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The speech that got Morsi killed

Greece is quite islamophobic country with strong nazi traditions they wiped away all traces of non ortodox existance,, this dude Foinikas emit those kind of vibes he should humble himself when he opens mouth to meddle into muslim affairs.
Oh cmon when you cant prove something about egypt now hes nazi?

With all due respect, this is one side of the story. The Arab world is weak and very dependent on the West for economic survival, so they must kowtow to Western, i.e. Israeli, demands. The Palestinians lose no matter who leads Arab countries.

Here is a more balanced view of the constraints upon Morsi to appease Israel and the West. Note the emphasis on 'moderate'. Why should Arabs and Palestinians have to moderate their policy towards Israel? Does anyone ask Ukraine to be 'moderate' towards Russia?

Morsi’s natural affinity with Hamas is countered by the Brotherhood’s need to prove to its domestic critics and the international community that it is capable of ruling Egypt and of adopting a moderate foreign policy—especially toward Israel. Maintaining a balance will be difficult, as the interests of Morsi and Hamas diverge sharply on three key issues: the freedom of movement and trade between Egypt and the Gaza Strip; security in the Sinai Desert; and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
What does that have to do with arab countrues what does that have to do with the IDF on the border what does that havw to do with the current israeli fear of egypt
Oh cmon when you cant prove something about egypt now hes nazi?

What does that have to do with arab countrues what does that have to do with the IDF on the border what does that havw to do with the current israeli fear of egypt
I am fully aware that is task impossible to prove something to the people whose consider military huntas as social progress and dance with menthal gimic all around it.
And one advice to you if you do not not greece history on basic level do not jump in defense of your friend, you act childish and naive that way.
Haven't you realized that it is from the mosques of your "liberal" Britain that the British government recruited the Tableeghi Jamaatis to fight in Libya and Syria against Gaddafi's forces and Assad's forces on behalf of NATO ? It is always the ritualist Muslims who become slaves of NATO.

Thanks for proving my point :lol: You're now one step closer to admitting that conservative ppl don't only move to Saudi.
I am fully aware that is task impossible to prove something to the people whose consider military huntas as social progress and dance with menthal gimic all around it.
And one advice to you if you do not not greece history on basic level do not jump in defense of your friend, you act childish and naive that way.
You talked about how morsi and his party were the weak ones and you proved my point the MB was a weak fragile and a way to destroy egypt internally. Ive already talked about how The MB had double standards when dealing with foriegn and internal affairs which led to their ousting and their end as an international organization as they ruled egypt with supreme power the same people and military who appeared to mubarak appeared on morsi. The naive way of cancelling somones argument by claiming hes a nazi islamophobe because of his nationality. i can keep talking about bosnian war crimes and how your land is minesweeper simulator and a failed state riddled in war to cancel your argument your illy backed argument about The MB, but that would be just thinning out of the topic wont it?
You talked about how morsi and his party were the weak ones and you proved my point the MB was a weak fragile and a way to destroy egypt internally. Ive already talked about how The MB had double standards when dealing with foriegn and internal affairs which led to their ousting and their end as an international organization as they ruled egypt with supreme power the same people and military who appeared to mubarak appeared on morsi. The naive way of cancelling somones argument by claiming hes a nazi islamophobe because of his nationality. i can keep talking about bosnian war crimes and how your land is minesweeper simulator and a failed state riddled in war to cancel your argument your illy backed argument about The MB, but that would be just thinning out of the topic wont it?
Regardless if he was weak or strong, you do not get the point with ruthless suppression and crimes agaimst MB and establishing military dictatroship your country is screwed for decades in sense to be something more then lapdpg of israel and west.
On other note from his posts it is logical to conclude that he is sympatizer of far right greek political spectrum like golden dawn or something, so you shoul sharpen your perception before you start with baseless acusations.
Greece is quite islamophobic country with strong nazi traditions they wiped away all traces of non ortodox existance,, this dude Foinikas emit those kind of vibes he should humble himself when he opens mouth to meddle into muslim affairs.
You come from a country that had 2 Waffen SS divisions and you accuse Greece of having "strong nazi traditions"?
Lol! Greece fought the Nazis so hard that even Hitler acknowledged Greek bravery.
Meanwhile your imams and men collaborated with the Germans and Croats to butcher the Serbs in the most inhumane ways.

If we had wiped out all traces of non-orthodox existence,then the Muslim minority in Thrace wouldn't have existed.

You are either a very young person or ignorant of history. So I ask you to think before you write such nonsensical accusations here.

Regardless if he was weak or strong, you do not get the point with ruthless suppression and crimes agaimst MB and establishing military dictatroship your country is screwed for decades in sense to be something more
Wake up and read what Hydration has been saying for pages: That Morsi was the one who started the suppression and violence.

On other note from his posts it is logical to conclude that he is sympatizer of far right greek political spectrum like golden dawn or something
Not Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn doesn't even exist now btw. I'm only a patriot. You could say a romantic monarchist who just wants his country to get back to its roots and not have this abominable Western liberal leftist LGBT culture destroy it.
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You come from a country that had 2 Waffen SS divisions and you accuse Greece of having "strong nazi traditions"?
Lol! Greece fought the Nazis so hard that even Hitler acknowledged Greek bravery.
Meanwhile your imams and men collaborated with the Germans and Croats to butcher the Serbs in the most inhumane ways.

If we had wiped out all traces of non-orthodox existence,then the Muslim minority in Thrace wouldn't have existed.

You are either a very young person or ignorant of history. So I ask you to think before you write such nonsensical accusations here.
Atila Hoare can lighten up your thick brain, if there was no Bosniac suport the win of partisans would never happened.
Regarding ss divisions it was one not two and that one is formed out the necessity because genocide conducted by your beloved serb nationalistic formations.
Also, instead talking fake bravado stories of mythcil greek resistance towards nazis, ask yourself how is it that germams wiped jews from greece more efficiently then in germany itself.
Regardless if he was weak or strong, you do not get the point with ruthless suppression and crimes agaimst MB and establishing military dictatroship your country is screwed for decades in sense to be something more then lapdpg of israel and west.
On other note from his posts it is logical to conclude that he is sympatizer of far right greek political spectrum like golden dawn or something, so you shoul sharpen your perception before you start with baseless acusations.
Crimes against the Mb? Are we going to forget they funded and supported terrorism across egypt even when they were in office? Iam refering to when 6 soliders were kidnapped in rafah and morsi announced that the military should make sure the kidnappers and kidnapped are unharmed and mohammeds baltagy butchering of protesters with sniper rifiles to blame it on the military and his famous words of what happens in sinai will only stop when morsi is returned to office? The lapdog of the west is an extremist organiztion uses religion to get elected and threatens to burn egypt if he doesnt win the elections and tries selling police info to the americans about every single civillian and military personel in egypt. All my sources are listed in this thread you can go back and watch as we all watched live. The so called lap dog of the west has done every single thing to ruin the new middle east plan which the MB would base for and has strengthened egypts economy and military to levels make israel call america to inhibi this progress yet fail to

The crimes the MB did are of the highest order they will keep rotting in prision with their sheep to support their misery. Sympathy is what got them to office even that is disputed, sympathy will not work this time
Crimes against the Mb? Are we going to forget they funded and supported terrorism across egypt even when they were in office? Iam refering to when 6 soliders were kidnapped in rafah and morsi announced that the military should make sure the kidnappers and kidnapped are unharmed and mohammeds baltagy butchering of protesters with sniper rifiles to blame it on the military and his famous words of what happens in sinai will only stop when morsi is returned to office? The lapdog of the west is an extremist organiztion uses religion to get elected and threatens to burn egypt if he doesnt win the elections and tries selling police info to the americans about every single civillian and military personel in egypt. All my sources are listed in this thread you can go back and watch as we all watched live. The so called lap dog of the west has done every single thing to ruin the new middle east plan which the MB would base for and has strengthened egypts economy and military to levels make israel call america to inhibi this progress
I know you would reply woth some propagnda from yours military kitchen. Not intersted in that.
Civilised country does not imprison former president and treat him inhumanly, that is all i need to know about current regime in egypt.
Please, take in considerstion that there are people who thinks that it is not normal and that is apsurd that military control for example tomato production in country.
If you think that is ok i respect your choice but pleas do not insult me with persudation like that egyptian military is some kind of saviours of nation instead some twisted amd corrupted institution.
I know you would reply woth some propagnda from yours military kitchen. Not intersted in that.
Civilised country does not imprison former president and treat him inhumanly, that is all i need to know about current regime in egypt.
Please, take in considerstion that there are people who thinks that it is not normal and that is apsurd that military control for example tomato production in country.
If you think that is ok i respect your choice but pleas do not insult me with persudation like that egyptian military is some kind of saviours of nation instead some twisted amd corrupted institution.
A criminal is treated like a criminal and an animal due to infactions and corruption and dealing with foreign agencies is a crime of the highest order and countless other crimes against the egyptian nation. A corrupt institute doesnt develop the country theyre in with rates surpassing international banks and economic agencies expectations. A corrupt institute does not completely refuse to change a constitutional law and delete it with morsis orders before he was even elected. To maintain a price available for all egyptians an lift them out of poverty almost free homes and assisted main supplies are provided b the goverment instead of dealing with the global price and removing that aid gradually as poor egyptians rise from poverty they lived in for years thanks to new jobs with rising paychecks

Hamas is supported and funded by Iran.
Iran is supporting Assad regime.

But you claim that Hamas is fighting against Iranian backed Assad regime. This means that Iran is funding and supporting a fight against Iran. Lololololol

Do you even power up your brain before banging your hand on the keyboard?

@SilentEagle @Areesh
Look at his desperate mental gymnastics
laal salam karain aur side hojain! ya apni dunia may hai;
was no Bosniac suport the win of partisans would never happened.
Oh you mean Communist Croats,Serbs,Slovenes and Albanians weren't enough,but it was the Bosniaks who saved Yugoslavia? Give me a break.

Regarding ss divisions it was one not two and that one is formed out the necessity because genocide conducted by your beloved serb nationalistic formations.
Dreams of genocide again?
You accused my country of having a strong nazi tradition,but it was actually your country that had Waffen SS units and imams who supported Hitler.
Is it a fact? It's a fact. End of the story.

Also, instead talking fake bravado stories of mythcil greek resistance towards nazis, ask yourself how is it that germams wiped jews from greece more efficiently then in germany itself.
1. Greek resistance towards the invading Axis forces is a historical fact and praised by Hitler,Churchill,Stalin and other important figures of the war.
Only a completely ignorant person would deny it. It's basic history.

2. What are you even talking about? Jews "more efficiently wiped out in Greece than Germany"? What are you even talking about? Who says that stuff?
Greece is quite islamophobic country with strong nazi traditions they wiped away all traces of non ortodox existance,, this dude Foinikas emit those kind of vibes he should humble himself when he opens mouth to meddle into muslim affairs.
Bro... dont waste your time with these nazis/communists.

I lost two friends who volunteered to go to Sarejevo in a group of 5. They never made it back and are buried there. This dude posts photos of serbs from that conflict - he was not even born then.

These serbs/Russians are same mindset who are out to decimate Bosnian culture and ethnicity.

Let us see how they do on a real battlefield - they will be crying for their mothers; I am not joking; I have seen many a good men lose their nerve.

Good to hear from Bosnia and salute to its great people.

No, i think exactly what i said, Egyot does not have civil society and institutions.
Otherwise i a, very well aware of white euroupeam irratioanl fears about any civil goverment in muslim world that holds upto the nation best interest and independece.
I tougjt that you are smarter with that MB or Hamas fear mongering agenda. You see how it goes in Ukraina....
The sisi pharoah army controls everything and anything; they run a parallel economy.
It is a completely corrupt system and brutal to anyone who try to stand up to it.
Well, the only place Hamas wants to liberate is West Bank and impose its anti-Islam anti-human thinking there.

I have never seen you post a single sensible post. That same "small army" is collaborating with Israel in fighting against Assad's forces in Syria.

How many Syria got killed by the Syrian "Muslim" Brotherhood between 1976 and 1982 ? How many since 2011 ? Our Syrian member @Syrian Lion will be able to say that though he's been absent on the forum for a few years but the number seems to be 500,000+ and the "M"B crimes done in collaboration with Al Qaeda. How about "Muslim" Brotherhood criminality in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia too ? Our Tunisian members will be able to say that and the one recent regular Tunisian member is @_Nabil_.

No, I have never found @Foinikas to be an Islamophobe. Though yes, he dislikes anti-Islamic mullahs like he should as do I.

Do you know Syrians who hate Assad too ?

1. There is no civil war in Syria. It is an international war initiated by NATO including your Erdogan government and carried out by NATO militaries plus their proxies - "Muslim" Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. Just like in Libya NATO had a post-regime-change government called National Transitional Council mostly consisted of "M"B and AQ, NATO has one for Syria as well called Syrian National Council consisting of mostly the same crooks.

2. Turkey is not involved in the war against Syria, it is the criminal Erdogan's government. Many Turkish people are against Erdogan's actions. Right in early 2011 when Erdogan expressed his blood-lust wish to fight in Syria there was a progressive Turkish group called Progressive Lawyers Association which held a protest march against Erdogan's decision. Around 2015 I knew a Turk on Facebook ( I was a member then ) and he was also against Erdogan. So don't use the word Turkey, use Erdogan.

3. About Morsi wanting to send the Egyptian army to fight Assad it was his wish because after all he's from "M"B.

@WotTen, you said this :

So from Hydration's post who's the House Negro now, Fatah or Morsi ?

We should not call the "Muslim" Brotherhood as religious. In the words of Jamal Abdul Nasser the "Muslim" Brotherhood is neither Muslim nor are brothers.

Will you support the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Lal Masjid as well ? Will you call the TTP's crimes as the will of Allah as well ?

As a Communist my benefit is rationality, harmony and progress among humanity. That is all. Modern Communism is the culmination of historic progressive ideas including Islam. Please read this thread of mine from 2016 to see how. Its OP is an article written by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s. I quote a section :

Isn't this what Imran Khan could have possibly turned out through his Riyasat-e-Madina given time to consider all progressive ideas ?

It is you, an Erdogan supporter, who has been deceived by Western mainstream media about Assad being a butcher and what not.

Taking that point at face value will you support Modi in India too because he is supported by hundreds of millions ?

And you, perhaps a Tableeghi Jamaati, know Islam well ? :)
I am not erdogan supporter or supporter of any other political party i don't give a shit about politics i'm just here having fun.

I used to be a football fan but not anymore Turkish football has been destroyed not even worth to watch it

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