlike Pakistan which is influenced by British law.
The entire system is a farce. Justice is gainsaid by might in Pakistan.
Are you allergic to using punctuation? I'm actually serious. Use it.

What did IK do? Instead of telling IK not to be pm again you should tell establishment to stop interfering & tell ur leadership to submit themselves to the law.

Farah gogi is wife of pmln mpa. ask pmln why she is so rich.

I'm not even going to attempt to understand what you're trying to say here

Agricultural sector improved immensely under PTI. Farmers were helped out in different ways. Not everything is about subsidy. Fundamentals of economy were also improved. It wasn't perfect (I didn't agree with the focus on real estate or petrol subsidy either) but it was better than the absolute mess your leaders left the country in.
Sir if some one is interfering if pm cannot stop than who will some one has to change it and ik said it he will bring that change but change not came instead he started polishing once you start polishing they knew you are servant they will kick u out with same polished boot
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